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2 answers

TikZ: Shapes with an angular colour gradient

Cross-posting from Stack Overflow: Good people! I'm trying to draw some shapes with an angular colour gradient, but I am unable to find the general syntax ...
StormyTeacup's user avatar
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Gradient colour fill with light and shadow effect on 3D objects

I wonder if it is possible to obtain a gradient colour fill to replicate the light position by means of TikZ. For example in these images (taken by a book) it is evident, that the light effect from ...
Richard's user avatar
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Filling area bounded by several lines and adding a text

I'm very new to Tex and trying to draw a graph using tikz package. So here's the code I wrote \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \ifx\du\undefined \newlength{\du} \fi \...
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How to fill this region in tikz

How to draw this figure in tikz The two closed curves shown can be any irregular closed curves (they may or may not look exactly like in the picture); also, the area around the point x can be a ...
Subhajit Paul's user avatar
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1 answer

Shade an area on one side of the curve with the boundary of the irregular shading

I need to recreate this graph, with those shading on both sides of the curve, both with the line pattern down the curve, and the shading up the curve. Note that both limits of the shading are not ...
Ariel Fernandez's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Shadings in TikZ due to vertices

I have this particular problem with shadings in TikZ. I want to convert quadrilateral patch plot to TikZ. What I know - vector of vertices coordinates and connectivity list of patches. What I do not ...
Humphrey Appleby's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Fill a square with radial fading

With my MWE \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{fadings} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \colorlet{ok}{green!25!} \colorlet{bad}{red!20!} \fill[ok] (0,0) -- (0,6) ...
Phil's user avatar
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