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Work in progress on Chulym language




  • Declension of personal pronouns (Middle Chulym)[1]
    Singular Plural
    1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
    Nom men sen ol pis siler~sler~ser olar
    Gen me:ŋ se:ŋ a:nɯŋ~a:ŋ pistiŋ na olarnɯŋ
    Dat ma: sa: ana piske na olarga
    Acc meni~me:ne na a:nɯ pisti na olarnɯ
    Loc na na anda piste serde olarda
    Abl na na andɯn na na olardɯn
    Instr-Com me:ŋla se:ŋla a:nla na na na
    Dir na na anar~ara na na na
  • Declension of personal pronouns (Küärik)[1]
    Singular Plural
    1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
    Nom men sen ol pis sler~sɪler alar
    Gen menɪŋ~meŋ senɪŋ~seŋ anɯŋ pistɪŋ na alarnɯŋ
    Dat ma: sa: ana piske na alarɣa
    Acc menɪ senɪ anɯ pistɪ slernɪ alarnɯ
    Loc na na anda na na na
    Abl na senneŋ annaŋ~anaŋ pisteŋ na na
    Instr-Com menɪŋbɪleŋ na na na na alarbɯlaŋ
    Dir na na ana:r na na na
  • Declension of personal pronouns (Lower Chulym)[1]
    Singular Plural
    1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
    Nom men sen ol pis siler~sler olar
    Gen me:ŋ se:ŋ anɯŋ~a:nɯŋ pistiŋ slerniŋ olarnɯŋ
    Dat ma:~ma sa: aɣa piske slerge olarɣa
    Acc meni seni anɯ~a:nɯ pisti slerni olarnɯ
    Loc mende sende anda piste slerde olarda
    Abl mendin sendin andɯn pistin slerdin olardɯn
    Instr-Com meŋvele~meŋmele seŋvele anɯŋvъla~anɯŋvɯla pistiŋvele slarniŋvele olarnɯŋvъla
    Dir na na ere na na na

Note ^na Not attested



Like many other Turkic languages, Chulym expresses aktionsart through auxilliary verbs. Polyverbal constructions with actionable characteristics can express "state" (S), "process" (P), "entering a state" (EP), "entering a process" (EP) and "multiplicative process" (MP). This is recognized as universal in Turkic languages. S, P, ES and EP reflect episodic actions, whereas MP are habitual. ES and EP only seem to occur in the perfective aspect, while the others occur in both perfective and imperfective.[2]

The analysis presented by Lemskaya (2012) uses the perfective past tense in -(G)A(n), and the imperfective present tense in -(I)b(I)l(X), -AdI and -(Ip)tIr.

Aux. Verb Gloss Aktionsart Aspect
MC LC Perfective Imperfective
al- to take ES MP (Melet) Reflexive benefactive (SBEN); Sudden entry into a state (PNCT)
tʃat- jat- to lie down S, P (LC) S, P (MC) Durative (DUR)
tʃør- jør- to walk ES (LC), P (Tutal) P, MP (Melet) Iterative durative (DUR.ITER)
ɯs- ɯj- to send ES, EP (MC) S (Melet) Inchoative (INCH)
kal- to remain ES, EP (LC, Tutal) - Resultative (RES)
kɛl- to arrive ES (Melet) - Purposive (PURP)
kør- to see EP (Tutal) P (Tutal) Conative (CON)
olur- ot- to sit S (LC) S (LC), P (Melet) Progressive (PROG)
par- to leave ES S, P (LC) Durative (DUR)
pɛr- to give ES, EP (LC) P (LC) Inchoative (INCH)
sal- to place ES P (LC, Tutal) Telic (TEL)
tur- to stand S (LC), P (Melet) S (LC), P (Melet) Delimitative (DLMT)

Phonology according to Dul'zon


This phonology is adapted from Dul'zon[3].


Bilabial Alveolar Post-
Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Stop /p/, /b/ /t/, /d/ /k/, /g/ /q/ /ʔ/
Fricative /β/ /s/, /z/ /ʃ/, /ʒ/ /ç/ /x/, /ɣ/
Affricate /t͡s/, /d͡z/
Nasal /m̥/, /m/ /n/ /ŋ/
Trill /r̥/, /r/
Approximant /l̥/, /l/ /j/

/q/ is an allophone of /k/ in back-vowel words.


Front Central Back
Close /i/ /ʏ/ /ɨ/ /u/
Mid /e/ /ø/ /ə/ /ɵ/ /o/
Open /ɛ/ /a/ /ɑ/

All vowels other than the mid-central vowels have long versions.

Phonology according to Pomorska


This phonology is taken from Pomorska[1].


Labial Alveolar Post-
Palatal Velar
Stop /p/, /b/ /t/, /d/, /t'/ (LC) /k/, /g/
Fricative /v/ /s/, /z/ /ʃ/, /ʒ/ /h/, /ɣ/
Affricate /t͡s/, /d͡z/ (LC) /ç/, /ʝ/ (MC)
Nasal /m/ /n/, /n'/ (MC, K) /ŋ/
Liquid /l/, /r/
Glide /j/

/q/ is an allophone of /k/ in back-vowel words. /h/ is only found medially and finally, it is the result of secondary spirantization. The phonetic value of /v/ is uncertain.

MC = Middle Chulym, LC = Lower Chulym, K = Küärik.



This is dubious and seems to be missing some vowels (e.g. /ɛ/, which are almost certainly present).

Front Back
High /i/ /y/ /ɯ/ /u/
Low /e/ /ø/ /a/ /o/
Reduced /ɪ/ // // //

Long vowels may be found in any part of the word. In some cases, the long vowels coincide with Old Turkic long vowels. Otherwise, they can result from secondary contraction due to loss of a consonant like ɣ, y, n, ŋ, b, l, etc.


  1. ^ a b c d Pomorska, Marzanna (2001). "The Chulyms and Their Language. An Attempt at a Description of Chulym Phonetics and Nominal Morphology". Türk Dilleri Araştırmaları. 11: 75–123.
  2. ^ Лемская, В. М. (October 2012). "Акциональность в Чулымско-Тюркском Языке (в Типологической Перспективе)". Вестник ТГПУ (in Russian). 125: 98–103.
  3. ^ Dul'zon, A. P. (1966). "Čulymsko-tjurkskij jazyk". Jazyki narodov SSSR (in Russian). 2: 446–466.