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Unable to open tex files and uninstall older version of tex [migrated]

I am getting problem when I start opening any .tex file. It starts occurring after miktex updating itself. A suggested, I tried reinstalling the app, but it has now installed two versions in the ...
Sushil's user avatar
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Seeking advice on communicating my role as a scientific article editor

My job entails editing documents I receive in .tex format from scientists (mostly physicists) to ensure that these papers adhere to the stylistic uniformity of the journal in which they will be ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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Why can I not log into the chat room?

I am quite hesitant to post here, but as of today I can't log into the TeX SE chat room. I can log into the main site just fine but when I attempt to enter the chat room I get a reminder that I must ...
LaTeXereXeTaL's user avatar
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Links to use https but site seems to use only http

My browser refuses to follow links to on the grounds that the site is not available via https. But earlier questions link to the site using https e.g. most recent such question. The ...
cfr's user avatar
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Should a question be closed based on a comment of the OP, when the best answer is not covered by the duplicate?

When search for a problem of my latex file, I found the answer in this question: ! LaTeX Error: File `IEEEtran.cls' not found The highest voted answer solved my problem precisely, and apparently ...
user000001's user avatar
6 votes
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How to provide an MWE if my question is about the behavior of a specific font I've uploaded to the project?

I'm working on a LuaLaTex project for which there are, as far as I know, only three appropriate fonts in existence, all of which I have to upload to use and all of which produce the issue I'm trying ...
Joel Derfner's user avatar
13 votes
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Is asking questions about TeX jargon on the main site okay?

An aspect of learning about the concepts that underlie TeX and LaTeX is learning how to apply terms correctly that are TeX jargon. Is it on topic to ask about how to apply terms of TeX jargon or about ...
user avatar
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Add literal Tab in answer?

So, as a relative neophyte here, I was all excited to share my nifty answer to a question about making PDF files reproducible, but when posting it, I found that converted my Tab ...
hackerb9's user avatar
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How do I stylize the logos for TeX, LaTeX, XeTeX, LuaTeX in an answer?

I want to write an answer on StackExchange using better styling for the names of the different TeX engines. The upper/lowercase approximation in text looks silly and unprofessional. (BaCtRiAnCaMeLCaSe?...
hackerb9's user avatar
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erroneously closed question

"Infinite" page or finite pages, depending on how viewed? This was closed as a duplicate. This is NOT a duplicate of the question to which it was redirected, since it contains an additional ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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How to find the average number of views

I am wondering about statistical data for questions on a specific Stack Exchange site. For example how do we determine the average number of views per question in say Mathematics SE for a certain ...
Maesumi's user avatar
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Contact Staff Stack Exchange or with form or an email

I would to to know what is how I can to contact Stack Exchange Staff to send a private message via email or through a private form. Thank you. Is it this:
Sebastiano's user avatar
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A different avatar on Math.SE., Physics.SE and Graphic.SE

This morning I have seen that my avatar is changed in the other communities than TeX.SE. Why there is this change? How to have all avatars the same for each community?
Sebastiano's user avatar
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On-topic or not?: "How to contribute to ..."

My particular question is "how to contribute to LuaTeX?", but in general I am wondering if questions of this kind are deemed on-topic on the main site or not? Example of the question I want ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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No upload button in a chat

When entering a chat I do not see the updload button next to the send button as my conversation partner does. I tried with firefox and chrome (both v.110) and I did not use the mobile site (which was ...
hjele's user avatar
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