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Is it possible to remove the comma that appears before an in-text citation note?

I am using natbib and the apacite style. I want to cite Descartes' Meditations, and one standard way of doing it involves an in-text citation of the form '(CSM 25)'. I managed to use the alias system ...
Sikander's user avatar
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How to set single spacing after punctuation in bibliography section using apacite?

I am working in APA6 class option, and with the apacite citation package. I want to have strict single spacing after punctuation / between sentences. In text, I used the \frenchspacing command. ...
Ségolène Guérin's user avatar
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change punctuation after author and year as well as at the end of bibliography with apacite package

I want my references in the bibliography to look like this: Gamelin FX, Baquet G, Benoit S, Thevenet D, Nourry C, Nottin S, Bosquet L (2009) Effect of high intensity intermittent training on ...
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