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Dockerize Nestjs/VueJS Application

We are trying to dockerize a NestJS REST API and a VueJS application. For this there is a docker-compose.yaml and two Dockerfiles: docker-compose.yml: version: '3.8' services: fox-deck-app: ...
MoreTags's user avatar
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Nodejs / Nuxt 3 Paketo Buildpacks: Container start 'failed to launch: determine start command: when there is no default process a command is required'

I have a Nuxt / Vue.js based app (example code here), where I already used Cloud Native Buildpacks to build a container for the Server Side Rendering mode. I'm in the process of migrating to Nuxt 3.x /...
jonashackt's user avatar
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Vite + Vue app file watch, rebuild not works on docker container

there is a { usePolling: true } option in the Vite documentation. If I activate this, yes filewatch works. However, this time the container cannot be closed at all and docker crashes. Can anyone help ...
BeycanDeveloper's user avatar
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Lando app that contains vue app and using proxy always come up with error 404

I have vue app usually I ran this on my local without containerization. when I ran npm start it will running in localhost:8080 without any error and I move using lando. my .lando.yml file looks like ...
naticap's user avatar
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vite and ts-node-dev don't update on file change

I'm using docker for my app (server and client) so I only have to use make build but when I edit the files either on front or back, changes won't load in any way unless I build again. I know vite and ...
hugo_HDSF's user avatar
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How do I integrate to an nginx config?

I am looking to add for better seo since I am running a Vue frontend and Node backend communicating through docker containers on an Nginx server. My understanding is without prerendering ...
Kevin T.'s user avatar
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Getting an error with docker only with vue script not exiting

Getting ann issue where the build doesn't exit and just hangs, seems to be a docker issue, don't know if issue with build script or docker configuration. Error is below. 08:50:26 dist/js/chunk-...
Berlin Brown's user avatar
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How I set the env variables in vuejs3 at the runtime as non-root user?

i want to set the env variables at the runtime. I want to set my variables if i start my docker nginx-container (I developed the web-app via vuejs3). But i also want to start the nginx container as ...
Tolga's user avatar
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Nuxt3: How to set runtime environment variables after docker build via process.env

My nuxt3 app works great if I build & run it locally with docker-compose and environment variables. But when I push the built docker image to my remote production environment I'm not able to apply ...
Simon's user avatar
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How to run Vue.js 3 app via docker using TypeScript and Vite?

I am struggling while trying to dockerize a Vue.js 3 application using Vite and TypeScript. Here's my Dockerfile: FROM node:18.12.1-alpine3.16 AS build-stage WORKDIR /app COPY package.json ./ RUN ...
Bulchsu's user avatar
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Wrong path when dockerizing a Vue Php

I am pretty new to Docker, so in order to train it a bit i would like to fully dockerize my app. App consists of 3 main folders: Folder - backend - where i have php backend of my app Folder - frontend ...
Gutek's user avatar
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Dockerize VueJS app with node/express in single container

This questions must have been asked many times before but i can't find any solution that can help me solve my problem. I'm running VueJS application with Express/NodeJS as server and I know the best ...
senadk's user avatar
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Docker compose build failed in my nuxt project because of axios module

I deployed a nuxt project with docker about six months ago, and it was working well, but now, I need to rebuild it, but I got this error: > [builder 6/8] RUN yarn build: ...
Ali's user avatar
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laravel 8 on Docker Vite manifest not found at: ...\public\/build/manifest.json with

i have problem to do npm run dev on docker on laravel project, i am using vue js authentication and i need to do npm run dev on docker and i need help here is the content of my Dockerfile FROM node:14-...
Ibrahima Koné's user avatar

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