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How to design for 3,000 pixel mobile screens [duplicate]

I'm kinda confused. We use pixels for pretty much everything, from font size to breakpoints. I recently designed a website which changed to mobile landscape view at 770px but when viewing on my mobile ...
Charlton305's user avatar
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How can I have shared borders on Bootstrap columns?

I am trying to create a Bootstrap container that has two columns. On larger screens, the columns should be side by side horizontally, on smaller screens they should be stacked vertically. There ...
spongy's user avatar
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CSS display: none; not working for a condition given in media queries?

I'm trying to target devices of widths <= 375px and => 376px (mobile and desktop respectively). I've created link tags in my HTML, with different media queries linking to respective CSS files. ...
onyedikachi23's user avatar
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Screen width CSS

As you can see in the image my heders,dev,nav bar does not fit to my screen width i put margine and padding in to 0 but it is not working this is my CSS code: *{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } ...
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Image height and with match parent without distortion in a browser for all device screens and orientations using React

In react I have a slideshow component and I want the images to best fit on any device screen and orientation. What I mean by best fit is that I want the image to grow/shrink until it hits a either the ...
Samuel Zrna's user avatar
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css overflow messes with screen width

I'm making a modal where the show modal button when clicked will display the modal right in the middle of the screen and has the exact same width as the main page. but the modal is not as right in the ...
Sham's user avatar
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Blank screen and css js not loading after magento2 installation

While going through the installtion of Magento2 in Ubuntu. many problems are occured.Magento2 code cloned through GitHub Blank screen after running installtion command css nd js not loading I have ...
UtSaV_GaRg's user avatar
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Is it recommended to have a initial-scale < 1?

So, I built my site in desktop form before doing mobile form. I saw that changing the initial-scale less than 1, for my case 0.6 (60%) works great! Is there any known side affects for people if I use ...
KingPr0o7's user avatar
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How to emulate windows laptop screen resolution and size to test frontend created on Macbook Retina screen?

I'm working on a web app frontend on a MacBook with Retina screen, but the app users primarily use windows laptops with 13/14" screens, and my frontend looks too big for them. How can I ...
Rumata's user avatar
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commend in css and html it works only when the page is small

I change the cursor while hovering - the cursor will change while hovering when the page is small-size not when the page is large-size - why? thank you
Avichai Haimovich's user avatar
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How do Image format on responsive website

Hi My English is quite poor :) sorry for that :) I design a responsive website. What is the difference between the given files? I don't understand how to adjust them to the screen size. jk_ar_16_9,...
Fico's user avatar
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With media query how do I make a form that uses grid layout to layout labels and form elements when the screen is greater than or equal to 600px wide?

Is my code correct? I'm a bit confused because I'm not entirely sure if just listing the form class means that the labels and elements in the form will be adjusted to a grid layout also. @media only ...
mitoman's user avatar
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Using media queries how do I make a form that is 600px wide when the screen is greater than or equal to 600px wide (my code included)?

I'm thinking the following... @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { .form { width: 600px} } Am I correct?
mitoman's user avatar
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Make splashscreen overlap elements

i am trying to make my splash screen overlap the website. The splash screen gets pushed away by the elements that i want on the background. here is my HTML <!DOCTYPE html> ...
Floris's user avatar
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how to keep the same amount of a background image visible as screen sizes change?

Is it possible using only CSS to replicate how as screen sizes change but the same amount of image is seen? I have been able to scale the image but the amount of the image seen changes as screen sizes ...
studleymcquinn's user avatar

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