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Vue js sorting table

I'm getting one issue some strange, I have one table and I added the sort function, this is my code: <script setup lang="ts"> import { ref, computed, watch } from 'vue' const data ...
alex 's user avatar
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how do i fix this issues with npm install swiper failing [closed]

npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine { npm WARN EBADENGINE package: '@casl/[email protected]', npm WARN EBADENGINE required: { npm: '^6.0.0' }, npm WARN EBADENGINE current: { node: 'v16....
sreedev pm's user avatar
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Firebase update database with rules auth

I use vue js with firebase firestore database, at first my database rules is : allow read: if true; allow write: if true;and it worked fine, I've changed it to allow read: if true; allow write: if ...
user9829220's user avatar
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Cross-Report Drill-Through in Embedded Powerbi Report in Vue.JS Web Application [duplicate]

Is there a way to enable cross-report drill-through in an embedded powerbi report in Vue.JS web application. Both powerbi data source and target report are in the same powerbi workspace. I want the ...
gta's user avatar
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Vue.js render time optimalization

I have a problem with optimalization in vue.js. I know my thinking is not perfect but i need to optimize part of application quick. I have app looking like Pinterest. I have 1k cards to show, every ...
Bartłomiej Wiśniewski's user avatar
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Make layouts in with different css and js files [closed]

i use vue3 with Laravel and I want to make a layout for the admin panel and another one for the landing page, in the layout of the admin panel I use CSS and js files for metronic8 in welcome.blade.php ...
khaled amoudi's user avatar
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vue-cesium - how reduce the height of the 3d tiles layer relative to the ground?

vue-cesium - how reduce the height of the 3d tiles layer relative to the ground? here is my vue 3 component: <template> <vc-viewer> <vc-layer-imagery> <!-- this ...
Илья Krike's user avatar
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Problem to send my formData instance via axios with content-type multipart/form -data

I'm working on vue3 and I want to send my form data which may contain a file image to my API via axios request but I still have a problem. If I inspect the formData instance, all values ​​are present ...
Mr See's user avatar
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update vitepress to 1.3.4 disables all images in public folder

Edit: It turns out that using the image url (with '?url' appended to the image path) has suddenly stopped working in vitepress 1.4.3. So for now it's best to ignore the advice that appears in the ...
Mark Hagers's user avatar
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Handling timeout for proper redirect. Simultanious redirect and reload issues

I've implemented a timeout to show a modal and then redirect the user after a delay. Specifically, I’m having trouble with the page reload and redirect behavior. During the delay, if the user clicks a ...
Michael's user avatar
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just started with vue.js simple template doesnt work [closed]

i just started with vue.js i use webstorm ide when i start an app, vite is starting, i see my page in browser, but text in <p> tag doesnt refresh. looks like server side code doesnt work. //...
Андрей Б's user avatar
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PrimeVue FileUpload - Handle server upload error

When uploading files, server might return an error. I can access the error through the event error: @error="onUploadError" However, I do not manage to manipulate the file list in order to ...
guyaloni's user avatar
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Underline specific Parts of html input field

Im working on a Vue project in which I use a JS package which I can use to check if a word is spelled correctly or not. I have a function that splits a text into individual words and then checks it ...
Leander's user avatar
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Can't hit Vue breakpoints on Vue/Core Web API with SPA proxy [closed]

I've inherited a very cool project that has a vue.js front end and ASP.NET Core Web API back end. There is something special about it causing me an issue: The vue front end code is not it's own ...
impo's user avatar
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Laravel idToken flutter-dart

I have a Flutter app and a Vue.js app where, after authentication, I get the idToken to use in an API. However, I have the following issue: On, both idToken show the same content in terms of ...
Los Mapachitos's user avatar

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