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2 answers

TiKz Path Exclusion - Compound Shapes (pathfinder functionality)

On Adobe Illustrator, it is very easy to use Pathfinder to create compound shapes by (using the path exclude function with the shape to be retained in the back layer and all paths to be removed in ...
Harry's user avatar
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2 answers

Reverse TikZ stroke direction to use with fill rules

This question is inspired by my own answer: How to draw the crossings in a tikz picture? where I draw the blue ellipse in four stages. I was thinking that it should be possible to draw with only one \...
hpekristiansen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Graph whit Tikz

I wanto to draw this graph whit Tikz: I have this code: \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.2] \begin{scope} ...
Arnold Fernández's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to use fill inside the \draw command in Tikz/PGF?

I am quite new at trying Tikz and PGFplots so apologies if this question is rather naive.I have been trying to fill the area under this manually made curve and I have tried to use \clip and \draw[clip....
14thTimeLord's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

filling an intersection between shapes

I need assistance in finding out how to fill the intersection between the shapes RO1, RO2, RO4, RO5 in the following. Assistance appreciated. \documentclass[border=5]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \...
mdf's user avatar
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Asymptote 3d: Remove the flicker from the dots of a dice to play?

I coded my first figure with Asymptote in 3d which is a dice to play with faces numbered by one to six points representing numbers 1 to 6 in a classic way. This dice can be manipulated with the mouse. ...
AndréC's user avatar
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