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enter image description here

€dit: With the 'sharp right angle', which you want:

enter image description here

Note, that you can commetcomment out angle eccentricity=0.5, "$\cdot$" if you do not want an inner dot.

€dit: With the 'sharp right angle', which you want:

enter image description here

Note, that you can commet out angle eccentricity=0.5, "$\cdot$" if you do not want an inner dot.

enter image description here

€dit: With the 'sharp right angle', which you want:

Note, that you can comment out angle eccentricity=0.5, "$\cdot$" if you do not want an inner dot.

added 295 characters in body
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enter image description here€dit: With the 'sharp right angle', which you want:

\draw pic [draw, angle radius=3mm, 
angle eccentricity=0.5, "$\cdot$",
] {right angle =C--P--D};

enter image description here

Note, that you can commet out angle eccentricity=0.5, "$\cdot$" if you do not want an inner dot.

\documentclass[margin=5pt, tikz]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{angles, quotes, babel}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}

\pgfmathsetmacro{\a}{4} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\b}{2.5} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\thetaA}{33} %  

\pgfmathsetmacro{\x}{\a*tan(\thetaA)} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\y}{\b/tan(\thetaA)} %  

>={Triangle[length=0pt 9,width=0pt 4]}
\coordinate[label=left:$A$] (A) at (0,0); 
\coordinate[label=below:$B$] (B) at (\x+\y,0); 
\coordinate[label=left:$D$] (D) at (0,\a); 
\coordinate[label=below:$P$] (P) at (\x,0); 

\draw[] (A) -- (D) node[midway, left]{$a$};
\draw[] (A) -- (P) node[midway, below]{$x$};
\draw[] (P) -- (B) node[midway, below]{$y$};
\draw[] (B) -- +(0,\b) coordinate[label=right:$C$](C) node[midway, right]{$b$};

\draw[] (D) -- (P) node[midway, above]{$c$};
\draw[] (C) -- (P) node[midway, above]{$d$};
\draw[] (C) -- (D);

%% Angles
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=7mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =A--D--P};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=8mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =P--D--C};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=7mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =B--P--C};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=4mmradius=3mm, %angle
angle eccentricity=1eccentricity=0.35,
] {right angle =C--P--D};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=4mmradius=3mm, %angle
angle eccentricity=1eccentricity=0.35,
] {right angle =P--A--D};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=4mmradius=3mm, %angle
angle eccentricity=1eccentricity=0.35,
] {right angle =C--B--P};

%% Points
\foreach \P in {P} \draw[fill=black!1] (\P) circle (1.75pt);

%% Annotations
\path[local bounding box=figure] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) --cycle;
\node[yshift=-5mm, draw, align=left, fill=lightgray!50,
anchor=north west,  % text width=\x cm+\y cm,
] at (figure.south west) {
$\begin{array}{l l}
a = \a \text{ cm}  &  \\
b = \b \text{ cm}  & \\ 
\theta = \thetaA^\circ   &  \\ \hline \\%[0.1em]
x = a\cdot\tan(\theta)   &  =\x  \text{ cm}    \\ 
y = \dfrac{b}{\tan(\theta)}   &  =\b \text{ cm} \hspace{2.0cm}\\

enter image description here

\documentclass[margin=5pt, tikz]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{angles, quotes, babel}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}

\pgfmathsetmacro{\a}{4} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\b}{2.5} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\thetaA}{33} %  

\pgfmathsetmacro{\x}{\a*tan(\thetaA)} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\y}{\b/tan(\thetaA)} %  

>={Triangle[length=0pt 9,width=0pt 4]}
\coordinate[label=left:$A$] (A) at (0,0); 
\coordinate[label=below:$B$] (B) at (\x+\y,0); 
\coordinate[label=left:$D$] (D) at (0,\a); 
\coordinate[label=below:$P$] (P) at (\x,0); 

\draw[] (A) -- (D) node[midway, left]{$a$};
\draw[] (A) -- (P) node[midway, below]{$x$};
\draw[] (P) -- (B) node[midway, below]{$y$};
\draw[] (B) -- +(0,\b) coordinate[label=right:$C$](C) node[midway, right]{$b$};

\draw[] (D) -- (P) node[midway, above]{$c$};
\draw[] (C) -- (P) node[midway, above]{$d$};
\draw[] (C) -- (D);

%% Angles
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=7mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =A--D--P};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=8mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =P--D--C};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=7mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =B--P--C};

\draw pic [draw, angle radius=4mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
] {angle =C--P--D};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=4mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
] {angle =P--A--D};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=4mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
] {angle =C--B--P};

%% Points
\foreach \P in {P} \draw[fill=black!1] (\P) circle (1.75pt);

%% Annotations
\path[local bounding box=figure] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) --cycle;
\node[yshift=-5mm, draw, align=left, fill=lightgray!50,
anchor=north west,  % text width=\x cm+\y cm,
] at (figure.south west) {
$\begin{array}{l l}
a = \a \text{ cm}  &  \\
b = \b \text{ cm}  & \\ 
\theta = \thetaA^\circ   &  \\ \hline \\%[0.1em]
x = a\cdot\tan(\theta)   &  =\x  \text{ cm}    \\ 
y = \dfrac{b}{\tan(\theta)}   &  =\b \text{ cm} \hspace{2.0cm}\\

€dit: With the 'sharp right angle', which you want:

\draw pic [draw, angle radius=3mm, 
angle eccentricity=0.5, "$\cdot$",
] {right angle =C--P--D};

enter image description here

Note, that you can commet out angle eccentricity=0.5, "$\cdot$" if you do not want an inner dot.

