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Texas Solar Power is an infrastructure that is made up of a series of companies who sell solar technologies to private and residential customers. These solar companies also take part in advancement in solar technology. The major solar companies in Texas all have either news letters or seminars on on new developing technologies that help showcase future products. Texas solar power is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States.

A photovoltaic module is composed of individual PV cells. This crystalline-silicon module has an aluminium frame and glass on the front.

Companies providing solar power in Texas


Texas Solar Power Company (TXSPC) specializes in the design, selling and installament of renewable energy equipment and systems. Texas Solar Power Co. provides an alternative to fossil fuels and sustainable power source along with the highest quality of service for residential, commercial, government, and remote uses. [1]

Austin Energy is a community-owned electric utility company with an energy efficiency program. Austin Energy provides energy conservation information for both homes and businesses which helps give potential buyers an estimate on their finacial and energy savings. They also provide equipment low-interest loans to help residential and business customers make energy efficiency improvements.

El Paso Solar Energy Association (ESPEA) furthers solar energy technologies with concern for the ecological, social and economic fabric of the region (West Texas, Southern New Mexico). In addition to monthly meetings and seminars, EPSEA conducts technology demonstrations for potential buyers, public and private cutomers, and project development work related to renewable energy technologies.

Solar San Antonio (SSA) is the leading provider of sustainable facilities powered by renewable energies. They provide plans and layouts for large complexes SSA initiates meetings, educational events, and outreach opportunities that increase awareness of the benefits of non-fossile fuel energy sources and how they can save money and spare the earth.


Major Solar Power Plants (Global)

Sunlight shining through clouds in Dunstanburgh, Northumberland, England.
  • eSolar
  • Asrua
  • Stirling Energy Company
  • Infina
  • SolarReserve
  • Solel
  • BrightSource
  • SkyFuel
  • Abengoa Solar
  • FPL Energy
  • Accion


See Also



  1. ^ CARSON MEDIA GROUP. Texas Solar Power Company . Texas Solar Power Company , 1995. Web. 17 Oct. 2009. http://www.txspc.com/.
  2. ^ Combs, Susan. "Texas Solar Energy." Advertisement. SECO. State Energy Conservation Office, 2009. Web. 20 Oct. 2009. <http://www.seco.cpa.state.tx.us/re_solar.htm>.
  3. ^ Rubens, Craig. "11 Solar Thermal Companies Powering Up." Earth2Tech. The GigaOM Network, 09. Web. 19 Oct. 2009. <http:/earth2tech.com/2008/04/22/ 11-solar-thermal-companies-powering-up/>.