I am trying to get a fancy style for my report, and I found one online here

I used it for another report, but not exactly with the same code. I wanted to play around with it, change things, and started to realize that I altered it so much last time (a too long time ago), that I couldn't use it anymore.

Now, on a new computer, with a new project, I want to start with a fresh style, and I would like to play around with the element of the style.

The only trouble is that, first I can get it to work like on the example (n°39) : I don't get the black box. And second, I don't really understand the code.

That's why I'm seeking for your wisdom, to translate this bit of code so that I can use it.

Here is my code :


\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=1.5cm, right=1.5cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % En-têtes et pieds de page



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THE PART I DON'T UNDERSTAND

\def\thickhrulefill{\leavevmode \leaders \hrule height 1ex \hfill \kern \z@}
  \parindent \z@ 
        \scshape \strut \@chapapp{} \\
        \psboxit{box 0 0 0 black fill}{%
          \vrule depth 8em width 0pt%
          \vrule height 0pt depth 0pt width 10pt%
          {\white \LARGE \bfseries 
            \strut \vrule height 1em depth 0pt width 0pt
          \vrule height 0pt depth 0pt width 10pt%
      \advance\hsize by -2cm
      \hrule height 0.4pt depth 0pt width \hsize
      \vskip 6pt%
        \Huge \bfseries #1}%
  \vskip 100\p@
  \parindent \z@ 
        \scshape \strut \phantom{\@chapapp{}} \\
        \psboxit{box 0 0 0 black fill}{%
          \vrule depth 8em width 0pt%
          \vrule height 0pt depth 0pt width 10pt%
          {\white \LARGE \bfseries 
            \strut \vrule height 1em depth 0pt width 0pt
          \vrule height 0pt depth 0pt width 10pt%
      \advance\hsize by -2cm
      \hrule height 0.4pt depth 0pt width \hsize
      \vskip 6pt%
        \Huge \bfseries #1}%
  \vskip 100\p@


\chapter{Nice Chapter}
\lhead{Nice header}
\rfoot{Page\ \thepage}
\chapter*{Nice Chapter2}


Initial Output :

enter image description here


As mentioned by Christian Hupfer, my code does not work properly maybe because of the age of the packages psboxit and psboxtricks

here the code with the one I previously used, but that I modified without really understanding it :


\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=1.5cm, right=1.5cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % En-têtes et pieds de page




    \def\thickhrulefill{\leavevmode \leaders \hrule height 1ex \hfill \kern \z@}
           \hspace*{-100mm} \scshape \strut \phantom{\@chapapp{}} \\
           \hspace*{-9mm} \colorbox{Black}{\vbox{\hbox{\vbox to 1mm{}}\hbox{\color{white} \LARGE \bfseries \hspace{1mm}\thechapter\hspace{1mm}}\hbox{\vbox to 1cm{}}}}%
          \advance\hsize by -1cm
          \hrule height 0.4pt depth 0pt width \hsize
          \vskip 6pt%
            \Huge \bfseries #1}%
      \vskip 15\p@
            \hspace*{-100mm} \scshape \strut \phantom{\@chapapp{}} \\
            \hspace*{-9mm} \colorbox{Black}{\vbox{\hbox{\vbox to 1mm{}}\hbox{\color{white} \LARGE \bfseries \hspace{1mm}\phantom{\thechapter}\hspace{1mm}}\hbox{\vbox to 1cm{}}}}%
          \advance\hsize by -1cm
          \hrule height 0.4pt depth 0pt width \hsize
          \vskip 6pt%
            \Huge \bfseries #1}%
      \vskip 15\p@


\chapter{Nice Chapter}
\lhead{Nice header}
\rfoot{Page\ \thepage}
\chapter*{Nice Chapter2}

  • Welcome to TeX.SX! psboxit is an old package that apparently belongs to latex2.09. I am not sure this should be used nowadays. psboxit is available on CTAN, but not on TeXLive for example
    – user31729
    Commented May 23, 2016 at 15:10
  • It seems so, any alternative and comment on how to modify the code to get the same results ? Commented May 23, 2016 at 15:13
  • The same as what? I don't have a screenshot etc. to compare with
    – user31729
    Commented May 23, 2016 at 15:15
  • 1
    My answer to this question, using titlesec is close to what you want.
    – Bernard
    Commented May 23, 2016 at 17:28
  • 1
    Did you try compiling the very code in the link , or an adapted version?
    – Bernard
    Commented May 25, 2016 at 10:16


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