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SQL number user id issue [duplicate]

I created a new table in SQL Server and given below properties UserId bigint Identity(1,1) primary key So my main issue is that, when inserting new records in the table then it's started creating ...
Sonam's user avatar
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SSL routines::legacy sigalg disallowed or unsupported] (-1) (SQLDriverConnect)')

I´m trying to run a FastAPI connected to SQL Server on a Docker container, but I´m getting this error when I execute the query. Error executing: (pyodbc.OperationalError) ('08001', '[08001] [Microsoft]...
Julian Toujas's user avatar
-1 votes
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Update single column with multiple values [duplicate]

I am trying to add multiple values at once in existing table using query That column with NULL values "County" I want it populated with countries like Kenya, Uganda, Cameroon, Ghana. I have ...
Thomas Magono's user avatar
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Get multiple messages from Service Broker queue

I have the following code: WAITFOR( RECEIVE TOP (100) message_type_name, CAST(message_body AS XML), conversation_handle FROM ...
Denis Kaminsky's user avatar
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Why the number of affected rows is not what I expect?

I am running the belove code and expecting to see 2 affected rows , but what i see is that 3 rows are affected . HOW ? I keep the exapmle simple : I have a table : CREATE TABLE MyTable ( Column1 ...
zolei's user avatar
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How to dynamically set the value of a parameter in sp_executesql without modifying the calling software

I'm currently working with a stored procedure that executes an INSERT statement using EXEC sp_executesql. The procedure takes several parameters, including @TRANSACTIONNUM, @CUSTOMERNUM, @VALUE, and @...
zolei's user avatar
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Altering the stored procedure does not affect the output [closed]

In the context of the provided SQL Server stored procedure, I need the SCODE column in myTable to be a value of 0, regardless of the values present in the @TVP_m table. I have tried: INSERT INTO [ax]....
Roberto's user avatar
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How to pass symmetric key to query

I want to know how to pass symmetric key to SQL query as parameter. I'm usually hardcoding it within the query as follows: OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY SymKey DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE CertiFi; SELECT * FROM ...
Mark's user avatar
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Laravel eloquent relationship with binary SQL Server

I have 2 tables in SQL Server. Table Account: [id] [binary](13) NOT NULL, [PRIMARI KEY] [email] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, .... Table Status: [numG] [int NOT NULL, [id] [binary](13) NOT NULL, [PRIMARI ...
blackhoLe's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

How can I select one of two columns from different tables as a single column

I have two tables. tblAddress PrimaryKey AddressType Address 1234 LOC 123 ST. 1234 MAL 456 TER tblAccountInfo PrimaryKey Address 1234 123 ST. 5678 XYZ AVE What I want is that if an account has ...
Richard J Wilkinson's user avatar
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Getting error SQL Server did not return a response. The connection has been closed

I am connecting MS SQL server 2008 database using jdk 1.8.371 and spring boot 2.1.5. i am getting error "SQL Server did not return a response. The connection has been closed". i am not ...
Vinay M Gandhi's user avatar
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SQL Server Case Then Statement

Is it possible to have multiple expression in the Then for a Case statement What i want will look like this Select EmployeeId, Case When Dateofjoin > '1-1-2000' Then Select Column1 , Select ...
Matt's user avatar
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Parsing First Name and Last Name

I am using SQL Server 2008 for this. I am trying to parse first name and last name separately from a column that contains a full name value. After parsing, I would like to store that value in a ...
Curious's user avatar
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Why does the following script throw database still in use when selecting the master database first? [duplicate]

Why does the following SQL query throw an error when I've first selected the master database before dropping the database in question? Please see error and code below: Msg 3702, Level 16, State 4, ...
Tim Kruger's user avatar
-3 votes
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Return Duplicate Rows [closed]

I'm executing below query in, but return duplicate rows when we do not have any records for "LastMonth" and "CurrentMonth". Please let me know where is the issue? **Output:** ...
Srinivasan's user avatar
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