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Not able to scroll the page after moving the pdf controls to the bottom of the page

I got a scenario where I need to move the pdf controls (rotate, zoom-in/zoom-out....) to the bottom of the page. But, when did that I was not able to scroll the page since the scroll bar is fixed. Is ...
Dev007's user avatar
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How do I display a PDF I retrieved from a server onto a PDF.js custom pdf viewer page?

I have a pdf sitting in my cshtml page via @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.ConstructedLinkToPdfDocumentForPDFJS) that I need to pass to a javascript file. This javascript file is using PDF.js to display ...
SomeKindaHooty's user avatar
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How can we Save modified PDF file from mozilla pdf.js to our personal server(cross Domain) with out downloding the file?

Here is something I have tried. When we browse the bloburl, it has the pdf data with all modifications. when I try to upload the blob file to server the file is corrupted. I can't open it in pdf ...
Anandhan J's user avatar
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PDF not loading in PWA desktop app in Mac

I am using pdf.js in my angular app to load pdf from a .Net web api. The pdf is loading every where except the desktop PWA app in Mac. In the Mac PWA app, it's loading as blank screen. I installed the ...
B Roy's user avatar
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Provide File name and hit Save button grammatically in Firefox printing

How to programmatically provide a File name and then hit Save button in Firefox print dialog box using The link where Print button is clicked ...
Simant's user avatar
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How to using pdf.js with c#?

how can view pdf file by pdf.js in page with c# language ? my pdf file is stored in : pdfpath = dr["FolderPath"].ToString() + "/" + dr["FilePath"].ToString() + ".pdf"; thanks
Hadi Ranji's user avatar
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How to fix PDF.JS throwing error "DataCloneError: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker'"

I am trying to display a pdf in a custom web view in my xamarin.forms app. The way the program works right now is this: 1. pdf is downloaded into a pdf directory on the phone 2. The pdf.js viewer....
Owen Burns's user avatar
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How do I display all pages in a PDF (stored in base64) using PDF.js?

I am using the following script to display a PDF using PDF.js, but it does not show anything on the canvas. Can you tell me where I am going wrong with this? I tried looking for documentation online, ...
lukin's user avatar
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UWP send file data to WebView

I have an app coded in C#, but I would like to show a PDF file in a WebView with pdf.js. The APIs that the UWP provides for viewing PDFs are too limited for me, they do not support things like text ...
Tijmen's user avatar
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Pdf.js: rendering a pdf file in code-behind

Using this part I can easily render any file : LinkButton lb = sender as LinkButton; string script = String.Format("Sys.Application.add_load(function() {{ openWindow($get('{0}')); }});", lb.ClientID)...
Ivan Butov's user avatar
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How to print pdf via pdf.js in ASP web form

I use pdf.js to show the pdf in the browser, but am faced with a problem. How can I print the pdf via a print button, acting as the print function in browser or make it can just print directly. I ...
abramhum's user avatar
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URL in MVC 5 asp .net

I am trying to user PDF.js to display pdf on the MVC 5 application. The problem is it is taking the file name through URL localhost:32557/Viewer/PDFViewer?filename=thepdffile.pdf The problem is I ...
Iftikhar Ali Ansari's user avatar
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File used by another process ; PDF.JS ; iText

I'm using PDF.JS to display document that I upload to the server in canvas element using PDF.JS that's working perfectely. That time i'm using iTextSharp to digitally sign the document. When i try to ...
Mohamed Chaabouni's user avatar
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Cache issue using pdf.js with Chrome

I'm working on a C# / ASP.NET flipbook project using pdf.js. When I launch my application having an empty cache in Chrome, I load once my pdf file and everything is fine, but when I refresh the page ...
ThomasGth's user avatar
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pdfjs in Android WebView crashes on scroll

i've added pdf.js to my Android Project (Visual Studio 2015, Xamarin), to display a pdf in a WebView Component. With the following Cod loads an example pdf. WebView wv = FindViewById<...
Alexander Novotny's user avatar

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