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Problemas com OAuth Google e Vue.js [closed]

Olá, seres humanos! Estou tentando aprender sobre autenticação OAuth e querendo integrar isso ao Vue.js. O erro que ando recebendo é o seguinte: ( O Cors-Policy já ...
Diego Sá's user avatar
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Node.js not persisting redirect URL in session variable set in middleware

app.js const express = require('express'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const app = express(); const debug = require('debug')('app') const path = require('path'); const morgan = require('morgan'); ...
Yoosaf Abdulla's user avatar
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getting 403 forbbiden error for linkedIN oauth 2.0

My react code import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import axios from 'axios'; import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css'; function App() { const [profile, setProfile] = useState(...
Prashant Jani's user avatar
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express-session production latency issue with passport.js and

It works in localhost, but in production the authentication is quite slow and takes at least a few seconds so the user still sees the 'login' page and then it magically 'jumps' to the site. The app is ...
Yafim Simanovsky's user avatar
-1 votes
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React App & Express Server: Browser not saving session cookies when making login request [closed]

I know there are a number of questions posted around this and I have read through those, but I cannot seem to solve this issue. The Set Up I have my react app running on localhost:3000. My Express ...
kiernanh's user avatar
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Why I need to use passport JS

For example I have RolesGuard: import { CanActivate, ExecutionContext, ForbiddenException, Injectable, UnauthorizedException } from '@nestjs/common'; import { Reflector } from '@nestjs/core'; import { ...
Морфей's user avatar
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passport js google getting original request param in callback

I'm attempting to get a url param /api/sso-login/google?mobile=true in the callback function. However the req returned is for the google auth and not the original request to the server. I have ...
Callum's user avatar
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Can't set cookies with passport google oauth

I am using Passport's GoogleAuth2.0 to login. I can login successfully but in callback function can't set any cookies. This is my callback function after authentication : exports.googleCallback = (req,...
Yunus Emre Tosun's user avatar
-1 votes
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passportjs + googleoauth20 + express-session (valkey store optional) req.user undefined

I'm so tired i spent the whole day trying to fix it but no matter what i do it's not working all i get is undefined PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!! I Uploaded All The code On GitHub
Parag Yadav's user avatar
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Set-Cookie is working in Localhost but not on the deployment

When i use my localhost login endpoint, i can see that Set-Cookie header is working and it is giving me value, but when im using my deployed login endpoint, i cant find the Set-Cookie in the response ...
Christian Sugarol's user avatar
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Issues Retrieving User Email with Google OAuth 2.0 in Passport.js Integration

I’m encountering an issue with retrieving the user's email address during Google OAuth 2.0 authentication using Passport.js. Despite configuring the appropriate scopes and ensuring that the email ...
Ajay Kumar Gupta's user avatar
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Is this a valid approach to password reset

I'm currently building a password reset flow and wanted to check this made sense. So the user would make a request passing their email which would generate a token, this would be sent to the user and ...
Ed Lynch's user avatar
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Passport JS authenticates if the user goes back on navigation history even without selecting account

When the user have logged In the app before(gave consent), in the next time while logging in the user can be authenticate without even selecting the account. How to prevent it? Bug occurs on step 2: ...
Shane O Neil's user avatar
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Duplicate Session Entry and Missing Session Support

I'm building a Discord bot dashboard API using NestJS, Passport, and TypeORM for session management. When a user attempts to log in through Discord, I encounter two errors: [Nest] 19524 - 09.08.2024 ...
Meenic's user avatar
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Problems with React Native Google Sign-in With Passport in NodeJS API

I have a NodeJS API that handle user authentication with username/password and google. Both work perfect on web browser or postman, but i cant make it work in react native. Here's the code that handle ...
Luciano655's user avatar

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