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Questions tagged [horizontal-alignment]

{horizontal-alignment} is about aligning document elements horizontally, e.g. typesetting paragraphs using \centering or \raggedright or adjusting the horizontal position of several equation or table components. If your question is generally about (horizontal) white space, use {spacing} instead.

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Creating aligned tabs similar to ms word and libreoffice

One feature present in Microsoft Word is the tab settings (right click->paragraph->tabs). This allows tab stops to be created, where you press the tab key and it will move the cursor to the ...
thenickman100's user avatar
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Can cells in a matrix be merged? (Something like colspan in HTML.)

I am trying to create readable LaTeX formulas on a Wikimedia page. matrix and & are generally helpful to align symbols. But in the following example I would like to align the plus signs in the ...
Watchduck's user avatar
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How to align rows within cell in Latex?

I am a kind of new user in Latex and there is a problem I am trying to fix. Here is my latex code for that; \begin{tabular}{p{3cm} p{8cm} p{6cm}} {\rmfamily\scshape \textnormal{CONTACT \newline ...
mzkrc's user avatar
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Left-aligned and centered text on same line (not equations) when text is too long and overprints elements

In a previous post, I was given an answer which mostly works very well. \NewDocumentCommand{\datefeast}{mm}{% \par \noindent \makebox[0pt][l]{#1.}% \makebox[\textwidth]{\Large #2.}% } ...
DomMocquereau's user avatar
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Align figure against outside (or inside) edge [duplicate]

I am preparing a twoside document with wide margins, where I am placing both margin notes and figure captions (using the sidenotes package). I would like my figures to be aligned so they are directly ...
Heisenbugs's user avatar
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How can I align this figure with the page numbering?

Hello I'm trying to align the figure with the page numbering. When I use \begin{center} I don't have problem usually. I have tried other things like begin{figure} or \begin{scope} but nothing. \...
Richard's user avatar
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Displaying a text in the center of the page

In the following example, I could display the text in the center of the line: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \centerline{Example.} \end{document} And I would like to display it in the ...
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Even horizontal spacing in enumitem inline lists

I would like to have an equally (horizontally-)spaced inline list, like (1) 0.4 (some spaces)             (2) 12.372 (some spaces), so that each [item and its spaces] will take account of the same ...
DML's user avatar
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Centering tikz graphic in OpTeX

I make this graphic with tikz in OpTeX \fontfam[Fira] \margins/1 a4 (3.5,2.5,3,3)cm \typosize[12/18] \load[tikz] { %\centerline{ %\begin{tikzpicture}[domain=0:4] \tikzpicture[domain=-1.045:5.25] ...
juanuni's user avatar
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add images in \longtable and remove justification

I'm a beginner in LaTex but i've used longtable before. Now i'm trying to add images inside the table but i can't make them fit the cells. I don't want to make them smaller, i'd like to make the rows ...
Lids's user avatar
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How may source text, after epigraph text, be left justified?

The question is more precisely articulated in the following MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{epigraph} \setlength{\epigraphrule}{0pt} \begin{document} \setlength{\epigraphwidth}{0.69\...
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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How to shift/center a tikz grid?

I have this code which draws a 15x10 grid with 10mm cells: \documentclass[dvipsnames,parskip,a4paper]{scrartcl} \usepackage[margin=1.5cm]{geometry} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{...
indjev99's user avatar
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How to change vertical spacing between two minipages? [duplicate]

As you can see, in the image I included the pictures on the right are too far apart, resulting in the page they're supposed to be in to be skipped. The method I use is to wrap the different minipages ...
Pheo's user avatar
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\centering does not work for a particular table but forcing individual cell >{\centering\arraybackslash}p{5cm} does it

I have this code: \documentclass[a4paper,man,floatsintext,12pt,donotrepeattitle]{apa7} \usepackage[spanish]{babel} %Paquete de diccionario en español \usepackage{graphicx} %Paquete Habilita pegado de ...
CodeWritter's user avatar
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'How to use LaTeX for sequence alignement' Follow-up question

I found this great solution from 'David Carlisle' regarding the question: 'How to use LaTeX for sequence alignment' Unfortunately I am new to this forum (and latex) and cannot comment directly to ask ...
Kim's user avatar
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