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Questions tagged [embed]

Wordpress supports several methods to include content from other sites in your site using its own API.

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Would it be possible to disable embeds for specific user roles? If so, how?

I would like to disable embeds for specific custom user roles. I found this solution to disable embeds from WPPagebuilders: function my_deregister_scripts(){ wp_dequeue_script( 'wp-embed' ); } ...
TomatoBisque's user avatar
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Not allowing my site to be embedded elsewhere via oEmbed

Kind of "bizarre" question here. Is there a way to disable the possibility of embedding (via oEmbed) my site elsewhere and instead having only the URL shown? If you copy a URL into the block ...
Dande's user avatar
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Embedding a custom live chat (gen. from Salesforce) into my WordPress header

I'm having trouble embedding a custom live chat (gen. from Salesforce) into my WordPress header. Don't have PRO access. Any suggestions please?
Rhiannon's user avatar
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Override base Gutenberg block default spacing in child theme's theme.json

I am trying to change the default top spacing (margin) for the Embed block used in Gutenberg. I noticed that for some reason, the default setting is .wp-block-embed { margin: 0 0 1em; } which ...
Dandry's user avatar
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Prevent using oEmbed for a specific domain

We have a custom block that lets people embed content from The problem is that supports oEmbed poorly, and we’d rather use our own block. Currently, if someone ...
MadtownLems's user avatar
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add_filter is failing to append &rel=0 to end of YouTube URL in oEmbed

I'm working with a WordPress website owner who wants to only display their own videos in the "Related Videos" at the end of each embedded video. I've used Chrome Inspector to demonstrate ...
user3169905's user avatar
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Including plain text URL to post on same site is converting the URL to an embed

If I paste a plain text link (non-hyperlinked) to a post on the same site (using Classic Editor) it converts the post's URL to an iFrame embed. For example if my site is https://mysite.local and the ...
Gavin's user avatar
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Youtube embedded videos unavailable

Three days ago all the embedded videos were working perfectly. Now some of them work but most show the message "Video unavailable" and a link to watch it on YouTube. On debug info, I receive ...
timeuz's user avatar
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Replacing embedded post images from another site

I am migrating a site to a new domain which contains post with embedded images. Is there an automated way for me to get the images uploaded to my site and replace the embedded of the old domain with ...
Peter Borg's user avatar
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Embedding WhatsApp group discussion into website

WhatsApp groups are popular today. I thought to embed WhatsApp group into a website. Searched on repository but could not find anything. There are many plugins related to WhatsApp chat ...
Splendid Digital Solutions's user avatar
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wp_editor mce-view

We are using the wp_editor on a page on the front-end to allow subscribers to create a cpt post. We added support for auto-turning youtube urls into embed tags: function mce_scripts() { ...
shanebp's user avatar
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(plesk)After adding 1000 youtube url to my 1000 different wordpress article, my all websites doesnt show yt url as embed

i added 1000 article with 1000 youtube url, i directly pasted youtube url, but after that, including that site, my all sites on my dedicated hosting doesnt show the youtube embed after i paste direct ...
teamzane's user avatar
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How to add embed image in comments?

I'm looking for a way to display the images when the commenter adds a simple link to this image (without plugin, without upload, nor activate TinyMCE). For now, when the commenter adds a link to an ...
dragoweb's user avatar
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How to anchor to embed video

How would I create an anchor link from the Test text to the embed conten? I tried adding an id="03T" inside of the div within the embed comment block. However, when doing that I am unable to ...
Andrew Ryan's user avatar
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What purpose does /embed/ URL have and how to avoid SEO problems?

I've noticed this with many WordPress projects (and clients) over the years so I thought it was worth a public thread. When you interlink a post/page that has embedding enabled, the iframe source will ...
Jesse Nickles's user avatar

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