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How to remove white space between image and shape for visual alignment in LaTeX when using tikz and graphicx?

When I place an image at the top of the page using the page as a reference, there's a white space between the page border and the image. When I then place a rectangle to the left of the image, using ...
Fabio Corradini Santander's user avatar
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how to shade the area bounded by a curve and the horizontal lines

I would like to ask how to shade the area bounded by the curve x = (-1.5)^2+1 and {4-(x-2)^2 and the horizontal lines of y=2 and y=3.75 Here is my code \documentclass{standalone} \standaloneconfig{...
John Kevin Padro's user avatar
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Tikz plot with varying line color/intensity

Is it possible to use \draw plot and somehow vary the color on a step-by-step basis? Consider \begin{tikzpicture} \draw (0,0) circle (100bp); \draw plot [smooth] coordinates {(99.8109bp,-6.1469bp) (49....
Randall Fairman's user avatar
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Formatting images on a page with (background) lines at each image boundary

I'm trying to place a set of images of identical size (8 cm tall, 6 cm wide) edge to edge on A4 pages with small indicator lines on the outside of every image boundary. (The result I'm looking for is ...
3StepsTooFar's user avatar
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How do I use pre-defined coordinates to draw angles with TikZ?

I'm trying to draw a vector on a set of axes and label it with a theta symbol for physics homework. According to the TikZ docs, I need three coordinates to draw an angle. Using this stack answer, it ...
Aaron's user avatar
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How do i place images & text (with absolute coordinates) over the grid i created with tikz

So i wanted to create a table with fixed width & height filling the whole page (10cm x 10cm) and decided to use tikz (i have absolutely no experience in latex so i thought an svg-like solution ...
end41r's user avatar
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tikz fade/shading of portion of an image

I was attempting to get part of an image grayed-out with tikz, following some of the proposed code. However, I cannot figure out how to reposition the rectangle...; I'm able to move it around the ...
Matteo's user avatar
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how to draw tilted light cones?

I am having trouble in drawing tilted light cones on the second ellipse and in alignment of circle with its lines to get the slanted light cone. I have edited and updated this post 3 times and really ...
Talha Ahmed's user avatar
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How to Apply Blur and Noise to imported Images Using TikZ? [duplicate]

I'm trying to create the figure below using TikZ. That figure consists of a 2x3 grid collage with the following sub-images: Target - the original image. Denoising - the image with added noise. ...
Mycroft_47's user avatar
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How to create a curved cylinder in TikZ with a custom base shape?

I’m trying to create a curved cylinder in TikZ with a specific base shape. Here is the base shape I want to use: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \begin{document} %...
mori's user avatar
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Tikz Border Problem

I am trying to create the figure below using Tikz. It comes from Larson/Battaglia page 103 (see attached image). I have started the picture, but I just don't know how to create the arrow at the end. ...
Nick B's user avatar
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Forest Package Alignment Help

Using the forest package, I am trying to make: \Tree [.Red-Shirt [.Black-Pants [.Red-Black-Outfit ] ] [.Blue-Pants [.Red-Blue-Outfit ] ] [.Red-Pants [.Red-Red-Outfit ] ] [.Gold-Pants [.Red-Gold-...
muzan muzan's user avatar
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How can I display the complete coordinates with ‘\addplot graphics’ on the respective axes in TIKZ?

I use ‘tikz’ and plot an ‘eps’ file in an axis. In the axis I place a coordinate system around this image. Now I have the problem that the last numbers (3 and 2.7) are not displayed in the x- and y-...
data's user avatar
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Tikzpicture Multi-Edge

I want to create a multigraph. It's correct so far, but I want to have 3 edges from A to the same node B. This is my latex code: \begin{tikzpicture}[level distance=1.5cm, level 1/.style={sibling ...
VD3's user avatar
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Existence and uniqueness [closed]

Sorry, I am new to LaTeX. How can I make this figure or something similar from Nagle's Differential Equations book in a TikZ code?
Carlos Eduardo Velez Cantos's user avatar

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