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Vuetify v-text-field v-menu width issue

When I use prepend-inner-icon,append-inner-icon, or both with a v-text-field, the v-menu width is not full. However, if I don't use these icons, the v-menu width fits perfectly. I want the width to be ...
web4's user avatar
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Problems with VPhoneInput (vue vuetify)

I'm using VPhoneInput - International phone field for Vuetify 3 and Vue 3. (link) I think I have installed them correctly, main.js import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import ...
razor60's user avatar
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Vuetify when drawer is opened, background opacity doesn't change

I have a component called AppHeader.vue Whhen I click on nav bar icon, the drawer opens but the background opacity doesn't darken a bit like it should. Maybe placing this drawer inside of AppHeader ...
razor60's user avatar
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Error with vue - breakpoint not found, mismatch in versions?

I upgraded vue from version 2.5.19 to 2.6.11 and now getting these errors. Were these removed? Any thoughts on error, module doesn't come up with error below Here is the offending code: <template&...
Berlin Brown's user avatar
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Making changes to files in node_modules, what is best practice?

I have a VueJS project that uses Vuetify. I've created a web component that requires ShadowDOM and I've had to make a change to a single file in node_modules to make the Vuetify dialog work in ...
Dally's user avatar
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How to get the v-model of component that called the function in Vuetify?

I happen to do the form in which each text-field has to cooperate with each other for example: <template> <v-app> <v-text-field v-model="foo1" @input="updateForm"&...
Natthapol Maneechote's user avatar
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Vue 2.7 getCurrentInstance() trying to get properties like $vuetify

I'm trying to migrate from vuetify 2.6 to 2.7 because of composition-api but I'm getting a lot of errors when trying to get properties of the Vue instance, for example I'm using vue with Vuetify and I ...
Yaiko's user avatar
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Vuejs- How to show name values in a <v-select> but send the ID in the axios POST request

EDIT: I fixed it by adding the return-object prop to v-select When I add a student to a database from a vuetify form, I want to be able to assign them a course. But the course has to be in a list of ...
EscStack's user avatar
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Problems with v-select and data

Good afternoon friends, then I'm going to tell you my mistake. I am working for a users screen, where you have your registration and editing. When you enter the register section you don't have to show ...
Kike gonzalez's user avatar
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Vuetify Combobox add new item as object instead of string

I am building a new/edit item form using Vuetify(v2.6.3). My form has multiple combobox's that pull their items from a backend API as objects. I would like to be able to add new items, which the ...
Lateralus's user avatar
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Node Express API Treating File As JSON

I am developing an app that has a Node/Express API server and VueJS/Vuetify client. In my client I am using v-file-input to prompt user for file. On click of "Import" button I'm calling a ...
Randy W's user avatar
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How to pass a file from the client-side to the backend using Vue and Express?

I'm using Vue with NodeJs, Vuetify and Express. I load user's file with the Vuetify's component: <v-file-input v-model="documentFile.value" :error-messages="documentFile.errors" ...
vesii's user avatar
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Vuetify DataTable hide grouping for expand

I'm using v-data-table with show-group-by, single-expand and show-expand props. I used groupable property for the headers to hiding the groupable icon for specific columns and I want to disable the ...
Yonier's user avatar
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Vuetify application breaks upon failed v-img source require statement

Say I have v-img component and I want to render image source using require() statement. <v-img :src="require(`@/some-folder/my-img.png`)"></v-img> However, my application breaks ...
passionateLearner's user avatar
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don't expand v-list-group if click on v-checkbox

I have an expandable v-list-group with a v-checkbox where when i click on the v-checkbox the list toggles. I want to disable this reaction. it is possible? my code element: <v-list> <v-...
Yonier's user avatar
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