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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

TikZ is a higher-level drawing language built on top of the PGF graphics framework. For questions specifically about the PGF layer use {pgf-core} instead. Both tags are possible on the same question. …
{tables} is about the tabular environment and related packages such as {array}, {booktabs}, {tabularx}, {tabu}, {tabularray} and {longtable}. For questions about the table environment (i.e., about flo…
18192 questions
{beamer} is a document class for creating presentations and slides. For general questions about presentations or slides, independent of the document class, use {presentations} tag instead.
{pgfplots} is a package for creating 2D and 3D plots of mathematical functions and numerical data, using the PGF graphics framework. For questions about the inbuilt plotting functionality of TikZ/PGF,…
{math-mode} is about typesetting mathematical content, e.g. tweaking the appearance of spacing and symbols in a formula, or producing specific mathematical constructs. For questions about "wrapper" en…
{biblatex} is a complete reimplementation of the bibliographic facilities provided by LaTeX. It has its own backend {biber} which can be used instead of {bibtex} and which supports, e.g., full {unicod…
{fonts} is about fonts and how to use them. It deals with questions about changing family, shape and weight of fonts, but also with font packages. If your question is not about a font in general but a…
{macros} is for questions specifically concerning TeX's macro processor. Note that, because TeX uses macros ubiquitously, most questions about code that uses macros are not looking for information abo…
{spacing} is about both horizontal and vertical white space, e.g. space between letters or words, or space between paragraphs. For adjusting the space between the lines of a document, use {line-spacin…
{table-of-contents} is about the creation or modification of the Table of Contents or similar listings like List of Figures and List of Tables as well as custom lists. Popular packages are {tocloft}, …
{graphics} is about inclusion of external graphic files in your document. For questions about vector graphics created programmatically inside a (La)TeX document, use {diagrams} instead, or preferably …
{bibliographies} is about creating lists of publications and citing these in a document. If possible, replace this tag with the specific bibliography package you use, e.g. {biblatex} or {natbib}. For …
{floats} is about the floating environments figure, table and other, custom-defined floats, and concerns issues such as positioning, labelling, captioning, indexing and listing of said floats. For que…
{equations} is about the various environments to typeset displaystyle mathematics, e.g. equation and {align}. For general questions about mathematical typesetting use {math-mode}. Both tags are possib…
{bibtex} is specifically about Oren Patashnik's BibTeX program, its .bst style file and .bib database file formats, and use of these in creating documents. For general questions about bibliographies a…
pdfTeX is an extension of TeX which is capable of directly generating PDF output. Use this tag if the used engine – pdftex/pdflatex – is significant to your question.
XeTeX is a Unicode-capable variant of the TeX engine. Use this tag if your question is about Xe(La)TeX specific problems and is not related to standard (La)TeX.
{horizontal-alignment} is about aligning document elements horizontally, e.g. typesetting paragraphs using \centering or \raggedright or adjusting the horizontal position of several equation or table …
{formatting} is for general questions about formatting document elements. Use this tag in addition to other tags specifying what should be formatted. For questions about font attributes (e.g., {bold},…
{errors} is for questions regarding or including compilation or similar errors.
{sectioning} is about commands like \chapter or \section forming the logical structure of documents. For questions specifically about {parts}, {chapters} or lower-level commands ({sections-paragraphs}…
{hyperref} is a package capable of producing hypertext links in documents. If your question is about cross-referencing in general, choose {cross-referencing}. If it's specifically about PDF features, …
{cross-referencing} is about making connections from a point in a document to related information elsewhere, usually within the same document. Standard commands are \label and \ref. For questions abou…
{symbols} is about specific non-alphabetic symbols or math symbols, e.g., about looking-up, constructing, or using symbols. For questions about {fonts} or alphabetic {characters} use the respective ta…
{color} is about using color in (La)TeX documents. Popular packages are color and xcolor.
LuaTeX is a Unicode-capable extension of TeX which integrates the scripting language Lua. Use this tag if your question is about LuaTeX or LuaLaTeX specific problems and is not related to standard (La…
{header-footer} is about customizing headers and footers, i.e., choosing a page style for certain pages (e.g. empty, plain, headings) and (for the styles employed) placing information like the current…
{align} is an environment provided by math packages that permits multiple related equations to be aligned at a common reference point, usually a sign of relation. For general questions about aligning …
{vertical-alignment} is about aligning document elements vertically, e.g. using \raggedbottom or \flushbottom or adjusting the vertical position of several equation or table components. If your questi…
{captions} is about captions for figures, tables and other, custom-defined floats or non-floating illustrations which are formatted to look identical to these floats. A popular package is caption.
{citing} is about specific or customized citation commands. For general questions about bibliographies and citations, use {bibliographies}, or preferably the tag for the bibliography packages and/or b…
{numbering} is about numbering document elements. Use this tag in addition to other tags specifying what should be numbered (or have its number removed). For {page-numbering} or {line-numbering}, use …
{listings} is a package that extends LaTeX's {verbatim} features. A variety of syntax highlighting options are available. For general questions about {verbatim} or {highlighting} use the respective ta…
{amsmath} is a package provided by AMS that enhances LaTeX's mathematical typesetting capabilities in various ways.
{packages} is about packages in general, e.g. about choosing, installing or using packages. For questions about writing packages, choose {package-writing} instead. If your question concerns a specific…
{environments} is for general questions related to (La)TeX environments. For questions about environment subcategories like {lists}, {quoting} environments, or {floats} use the appropriate tag instead…
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