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How to update Vue JS reactive binding while a component is hidden

I have a well-established Vue JS app, which is all working fine to the human eye, but during automated QA testing there's a subtle effect which fails the tests due to a 2ms period of having no data ...
scipilot's user avatar
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How to type a wrappers props without preventing it from appearing in attrs?

Wrapper component <script setup lang="ts"> import InputBase,{ Props as InputBaseProps } from "./InputBase.vue"; interface Props extends InputBaseProps { label?: string; ...
Struggling Developer's user avatar
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Why useRouter() function returns undefined when I render a component by using h() and render()? [closed]

I was writing a plugin when I came across the problem... This is my component: <template> <el-button type="danger" round @click="gotoRoot" class="clear-button&...
GraftCopolymer's user avatar
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How to apply classes to the checkboxes that are rendered in a buefy b-table when checkable is set to true?

I have a buefy b-table component and I'm trying to style the checkboxes to match the rest of my project by applying classes to them. Since I am not actually creating/rendering the element, how do I ...
user456's user avatar
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Incorrect operation of the mask when characters overflow

I ran into a problem on nuxt 3. When using the v-mask directive on an input with this mask mask: "{+7} (000) 000 00 00" a problem arises - if you enter more characters than in the mask, then ...
Mr.Fokuss's user avatar
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Laravel 11 Session Authentication [closed]

I’m struggling with Laravel 11 cookie session authentication. Could someone provide me with a step-by-step guide? It works on Laravel 10, but I’m lost with Laravel 11—I keep getting CSRF mismatch or ...
Charles Tagne's user avatar
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How to put json variable directly into DIV Class

I need to change the color of a div element by a number that I assign in the script section. I am using Nuxtjs and tailwind. This is the code what I want to work but sadly it doesn't. Anyone knows ...
tala hon's user avatar
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Closing Lex chatbot window leaves shadow outline

I am integrating AWS Lex into my React website following this guide: For clarity, here is my Function Component on the ...
Eugene Han's user avatar
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table pagination in nuxt js

i want to get totalpage dynamically my api returns total page in response header in "x-total-count = 50" but could not really figured it out how to get that variable to my frontend here is ...
Bora Ersoy's user avatar
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Zod .refine() method doesn't enforce "one of two fields required" rule in Vue 3

I'm working on a Vite/Vue 3 project and using Zod for form validation. I have a form with these two fields : descriptionActiEconomiques and noga I need to enforce the rule that at least one of them ...
Antoine's user avatar
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Managing Django CSRF Protection Flow Between Django and Vue

I'm using Django Rest Framework. In my login_view I created a csrf token and set it as cookie. I examined the login response and I can see it is properly set as Set-Header token. Let me summarize my ...
trayto100's user avatar
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Most efficient stack for web & mobile app [closed]

I'm new to web development, and I'm trying to learn a stack to build a web app using a framework that can easily be adapted to mobile. I was thinking of React/React Native, but I read online that it’s ...
AEX's user avatar
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Tracking down the root cause of unexpected reactivity in Vue 3 components

I am currently working on a fairly simple Vue-3 app, but experiencing an issue I'm not sure how to find the root cause of. In my app I have a view which is being rendered via the router. This view has ...
Brendon Dugan's user avatar
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vuejs app isn't running when using cdn: version 3

On my current laptop I don't have vuejs configuration hence I used cdn link yet the code isn't running <html> <head> </head> <body> <script src="
bohi tibuti's user avatar
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Vue - v-if not updating with onMounted

I'm simply trying to make a div only appear once a variable changes from false to true and I'm telling it to change the value once the component is mounted. However the v-if which is supposed to be ...
Chobbit's user avatar
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