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VSCode warns about active terminal sessions that do not exist

I am using VSCode Remote Extension to connect to my VM, when I try to reload the window, it always shows this warning: "Do you want to terminate the 6 active terminal sessions?" However, I ...
navidda's user avatar
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Remote SSH from VSCode takes a long time to connect to remote machine

I'm on a Windows 10 machine connecting via tailscale to my laptop, which runs Manjaro. When I use Windows PowerShell or WSL, I can ssh into my laptop straightforwardly with ssh username@ip. I use the ...
ste's user avatar
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Prevent VSCode from pulling during devcontainer build

When using devcontainers in VSCode, I see that the command for building the image always includes the '--pull' directive.. But what if I want to use a fully local base image?.. What if I don't want it ...
Jack Avante's user avatar
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Attaching Node Js process inside docker to Vscode debugger

I have 3 services which are dependent on each other. E.g. main-service depends on proxy2. proxy2 depends on proxy1. All the services are running inside the docker (docker desktop in Mac) as 3 ...
Pradip's user avatar
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Cannot connect remotely after updating vscode to 1.93

The error message when connecting remotely is as follows: dea4f52cff30: running Script executing under PID: 135648 Found existing installation at /home/baoyixiang/.vscode-server... Starting VS Code ...
Bao Yixiang's user avatar
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VS Code Remote-SSH: What is the difference between `ssh -T -D` and `ssh -T -L` connections

I'm trying to debug why a colleague can't make a Remote-SSH connection with VS Code. They get this error: Could not establish connection to "": Error establishing tunnel (...
blaylockbk's user avatar
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npm run dev - works but is freezed often

i'm usung: vscode + vscode remote (to run everything on remote server) laravel9 + vite tailwind (or bootstrap+scss on another project, having the same problem) most of the time everything works well,...
AlexandrX's user avatar
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VSCode debugger runs Perl scripts in an (almost) empty environment

I'm running VSCode on OpenSuse Leap 15.6, connecting to a remote SSH instance running on Ubuntu 22.04. Client and server are both updated. I've been using the Perl - Language Server and Debugger for ...
kos's user avatar
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How can I put VS Code Remote file links in notification messages?

I'm looking for a way to add a link to a file on a WSL file system on Windows (with VSCode workspace being a WSL folder). When I add a link to a VSCode information message like so window....
Christoph Wintersteiger's user avatar
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VS Code remote SSH: Unable to connect to server

I left my VSCode ssh waiting for a password for a long time and then I closed the connection. Next time I tried to ssh to it gets stuck on "Opening Remote".I had faced this one time before ...
N. Vakharia's user avatar
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Connecting VSCode and SQL Developer from Host Machine to Oracle DB 19c on Hyper-V virtual machine

I cannot connect SQL Developer or VSCode from Host machine to Oracle 19c DB hosted on the Virtual Machine. SQL Developer Error Below: An error was encountered performing the requested operation: IO ...
user9803698's user avatar
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Pinned extension version lost after container attachment

I need to install a specific version of an extension when I attach via Remote SSH to my running container. This (initially) works as expected if I create a nameConfig for the container before I attach ...
Lance's user avatar
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"Unsupported OS" while connecting to docker container

I am using a Windows host with vscode (v1.92.2) and connecting via remote-SSH extension and with dev-containers extension (v0.380.0) to a docker container, running on another Linux machine. The docker ...
Student4K's user avatar
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VSCode doesn't show changes in the file editor

I'm using vscode on a ssh remote server and I'm facing a problem: The changes are not showing in the file editor even if they appear in the source control: This is what shown in the file editor This ...
Tú Anh Nguyễn's user avatar
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VSCode Explorer doesn't open any folders when connected to a remote server

So basically, whenever I connect to my remote server (using ssh), the explorer in vscode has no folder opened. There's a "Open Folder" button there, which I have to use to open the cwd, but ...
Amir Valizadeh's user avatar

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