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The image does not expand inside the container, only a part of it is visible

A simple horizontal slider can be implemented purely in CSS. It supports swiping for input devices which support that, or you can use the horizontal scrollbar. I suggest ditching the Swiper library ...
Brett Donald's user avatar
  • 12.8k
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How to dynamically retrieve the content text of a HTML tag and its child tags?

I think the best way will be to use select even for c:, test3... and just change their appearance not to look as a select field (using 'noselect' class). Then you will need to use the selected ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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Highchart vertical and horizontal scrollbar

Since it is rendered on a canvas element, you can't add the scrollbars directly to it. But you can place it inside a container with overflow: auto. But as the chart fits itself to the container it is ...
IT goldman's user avatar
  • 18.5k
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How can I set the "for" attribute of a label to a kendo-textbox thats projected with <ng-content>?

Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a way to do this with a single label and input. One way that this can be handled though is by wrapping the code in an <ng-container> tag and moving the *...
tonythewest's user avatar
0 votes

Is there a way I can reuse a toggle function for a list of navigation items that have a drop down when clicked?

Pass the ID of the menu that should be activated as an argument in the event listener. document.getElementById('product-menu').addEventListener('click', () => openMenu('dropdown-menu')); ...
Barmar's user avatar
  • 774k
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How to change the text color and background color of ant-tooltip component

Wrap the title with a div element, then use the style attribute to change the color, and the color attribute to change the background. (I know. It's annoying!) For example, this tooltip should have a ...
Victor Eke's user avatar
0 votes

Changing cursor for project

<html> <head> <style> html { cursor: url(""), auto; } </style> <body> This page has a custom cursor! ...
Moustafa Saleh's user avatar
1 vote

How to dynamically retrieve the content text of a HTML tag and its child tags?

The best property to use if you want all the text (ie. both inside and outside the <select> elements) is .textContent: p.textContent; // C:\ test1\ test2\ test3\ test4\ test5\ test6\ test7\ ...
Rounin's user avatar
  • 29k
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Increasing font size of root element in javascript based on current size (of root element)

For pure JavaScript implementation: document.querySelector("html").style.fontSize = `calc(1rem * 1.05%)`
Jeffrey Chen's user avatar
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Stretching content tab container to 100%

Is this what you're hoping to accomplish? The major change is I added min-height: 100dvh; to your .session_tabs to make sure they're always full screen. dvh is the dynamic viewport height, taking up ...
async await's user avatar
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Interactive Data Visualization for the Web Chapter 5 question about converting strings to floats

d3 uses fetch so the correct syntax would be: var rowConverter = function (d) { return { Food: d.Food, Deliciousness: parseFloat(d.Deliciousness), }; }; d3.csv('food.csv', rowConverter)....
Mark's user avatar
  • 108k
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How do I change the font size of text in a marker in the new 3.58 version of google maps?

Not sure why this would work with previous versions and not anymore but one way you can get around the issue is by passing an HTML element as your glyph and style the element directly. <!...
MrUpsidown's user avatar
  • 22.2k
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Flexbox layout with two containers

here is an example with a repeating pattern : it uses :nth-child(xn) to make series : /* flex wrapping container */ .flexPattern { ...
G-Cyrillus's user avatar
  • 105k
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Why do the table column change size, and how can I stop it

Add table-layout: fixed; to your table
Vitalicus's user avatar
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css child padding is stretching to fit the parent

Block elements take up the width of their containers by default. The menu items near the top are using float: left; so they are "floating" in their container and not taking up the whole ...
David's user avatar
  • 217k
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How to customize title / tooltip for fullcalendar events?

I have fullcalendar v2 library and event call is $(document).ready(function() { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); } //body calendar object... eventContent:function(arg). ...
Magma's user avatar
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Multiple contact form on the same page jQuery

<?php require("conn.php"); // Fetch departments for dropdown $departments = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM departments"); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == '...
Gokul Nath's user avatar
1 vote

Clicking on Radio button should change textbox to dropdown list

Here is a version based on Mehdi's code, but using delegation and setting initial list based on default checked const container = document.querySelector('.table1'), dataListInput = document....
mplungjan's user avatar
  • 176k
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Why can <image> inside <svg> be :focus'ed?

That were focusin/focusout event handlers. If they are set, Chrome deduces the element is tabbable. In my case, the handlers were set by popper.js 2.x ($('.cloudHolder svg .entry').tooltip();).
Shtole's user avatar
  • 111
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Clicking on Radio button should change textbox to dropdown list

You can use the following code as suggested by @Yogi using datalist. You also need to use an event listener for each radio button. I used conditional ternary operator (same as if statement) to remove ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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hover OR focus in Tailwind CSS

You can easily add hover and focus effects to your text using inline CSS or an external CSS file. Below are examples for each method. Inline CSS <div className="hover:text-green-500 focus:...
HitSitapra's user avatar
0 votes

Link will not open in a new tab'','_blank') How to add target="_blank" to JavaScript window.location?
BlackHalt's user avatar
0 votes

Link will not open in a new tab

The target="_blank" attribute should be placed inside the tag, not the button tag. To open a link in a new tab when clicking a button, you can use JavaScript to achieve this. <html lang=&...
Saurav Nepal's user avatar
3 votes

Link will not open in a new tab

target="_blank" should be used on an anchor element (<a></a>). <a href='' target='_blank'>Stock price</a> If you really need a button, use window....
0stone0's user avatar
  • 41.7k
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Is it possible to get a direct audio file link from Soundcloud without JS

Yes, it’s possible, but not directly. You need to use a third-party application or a script. The most common option is yt-dlp. You can get a direct link via the terminal or create a script in Python ...
Cornea Valentin's user avatar
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Textarea value not getting posted with form

just add type=text inside textarea and it will work i.e. its values will be posted. abc
Kashif Nauman's user avatar
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Redirect a wix website to a new external website

The best way to accomplish this is with an HTTP redirect tag. Add this via Settings > Custom code > Head > Add Code . <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=https://...
yeerk's user avatar
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1 vote

Why can <image> inside <svg> be :focus'ed?

