Let's show 2 unicorns, inspired by what we know from gables or blazons, like here:
The code below basically does two things:
- combine two previous drawings I posted here as
tikz pics
- shift the two
s against each other via the "constant" \newcommand\shft[0]{1}
Relevant code section:
\pic at (-\shft,0) {beauty};
\pic [xscale=-1] at (+\shft,0) {uni};
For shft=1
, this is the result:
But it's also fun to see what happens for 0, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 and 5. Wrt. AI
they can be generated easily, but not all will be appreciated as nice, esthtic or beautiful. Some may appear disturbing, or like taken from a test from psychology. The last one even qualifies for "telling a story by one picture". Or in techno-speak: shft
introduces a lot of noise
for us humans.
\documentclass[10pt, border=3mm]{standalone}
\newcommand\shft[0]{1}% shift amount for the \pic's
\tikzset{% needed for beauty-corn
paint/.style={draw=#1!50!black, fill=#1!50},
my star/.style={decorate,decoration={shape backgrounds,shape=star},
star points=#1}
\tikzset{% beaty-corn, as one-liners
beauty/.style={line width=1pt,decoration={shape sep=8pt,shape size=8pt}},
% ~~~ horn coloration ~~~~~~~~
\draw [decoration={shape sep=11pt,shape size=10pt},my star=6, paint=yellow]
(4.67, 5.22) -- (3.25,4.4);
% ~~~ head ~~~~~~~~
\draw (2.96, 4.67) to [out=88, in=95] (3.22, 4.78);\draw (3.13, 4.63) to [out=55, in=85] (3.22, 4.43) to [out=-45, in=105] (3.57, 3.79) to [out=288, in=85] (3.88, 2.86);\draw (3.77, 2.82) to [out=230, in=280] (3.32, 2.73) to [out=90, in=300] (2.79, 3.34);\draw (2.84, 3.28) to [out=185, in=270] (2.20, 3.92) to [out=250, in=160] (2.67, 2.83);
% ~~~ eye ~~~~~~~~
\draw (3.30, 4.10) to [out=190, in=160] (3.04, 4.04) to [out=300, in=190] (3.32, 3.93);
% ~~~ nose ~~~~~~~~
\draw (3.84, 2.83) -- (3.70, 3.00);
% ~~~ hair ~~~~~~~
\draw [my star=5, paint=red] (2.89, 4.83) to [out=180, in=90] (1.78, 3.69) to [out=270, in=160] (2.90, 2.50);\draw [my star=5, paint=orange] (1.63, 4.24) to [out=230, in=80] (2.14, .76);\draw [my star=5, paint=blue] (1.73, .45) to [out=70, in=270] (1.03, 3.04);\draw [my star=5, paint=yellow] (1.61, 3.65) to [out=260, in=140] (2.31, 2.29) to [out=-40, in=105] (3.34, 1.54);
% ~~~ horn ~~~~~~
\draw (3.48, 4.19) to [out=35, in=30] (4.67, 5.22) to [out=35, in=30](3.65, 4.82);\draw (3.65, 4.34) to [out=90 , in=280] (3.59, 4.69);\draw (3.85, 4.51) to [out=90 , in=290] (3.79, 4.75);\draw (4.00, 4.64) to [out=95 , in=290] (3.96, 4.83);\draw (4.19, 4.77) to [out=95 , in=300] (4.16, 4.89);
\tikzset{% uni-corn, as one-liners
uni/.style={line width=4.5pt,decorate,decoration={mirror=true}},
% ~~~ head ~~~~~~~~
\draw (2.96, 4.67) to [out=88, in=95] (3.22, 4.78);\draw (3.13, 4.63) to [out=55, in=85] (3.22, 4.43) to [out=-45, in=105] (3.57, 3.79) to [out=288, in=85] (3.88, 2.86);\draw (3.77, 2.82) to [out=230, in=280] (3.32, 2.73) to [out=90, in=300] (2.79, 3.34);\draw (2.84, 3.28) to [out=185, in=270] (2.20, 3.92) to [out=250, in=160] (2.67, 2.83);
% ~~~ eye ~~~~~~~~
\draw (3.30, 4.10) to [out=190, in=160] (3.04, 4.04) to [out=300, in=190] (3.32, 3.93);
% ~~~ nose ~~~~~~~~
\draw (3.84, 2.83) -- (3.70, 3.00);
% ~~~ hair ~~~~~~~
\draw (2.89, 4.83) to [out=180, in=90] (1.78, 3.69) to [out=270, in=160] (2.90, 2.50);\draw (1.63, 4.24) to [out=230, in=80] (2.14, .76);\draw (1.73, .45) to [out=70, in=270] (1.03, 3.04);\draw (1.61, 3.65) to [out=260, in=140] (2.31, 2.29) to [out=-40, in=105] (3.34, 1.54);
% ~~~ horn ~~~~~~
\draw (3.48, 4.19) to [out=35, in=30] (4.67, 5.22) to [out=35, in=30](3.65, 4.82);\draw (3.65, 4.34) to [out=90 , in=280] (3.59, 4.69);\draw (3.85, 4.51) to [out=90 , in=290] (3.79, 4.75);\draw (4.00, 4.64) to [out=95 , in=290] (3.96, 4.83);\draw (4.19, 4.77) to [out=95 , in=300] (4.16, 4.89);
\pic at (-\shft,0) {beauty};
\pic [xscale=-1] at (+\shft,0) {uni};