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Questions tagged [plugins]

Plugins are tools to extend the functionality of WordPress.Use the tag to mark questions related to issues and bugs faced in the plugin or its improvement. This tag should not be used to mark requests for plugin recommendations, which are off-topic per the FAQ.

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How to create campaigns in my wordpress website using the plugin ultimate affiliate pro? [closed]

See that I am writting my webpage using the WooCommerce plugin and the Ultimate Affiliate Pro plugin among others. I want to promote my webpage thru an affiliate campaign but I didn´t find enough ...
Alberto Ferreira's user avatar
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How to combine Wisechat & membership/subscription plugin [closed]

New here and have been trying to find an answer on how to develop a function for my site. I want to have a live running chat for visitors (wisechat) however participation in the chat will be limited ...
JBMills's user avatar
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Updating Shipping data is removing payment methods under Payment Options after WooCommerce block integrations [closed]

We have a payment gateway that provides multiple payment methods. We integrated it with WooCommerce nlocks. Every things works fine but when we update Shipping data then the payment methods are remove ...
mandalorian's user avatar
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EC2 Wrodpress plugin WP offload Media not upload files to S3 Bucket [closed]

I have two wordpress projects hosted in AWS EC2 (with ubuntu/apache). I am using RDS for database and try to upload all media contents into S3 bucket by using the plugin called WP Offload Media Lite. ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Cannot change content of my WordPress website [closed]

When I try to edit the page using elementor, it says can't open enable safe mode. When I enable safe mode and try to edit the content of the page, some of the sections of the page disappears. I am ...
Manjeet Kaur's user avatar
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How am i able to share a product sku with a variant of the same product with same sku without errors so inventory sync on whichever is bought? [closed]

The Title says it all. How can I share a product SKU with a variant of the same product with the same SKU without errors so inventory syncs on whichever is bought? I am trying to have some candle ...
Selected Scent's user avatar
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WordPress plugin custom server update protect download url

I followed this tutorial to provide update to my plugins on my server: This uses filter hooks plugins_api and ...
Toniq's user avatar
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Fatal error: Class-wp-rest-comments-controller.php on line 17 [closed]

Dear i install WP-Optimize plugin and in cache tab i check mobile cashe then click on save button after that my site give me HTTP 500 Error so i talk to my host provider he says it space issue then he ...
Syed Muhammad Ali Zaidi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Video Gallery Auto Update from Local Folder

would just like to seek for assistance for a free Plugin i can use or lead guide howto. Below is the plugin i need: Video Gallery for page Page will automatically be updated when there is a new video ...
vanvan's user avatar
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Help for a shopping menu [closed]

I would like to know how to make a shopping menu like this website (made on Wordpress) : I would like to be able to make the exact same thing. Thanks for your ...
Ben Hzn's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom page template from plugin does not work with pre-installed themes in WordPress 6.6.1

So I have a simple Wordpress plugin that just allows me to use custom page templates. Here's the code: my-special-template.php <?php /** * Plugin Name: My Special Template * Description: Awesome ...
darkhorse's user avatar
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Wordpress content admin approval flow [closed]

I need to solve a problem but am not sure how to approach it. A user can edit a post, but the changes must be approved by an Admin before they take effect. In the meantime, the previous version of the ...
Aayush Bansal's user avatar
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Custom Dynamic Tag in Elementor not showing image

Hi I am trying to add dynamic tags to the wordpress "image" widget, so that I will be able to choose custom featured image: second-featured-image and third-featured-image. These second and ...
Brango's user avatar
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wp_plugin_dependencies_slug filter hook to activate plugin with dependency in pro version

I am creating a WordPress plugin that needs to have two dependencies: Contact Form 7 and Advanced Custom Fields. I am trying to use the new Plugin Dependencies introduced in WP 6.5: https://make....
Wiliam Jose Koester's user avatar
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Struggling to edit the width of text in 'Variations' template

I am struggling, using the "Variations" template, to extend the paragraph text to fit the whole screen. I've googled and it comes up with lots of instances of variations, and I've searched ...
Laura's user avatar
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