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How to write references in LaTeX in APA6 format and make formatting adjustments

I want the word and to be used instead of the symbol & when there is more than one author in the publication when placing the citation call-out within the text. And, for entries of type @article, ...
Ameen Alzubi's user avatar
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Exclude certain references from bibliography list using apacite

I am using overleaf and I want to exclude specific references which are present in my bibliography.bib from my bibliography list. I have cited my references of interviews in this way, but I do not ...
Joep Groentesoep's user avatar
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What do I do wrong with documentclass{apa6}

On a MacBookPro 2023, Sonoma 14.4 running MacTex2023 I can't get apa functions get to work; (biber and biblatex give \endcsname missing, impossible for me to comprehend; so I step to natbib and BibTeX ...
BenJ's user avatar
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Page number for the back-reference is getting printed, but hyperlink is not. What is wrong?

I am using the natbibapa environment, with the apacite style. I want the back-reference hyperlink to appear between brackets at the end of each reference. Here is the code... \documentclass[12pt,...
adrimsvieira's user avatar
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Different first/subsequent citations for 3~5 authors using `natbib` with `elsarticle`

In order to abide by the APA rules: Name lists with three to five names are shown in full on a first citation, and are abbreviated to the first name and "et al." on subsequent citations. ...
miya's user avatar
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"Missing number, treated as zero" using apacite style

For my master thesis I use the apacite style to cite my sources. However, I always get the error "" when I have an entry in my literature.bib file with url or doi. Here is what I have: In ...
Lukas Reitbauer's user avatar
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Isn't the title of the book supposed to be italicized in apa?

When I compile: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{apacite} \begin{document} \nocite{atkins2014atkins} \bibliographystyle{apacite} \bibliography{lib} \end{document} With ...
Tiago Prazeres's user avatar
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BiBTex - Multiple bib files --> references do not appear

I am writing a document and I need to use many bibliography .bib files with it. Even though I include them at the bottom of my document, the bibliography still doesn't load. I am using Overleaf. ...
MathHack's user avatar
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truncating long author lists in citation call-outs to "firstauthor et al"

My code is as follows: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{johd} \begin{document} ... \bibliographystyle{johd} \bibliography{bib} \end{document} An entry in my bib.bib file reads: @book{...
Giorgio Maarrawi's user avatar
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How to display two-words author in @article entry in bibtex? [duplicate]

I would like to use bibtex bibliography in apacite style. The bibtex entry I am using is the following: @article{atlas2008, title={The ATLAS experiment at the CERN large hadron collider}, author={...
Luca Clissa's user avatar
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Error: undefined control sequence missing = inserted for \ifnum

I'm trying to write my paper with the Taylor & Francis LaTeX template. I get this error whenever I cite an author, although I have already entered all the references in interactapasample.bib. \...
kammad93's user avatar
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AGU template doesn't abbreviate with et al. for duplicate author-year

I am having the same issue described in this question when using the AGU template on overleaf. In the agujournal2019.cls file, however, the \bibliographystyle is already set to apacite (line 1091) as ...
ltr's user avatar
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Reference issue: In-text references appearing as bold question marks in LaTeX (but not Overleaf)?

hope you are well! I usually use "Overleaf" but recently I decided to switch to the offline version - LaTex. And, I am encountering this issue with references appearing as bold question ...
Rachel Brann's user avatar
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In two articles first author and year is same difference co-authors in same publication year in overleaf project

For my project in Overleaf using \bibliographystyle(apacite) and .bib file, when two articles have the same first author and publication year. The difference is in the names of co-authors. I am ...
Sujit Das's user avatar
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Missing number is treated as zero for \bibliography and \section

I have the following example code. Code for the setting file (settings) is as follows; % Included by MAIN.TEX % Defines the settings for the CAMP report document \renewcommand{\sectfont}{\normalfont \...
abdul samad's user avatar

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