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Questions tagged [captions]

{captions} is about captions for figures, tables and other, custom-defined floats or non-floating illustrations which are formatted to look identical to these floats. A popular package is caption.

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2 answers

Center figure caption with line breaks in scrbook class

I need the caption of my figures (actually pgf plots) to be centered with the (sub)figures. But keep the formatting as it is (left aligned and hanging after the Figure label). Please note: I know ...
Fantastic MsFox's user avatar
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I want to include a caption but it gives the "not in outer par mode" error [duplicate]

I am using overleaf and I used the "insert figure" button (editor toolbar) to put an image, it gave this code: \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{...
Black Watch's user avatar
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Align pictures vertically at bottom in mosaic grid using subcaptionbox

I'm trying to align four pictures (not necessarily the same height, but close) vertically as follows, where I want the caption (b)-(d) to be aligned at the bottom. How do I achieve this using the ...
Bart Wolleswinkel's user avatar
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concatenating subcaptions without newlines or self-references

The subcaption package is helpful for automatic numbering of the panels of multi-panel figures. However, it is non-standard, in many journals, to divide the panel-specific captions among separate ...
user001's user avatar
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Regarding numbering of subfigure on the top left

I have included the following latex code in my paper which gives the numbering of the subfigure at the bottom center. \begin{figure}[ht!]%\vspace*{3.0ex} \centering \subfigure[] {\...
arijit Garai's user avatar
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Keeping hang with custom caption format

This question is similar to the one asked here: Hang with custom Declare caption Format My issue is, that i can't make my customized captions appear with the indentation that 'format=hang' normally ...
eli saas's user avatar
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Referencing subfigures with custom captions that span across multiple pages [duplicate]

I have two large subfigures that take up a page each (i.e., I can't stack both vertically or display them side-by-side on the same page). I'm also using custom captions with \caption*{} because I want ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Width of figure caption within an 'outline' environment

I'm using the package outlines. Within a bullet point I want to include a figure. However, the caption goes outside the margin of the bullet point. This looks not so nice (see attached image). I'm not ...
psie's user avatar
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How to center the caption of an image without overriding the caption style of aa.cls?

MWE: \documentclass{aa} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{figure*}[!ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=\hsize]{1.png} \caption{Algorithm flow} \end{figure*} \end{document}
bonnle madiline milo's user avatar
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Margin content on the left side with tufte-book class

Is there a simple way to place all marginnotes and captions in a tufte-book environment in the left margin in stead of the right? If the class option twoside can do the job on every other page, I ...
DavidH's user avatar
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How do I get my caption at the bottom of a longtable in ThreePartTable , as I keep getting a noalign error?

I cannot work out how to put a table caption and label at the bottom of a multiple page table created with ThreePartNotes and longtable. The format I must use for my tables is for the caption to be ...
Michelle's user avatar
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Include clickable 'Fig.'/'Table' in \ref without duplication in captions

I want references to include 'Fig.'/'Table' before the number so they are clickable and in link color. In the captions, remove 'Figure'/'Table' to avoid duplication like 'Figure Fig. 1'/'Table Table 1'...
jay.sf's user avatar
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How to achieve the layout of figure with vertical and horizonal placement?

I want to achieve the following layout of combined figures. The requirement is below: use the package such subcaption to arrange the figures Align both the top and the bottom line of the Left Big ...
Explorer's user avatar
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Is there a way to prevent caption package from changing counters beforehand

Example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \newcounter{counter} \setcounter{counter}{1} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{example-image} \caption { \...
Intolighter's user avatar
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adjustbox gives "Undefined control sequence" error only in a figure caption, but not in a subcaption or normal text

I'm using \adjustbox for background color highlighting to emphasize certain text. It works in normal text and subcaptions, but strangely, not in figure captions! The resulting PDF looks fine, but I ...
k_ssb's user avatar
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