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Questions tagged [horizontal-alignment]

{horizontal-alignment} is about aligning document elements horizontally, e.g. typesetting paragraphs using \centering or \raggedright or adjusting the horizontal position of several equation or table components. If your question is generally about (horizontal) white space, use {spacing} instead.

281 votes
4 answers

Center figure that is wider than \textwidth

I have a figure that is wider than the \textwidth of my document. (I don't want to change the \textwidth.) As a result, the leftmost part of the figure is flush with the left margin, while the ...
zfm's user avatar
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317 votes
4 answers

How to create fixed width table columns with text raggedright/centered/raggedleft?

I would like to create a table with some columns' width specified, while the text in those columns should be centered both horizontally and vertically. I found out that \usepackage{array} \begin{...
Covi's user avatar
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337 votes
3 answers

Should I use center or centering for figures and tables?

What is the correct way to center figures and tables (figure, table)? \begin{center} ... \end{center} or \begin{centering} ... \end{centering}
yannisl's user avatar
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285 votes
2 answers

When should we use \begin{center} instead of \centering?

After reading this question Should I use center or centering for figures?, I want to know the answer of the following. When should we use \begin{center} instead of \centering? For example, should we ...
Display Name's user avatar
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303 votes
2 answers

Manual/automatic line breaks and text alignment in TikZ nodes

How can I insert a line break in a TikZ node? Simply putting \\ where I want the break doesn't work (see MWE). Is there a way to make lines break automatically at some specified width? And can I ...
Jake's user avatar
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98 votes
3 answers

How can I center a too wide table?

I have a document containing a table which is slightly too wide for the page. But instead of growing to the right side only, I would like to have it centered on the page. I have tried to use the ...
Dejan's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Balancing long table inside multicol in LaTeX

I would like to put some longer tabular data inside the multicols environment while maintaining its balancing abilities. I have tried supertabular with the trick to redefine \newpage as columnbreak. ...
Frg's user avatar
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142 votes
2 answers

Aligning numbers by decimal points in table columns

Let me begin by stating that I did google the answers (and I'll reference to them soon). Yet each of the resources I found discussed one particular method, I'm interested in a comparison of the ...
wishihadabettername's user avatar
108 votes
4 answers

Centering in tabularx and X columns

How can I center the column when using X in tabularx environment like in this example? \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}lXXXXX@{}} 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\ \end{tabularx}
Matthias's user avatar
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27 votes
8 answers

Writing a table with equally spaced columns, based on the widest column

Friends, I'm trying to generate a table in which I have all columns equally spaced (same width). In my case, the width for all columns would be the width of the widest column of the table: \...
Paulo Cereda's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to measure the remaining space of a line of text?

I'd like to write the following: Some long paragraph of text \measureremainder{\whatsleft}\begin{mimipage}{\whatsleft} stuff \end{minipage} so that the minipage takes up exactly the remaining \...
Ben Lerner's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Bump right-aligned text to next line iff no room

I a chat discussion it was suggested that \hspace*{\fill} (with a space before it to allow for a line break) was sufficient to always get the text following aligned to the right. And indeed, it is ...
Peter Grill's user avatar
114 votes
2 answers

Center column with specifying width in table (tabular enviroment)? [duplicate]

I have table that has long headers and I would like to specify width of the column, but also be able to remain it's centred position. Something like |c{0.30\textwidth}|. It is possible? How to ...
pixel's user avatar
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56 votes
8 answers

Best way to create an system of equations environment?

I am trying to write a few systems of equations, and I want the terms to be nicely spaced as below 2x + y + 3z = 10 \\ x + y + z = 6 \\ x + 3y + 2z = 13 Now, using some ...
N3buchadnezzar's user avatar
52 votes
3 answers

How can I use an align environment flush left?

Is there a way possible to imitate the align environment for math mode commands, without having all writing being placed toward the center on the output page? MWE: \documentclass{article} \...
night owl's user avatar
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