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How to solve these two problems with Beamer? [duplicate]

This is the two problems I'm trying to solve: 1. A title, which I don't want here, appears in my TOC. How to remove it? 2. The command \cite{} does not work: any of my references appear in the ...
domi's user avatar
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Filecontents is not recognized

I don't know how, but it seems that this file does not want to be compiled. Why? This is my mwe: \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{default} \usepackage[frenchb]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \...
domi's user avatar
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How to resize reference fonts in beamer when using apacite?

The reference section in beamer spans too many slides in my case so I would like to reduce it's font size to bring it down to less than 7 slides. This is start of the latex file: \documentclass[...
Ébe Isaac's user avatar
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How to make apacite typeset 'et al.' for all entries with 3 or more authors in Beamer?

The question that is closest to this one is here. The simplest solution is to use \shortcite provided in the apacite package. However, \shortcite is treated as an unknown command when I compile it ...
Ébe Isaac's user avatar
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Incorrect citation format

My beamer presentation does not cite references as I want to. I want to have Name1 and Name2 (year). Currently I got (Name1 & Name2, year). Also on the references slide I want to have those icons ...
Nadori's user avatar
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Beamer + apacite: Citation undefined [duplicate]

I am doing a presentation with the beamer class using the metropolis theme. Currently I am using RStudio and compile the file with XeLaTeX. Texmaker is an alternative. How to make biblatex behave ...
pat-s's user avatar
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Split references in beamer with allowframebreaks results in phantom pages

Using the beamer document class, I would like to split a long list of references over multiple slides. As recommended by M. Tibbits in another stack exchange question, one should use allowframebreaks....
Matthew Thirkettle's user avatar