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Rxjs - Subscription next(), error(), or complete() methods of http request not triggered when request times out

In my angular + ngrx application, I have an @Effect triggered by an Action. Code is below @Effect() customAction$ = this._actions$.pipe( ofType<CustomAction>(Actions.CustomAction), tap(()...
NickAth's user avatar
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handling multiple api calls in ngrx effects through switchmap

I am trying to execute multiple API calls in ngrx effect using switchmap The action takes input array of files to be uploaded and api supports one file at a time My effect look like below uploadFiles$ ...
Prasad Parab's user avatar
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How to stop NgRx effect if NgRx state already have the data in Angular

I am using #angular ngrx to make a http call to store the data in the state. Now, I want to stop the callout if ngrx state already have the data using RxJs like takeuntil etc. Can someone please help ...
Naveen Sain's user avatar
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ngrx effect call another service based on output from combinelatest

I have the following effect: loadOrganisations$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(AdminOrganisationListActions.loadOrganisations), switchMap(() => combineLatest(this....
Mick's user avatar
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Error “RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded” when using a custom RxJS operator in NgRx

I’m working on an Angular application and I’m using RxJS to handle some effects. I’ve created a custom operator called isPollAction that is supposed to filter actions of a specific type (SharedActions....
Riku Amon's user avatar
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Combing data from multiple API endpoints with NgRX in selectors or effects?

I'm starting to learn Angular and NgRx, and I'm trying to understand the correct way to use NgRx to combine data from multiple API endpoints that reference each other with ids. Say I have an API with ...
Eric Anastas's user avatar
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How merge datas in effect

I have a service which returns a list of items and effect which listens to this service loadBanners$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(BannerActions....
elene's user avatar
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UnsubscriptionErrorImpl On using switchMap which calls a service

As the title says i am using RXJS and in it i call a service and it returns UnsubscriptionErrorImpl {message: "1 errors occurred during unsubscription:\n1) TypeEr…not read properties of undefined ...
Kaustubh Raghavan's user avatar
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NgRx effect "dies" after 10 errors

Using NgRx in an Angular project, I have the following effects: let i = 0 @Injectable() export class Effects { testEffect$ = createEffect( () => this.actions$.pipe( ...
Andreas T's user avatar
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Unable to see store state changes displayed in component

I am just setting up a simple component to work with ngrx, and to use the async pipe in my template to react to changes in values. But I am hitting an issue where although I see data is being ...
mindparse's user avatar
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NgRx Effects - change stream payload in effect before another effects

I've been wondering if there is a way to change the stream's payload in the NgRx effect before another NgRx effect is executed. I have three actions where I need to add multiple values (for all three ...
Marek's user avatar
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NGRX Effect With Two Chained API Responses is Not working

I am using below code to create an ngrx effect which is dependent on two API responses. Data from APIResponseone is neeeded to trigger APIResponseTwo and then an action should be dispatched based on ...
Deadpool_er's user avatar
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ngrx issues with concatLatestFrom and skipwhile

I have to call two endpoints and for the second I need to wait for a value from the first. since the first value will be in the store anyways. I am following this pattern: this.actions$.pipe( ofType(...
Ricardo Silva's user avatar
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Effect inside Componentstore not terminating

I have a NX Repo with NGRX Componentstore. I have a simple AuthStore with a Login effect. However as soon as i dispatch a login to trigger the API call I will get the desired Token, but it never ...
Julian's user avatar
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Angular NgRx - How Do I Send Multiple Sequential Http Requests and Return a Single Action If All Successful

My Angular (v12) application implements NgRx and I have an Effect which iterates over a collection of objects (of unknown quantity) and creates an array of http requests. A simplification is as ...
TDC's user avatar
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