Why SVG is Focusable? As for me, for Accessibility: for assistive technologies like screen readers. Also Elements with an inherent interactive behavior or elements that can display external resources,...
Мельник Петро's user avatar
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how to Send dataframe as html table with font styling based on text value as a email attachment

(Adding as an answer because I don't have enough reputation points to comment) For the answer from @furas, note that doesn't return a dataframe but a Styler object. For more information, see ...
Mark Pundurs's user avatar
1 vote

Why can <image> inside <svg> be :focus'ed?

To prevent the focus outline from appearing around your <image> element inside the <svg> when navigating with the Tab button, you can simply remove the default focus outline using CSS. Add ...
Sajd Iqbal's user avatar
0 votes

need to select all yes/no radio buttons

1i function selectAll(source) { checkboxes = document.getElementsByName('bValidation'); for (var i in checkboxes) checkboxes[i].check5ofm xi9 ed = source.checked; } <input type="checkbox" ...
George Quay's user avatar
0 votes

Content overlaps with floating table of contents in R markdown file when scrolling horizontally

You can set the position of the toc to relative instead of fixed so it's not floating, but it will not float either when you scroll down. Add this just below the YAML header: ```{css toc-content, echo ...
julien.leroux5's user avatar
0 votes

How to customize pop-up footnote text in quarto blog?

The hover box has a .tippy-box CSS class. You can try the following to customize its text: .tippy-box { color: red !important; font-weight: bold; /*...*/ }
julien.leroux5's user avatar
2 votes

How to write versatile and reversible css for border radius?

The correct semantic element for an image with description is <figure> and <figcaption> (see MDN WebDocs). So you simply should use that element. To ensure that border-radius will also ...
tacoshy's user avatar
  • 12.6k
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Live reload is not possible without a body or a head tag

I just had this same problem when i linked a < script src="..." > Turns out i didn't write .js at the end of the script page nor on the src="..." link.
Marcelo Carvalho's user avatar
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Is it possible for a magento 2 plugin to display a html written warning based on certain conditions?

Yes, it is definitely possible to display an HTML warning message in Magento 2 based on certain conditions using a plugin. You can achieve this by leveraging a custom plugin (also known as an ...
Akshay Kothekar's user avatar
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Using image as button to upload file

<div class="avatar-upload"> <div class="avatar-edit"> <input type='file' id="imageUpload" accept=".png, .jpg, .jpeg" /> ...
fdfg's user avatar
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-1 votes

Set the default value of an input field

<input id="MyInputText" /> <button onclick="document.getElementById('MyInputText').value=navigator.clipboard.readText();">Paste</button>
مهدی's user avatar
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ACE Editor's cursor position resetting to beginning of line

Try it like register the cursor position in a global variable on initial setting json and set the cached cursor position after edit complete. //Global variable to store cursor position. var ...
Ankit Arora's user avatar
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Html form input field - pattern attribute - allow integers and increments of 0.5

Instead of using an input[type=text] and engage its pattern attribute, it could be better to use directly an input[type=number]. ...
Diego D's user avatar
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-3 votes

Is there a way to export SVG files from Adobe XD without id's?

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="84" height="84" viewBox="0 0 84 84&...
Love Pratap's user avatar
0 votes

Line right after text

Below code will let you create a line right after the caption. <div style='overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap;'>Caption<hr style='display:inline-block; width:100%;vertical-align:middle' /&...
Hashan's user avatar
  • 184
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Slate Editor Issue: Cannot resolve a DOM point from Slate point: {"path":[0,0],"offset":30}

I fixed it by adding css to I fixed it by adding css to span[data-slate-node="text"] { display: inline-block; width: 100%; } and then clicking multiple times no longer has the full page ...
Son Le Hong's user avatar
0 votes

Live Video Streaming for Android using Phonegap?

Just try reading the documentation from the platform firstly. Also i think the mail problem here is fetching the video. Try fetching the videos else where and see if it responds
Daniel Clerkson's user avatar
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My custom CSS transition animation is not working on hover after I added AOS JS library

as AOS library already using the property of transition the best solution which I found is that to wrap your element into another span or any other tag and apply you AOS animation on that particular ...
Shoaib Arif's user avatar
2 votes

How do I make an HTML radio button form change the value in another box?

I didn't give any attention to the styling as this is not a question of styling. You can change the style as you need. You need to run a script whenever an input change within the container that ...
tacoshy's user avatar
  • 12.6k
2 votes

Is focus change in HTML instant for CSS purposes?

I am seeing different effects on different browsers. Edge/Chrome on Windows11 gives the behavior you describe - the conditional input disappears when focus is removed from main. However, on Safari IOS ...
A Haworth's user avatar
  • 35.3k
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How do I make an HTML radio button form change the value in another box?

It can be done with some JavaScript. You'll need to select the HTML elements for where the percentage value goes, the form, and all of the radio inputs marked "Go". Then you can assign an ...
Jason T Szabo's user avatar
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How to add a special character to A Password Validation Form

I figured out the right answer. Change the html regex pattern to: pattern="(?=.*[\W_])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*?[0-9]).{8,28}" this \W includes all special characters even the ...
Antarctica-UFO's user avatar
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Only bottom row of Flexbox Gallery in clickable

The code you have included does not reproduce the problem. .gallery-container { display: flex; max-width: 90vw; width: 750px; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-evenly; gap: 1em; }...
Brett Donald's user avatar
  • 12.8k

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