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Questions tagged [captions]

{captions} is about captions for figures, tables and other, custom-defined floats or non-floating illustrations which are formatted to look identical to these floats. A popular package is caption.

681 votes
6 answers

Force figure placement in text

I have a problem when a lot of figures are in question. Some figures tend to "fly around", that is, be a paragraph below, although I placed them before that paragraph. I use code: \begin{figure}[ht] \...
Marin's user avatar
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331 votes
13 answers

Using \footnote in a figure's \caption

Maybe this is an easy one, but I struggled with this now too long :) I want to have a footnote in a caption of a figure, see the example. \begin{figure}[!ht] \caption{a figure caption\footnote{...
Matten's user avatar
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271 votes
6 answers

Two figures side by side

How can I put two figures side-by-side? Not two sub-figures, but two actual figures with separate "Fig.: bla bla" captions. A figure is supposed to spread over the entire text width, but I have two ...
Little Bobby Tables's user avatar
231 votes
1 answer

Short captions for figures in \listoffigures

When I use \listoftables and \listoffigures I get in the list long captions that appear next to the tables/figures. I would like to use short captions for this list which summarize these captions. Is ...
kloop's user avatar
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188 votes
6 answers

Why should a table caption be placed above the table?

In the papers I read the caption in figure floats is placed below the figure and in table floats the caption is placed above the table. I recognize that this is a common style that a lot of people ...
maxschlepzig's user avatar
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178 votes
3 answers

subcaption vs. subfig: Best package for referencing a subfigure

On this question, a comment by Martin H says: that one should forget about the subfigure and subfig packages and use subcaption. As subfig replaces subfigure, no argument there. I am currently using ...
meep.meep's user avatar
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146 votes
3 answers

Change caption name of figures

How can I modify the caption name of a figure? For example I have \caption{This is a figure.} and by default the caption appears as Figure 1: This is a figure. However I want Fig.1 - This is ...
qwerty's user avatar
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144 votes
2 answers

Why does an environment's label have to appear after the caption?

\documentclass{article} \usepackage{algorithm} \begin{document} \setcounter{section}{54} \section{A section with no label} \begin{algorithm} \label{myalg} \caption{An algorithm with the label `myalg'....
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 12.5k
138 votes
2 answers

Table and figure side-by-side with independent captions

Looking to put a table and a figure side by side so that the table and figure have their own captions. A crude sketch ------------ ----------------- TABLE | a | b | ...
badroit's user avatar
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132 votes
9 answers

Caption on the side of a figure

Can anyone tell me how to get my caption on side of my figure, and at the same time aligned with the top of my figure?
Nelly's user avatar
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132 votes
7 answers

How to remove figure caption prefix "figure" in beamer

I am trying to remove the caption prefix, "Figure", for my figures in beamer. I tried doing this but it made no difference. Heres a minimum working example: As you can see, I have included the ...
dearN's user avatar
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131 votes
3 answers

Change the font of figure captions

I would like to italicize my figure captions and make them smaller. How can I do that?
Vebjorn Ljosa's user avatar
128 votes
1 answer

Subfigures side by side with captions

I am using the following code to put my two figures side by side with different captions, \begin{figure*}[t!] \centering \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.5\textwidth} \centering \...
Sait's user avatar
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120 votes
3 answers

Font size of Figure Caption Header

My question is about changing the font size. I have to insert two figures side by side. Coming to inserting the captions for the figures individually: Figure 3: blah blah.....................Figure ...
Jeshwanth Kundem's user avatar
118 votes
4 answers

How can I modify vertical space between figure and caption?

\documentclass{article} \usepackage[draft]{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{figure} \centering \setlength\fboxsep{124pt} \setlength\fboxrule{1pt} \fbox{\includegraphics{dummy}} \caption{Dummy caption}...
Ichibann's user avatar
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