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Questions tagged [formatting]

{formatting} is for general questions about formatting document elements. Use this tag in addition to other tags specifying what should be formatted. For questions about font attributes (e.g., {bold}, {italic}, {small-caps}, {sans-serif}, {typewriter}), use the appropriate tag instead.

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Rmarkdown - Formatting not applied

I am trying to generate a pdf from Rmarkdown, which works fine. However, the formatting is not recognized (code below). All package that miktex asked for are installed. I've tried xelatex and pdflatex....
Claire C's user avatar
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Inconsistent Vertical Spacing of Text in Beamer With Frametitle

Apologises in advance if this question has already been asked somewhere, but I am working with the following basic template and would like consistent placement of the main body of text in a frame, ...
wrb98's user avatar
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Custom Sidebar Table of Contents in Beamer

I'm working with a blank Beamer presentation template and want to recreate a sidebar similar to one shown in the image below. Unlike typical Beamer sidebars that extend to the page's edge, this one is ...
wrb98's user avatar
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How to get bold text for symbols in a heading [duplicate]

One thing I have never been able to fix it the headings which don't print the symbols of latex like they print the text. For instance: \documentclass[bibliography=totocnumbered]{scrartcl} \usepackage{...
Superunknown's user avatar
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Changing color of section

I am completely new to LaTeX. I want to change the format of my sections, subsections, etc: I simply want to change each of their colours using the titlesec package. Can someone provide me with a ...
Nacho's user avatar
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Is it possible to remove the header chapter title prefix using the `titlesec` package?

In my book, the header is so far composed of the page number, and the chapter number and name, like this: But I would rather have it only as "2. Life", i.e., without "CHAPTER", ...
psygo's user avatar
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How do I format my Math Homework better?

I'm new to Latex and have recently started typing out my Math HW in latex. However, I feel like the homework looks "ugly", and was wondering if there are any general tips on how to improve ...
KitanaKatana's user avatar
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Cornell style notes formatting

I am a beginner so I apologize if this is a bad question. I am trying to write a latex document that has a similar style as the following image So far I came up with the following minimum working ...
Aditya Dendukuri's user avatar
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Conditional formatting in table of contents (toc) with ifx

I am trying to format the appearance of table of contents in a book document. Below is an example of what I want to achieve. So far, below is a depiction of the extent I progressed with a MWE: \...
bhache's user avatar
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Can cells in a matrix be merged? (Something like colspan in HTML.)

I am trying to create readable LaTeX formulas on a Wikimedia page. matrix and & are generally helpful to align symbols. But in the following example I would like to align the plus signs in the ...
Watchduck's user avatar
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How do I ask latex to start numbering from the title page?

This is my MWE. \documentclass{report} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{placeins} \usepackage{natbib} \usepackage{graphicx} \...
Jalinne's user avatar
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Formatting table of contents, issues with tocloft package

I am trying to create table of contents for a book class as shown below. How could this be achieved? I looked around and tried to use the tocloft package but I end up in errors. Below is a MWE, where ...
bhache's user avatar
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How to hide all content of a type enviroment?

I'm making an book for my students, but i only want to show the proofs for myseft. I decided to make 2 version, have proofs for me and not have for my students. I defined the proof is between \begin{...
Hoàng's user avatar
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How would you format to be cleaner and explain the steps better? Do I have any no no's in my latex?

How would you format this to be cleaner and explain the steps better? Do I have any no no's in my latex? Pretty much complete newbie in latex and want to start moving my notes into it but it seems ...
yoshinator's user avatar
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How to create an "Artist (Songtitle)" Formatted Index in Songs package

CONTEXT: This brilliant answer already described how one can create a title index that looks like this: Lady in Black (Uriah Heep) ........ 4 Lemon Tree (Fool's Garden) ........ 6 QUESTION: How can I ...
gazeto's user avatar
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