\documentclass[margin=5pt, tikz]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{angles, quotes, babel}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}

\pgfmathsetmacro{\a}{4} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\b}{2.5} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\thetaA}{33} %  

\pgfmathsetmacro{\x}{\a*tan(\thetaA)} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\y}{\b/tan(\thetaA)} %  

>={Triangle[length=0pt 9,width=0pt 4]}
\coordinate[label=left:$A$] (A) at (0,0); 
\coordinate[label=below:$B$] (B) at (\x+\y,0); 
\coordinate[label=left:$D$] (D) at (0,\a); 
\coordinate[label=below:$P$] (P) at (\x,0); 

\draw[] (A) -- (D) node[midway, left]{$a$};
\draw[] (A) -- (P) node[midway, below]{$x$};
\draw[] (P) -- (B) node[midway, below]{$y$};
\draw[] (B) -- +(0,\b) coordinate[label=right:$C$](C) node[midway, right]{$b$};

\draw[] (D) -- (P) node[midway, above]{$c$};
\draw[] (C) -- (P) node[midway, above]{$d$};
\draw[] (C) -- (D);

%% Angles
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=7mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =A--D--P};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=8mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =P--D--C};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=7mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =B--P--C};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=3mm, 
angle eccentricity=0.5, "$\cdot$",
] {right angle =C--P--D};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=3mm, 
angle eccentricity=0.5, "$\cdot$",
] {right angle =P--A--D};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=3mm, 
angle eccentricity=0.5, "$\cdot$",
] {right angle =C--B--P};

%% Points
\foreach \P in {P} \draw[fill=black!1] (\P) circle (1.75pt);

%% Annotations
\path[local bounding box=figure] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) --cycle;
\node[yshift=-5mm, draw, align=left, fill=lightgray!50,
anchor=north west,  % text width=\x cm+\y cm,
] at (figure.south west) {
$\begin{array}{l l}
a = \a \text{ cm}  &  \\
b = \b \text{ cm}  & \\ 
\theta = \thetaA^\circ   &  \\ \hline \\%[0.1em]
x = a\cdot\tan(\theta)   &  =\x  \text{ cm}    \\ 
y = \dfrac{b}{\tan(\theta)}   &  =\b \text{ cm} \hspace{2.0cm}\\
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I assume that a, b, theta are given.
Then like that:

enter image description here

\documentclass[margin=5pt, tikz]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{angles, quotes, babel}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}

\pgfmathsetmacro{\a}{4} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\b}{2.5} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\thetaA}{33} %  

\pgfmathsetmacro{\x}{\a*tan(\thetaA)} %  
\pgfmathsetmacro{\y}{\b/tan(\thetaA)} %  

>={Triangle[length=0pt 9,width=0pt 4]}
\coordinate[label=left:$A$] (A) at (0,0); 
\coordinate[label=below:$B$] (B) at (\x+\y,0); 
\coordinate[label=left:$D$] (D) at (0,\a); 
\coordinate[label=below:$P$] (P) at (\x,0); 

\draw[] (A) -- (D) node[midway, left]{$a$};
\draw[] (A) -- (P) node[midway, below]{$x$};
\draw[] (P) -- (B) node[midway, below]{$y$};
\draw[] (B) -- +(0,\b) coordinate[label=right:$C$](C) node[midway, right]{$b$};

\draw[] (D) -- (P) node[midway, above]{$c$};
\draw[] (C) -- (P) node[midway, above]{$d$};
\draw[] (C) -- (D);

%% Angles
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=7mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =A--D--P};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=8mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =P--D--C};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=7mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
"$\theta$", ->
] {angle =B--P--C};

\draw pic [draw, angle radius=4mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
] {angle =C--P--D};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=4mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
] {angle =P--A--D};
\draw pic [draw, angle radius=4mm, %angle eccentricity=1.3,
] {angle =C--B--P};

%% Points
\foreach \P in {P} \draw[fill=black!1] (\P) circle (1.75pt);

%% Annotations
\path[local bounding box=figure] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) --cycle;
\node[yshift=-5mm, draw, align=left, fill=lightgray!50,
anchor=north west,  % text width=\x cm+\y cm,
] at (figure.south west) {
$\begin{array}{l l}
a = \a \text{ cm}  &  \\
b = \b \text{ cm}  & \\ 
\theta = \thetaA^\circ   &  \\ \hline \\%[0.1em]
x = a\cdot\tan(\theta)   &  =\x  \text{ cm}    \\ 
y = \dfrac{b}{\tan(\theta)}   &  =\b \text{ cm} \hspace{2.0cm}\\