This question is similar to the one asked here: Hang with custom Declare caption Format

My issue is, that i can't make my customized captions appear with the indentation that 'format=hang' normally provides. I tried using \DeclareCaptionFormat but that doesn't seem to work. An examplary code is:

\DeclareCaptionFormat{customtab}{\captionsetup{format = hang}\textbf{#1#2}#3}

\caption{Example of a tablecaption that is too for this line and instead needs to be continued in the next line, making the caption consist of two lines}
    & & A & B & C & D \\
   \hline \rowcolor{gray!40}
    &  &  &  &  &  \\ \rowcolor{gray!40}
    \multirow{-2}{*}{Example} &  &  &  &  &  \\

but i just get this:result yielded with \DeclareCaptionFormat

I've looked for a workaround in the documentation "Customizing captions of floating environments∗": https://texdoc.org/serve/caption/0 but so far couldn't find one.

1 Answer 1


Just use format=hang and labelfont=bf.





\caption{Example of a tablecaption that is too for this line
and instead needs to be continued in the next line, making
the caption consist of two lines}




  • thanks so much !
    – eli saas
    Commented Aug 24 at 20:44

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