How CAST Imaging works

Artifact ingest
Artifact ingest

150+ languages, frameworks,
database engines

Sematic analysis
Sematic analysis

system logic


Interactive map of all code elements,
all data objects, all their relationships

Free Trial

I can see in minutes what took three months to find before

David Ruggiero, Modernization & Cloud Advisory Leader,

Faster ramp-up of
newcomer developers

New teammates can quickly learn the application make up, navigate the internal structures, understand the e2e transactions, and literally see all dependencies, without relying on experts or figuring it out on their own. Becoming fully productive much faster.

Faster ramp-up of newcomer developers
Less time spent
making changes

Developers can quickly determine the impact and effort required to make changes or add new functionality, without extraneous consultation or research. They can easily share with others working from anywhere, raising the speed and efficiency of delivering changes.

Less time spent making changes
Safer and faster
application modernization

Architects can quickly delve into legacy applications, understand existing and to-be architectures, visualize data access and API call graphs, find objects affected by database or framework replacement and candidates for decoupling or microservices. Avoiding dead-ends and wrong turns.

Safer and faster application modernization
Assess and improve your software structural
resiliency, security, efficiency

With the Structural Risk Extension, managers can quickly understand the reliability, security, maintainability, of your critical applications per ISO 5055, and engineers can pinpoint severe structural flaws, internal and external safety threats, as well as best ways to tackle technical debt.

Assess and improve your software structural resiliency, security, efficiency

Key Capabilities

Any mix of 150+ technologies · Any size application · Knowledge persistence · Exports · APIs

Key Capabilities
Cloud maturityGreen impactSoftware compositionSoftware health


  • All technologies used
  • All data objects and structures
  • All code objects and properties
  • All frameworks used
  • All explicit and implicit dependencies between data, code, frameworks, across all technologies


  • Zooming in and out, down to the line of code
  • Five layers of abstraction
  • Logical groupings
  • End-to-end transactions
  • Intra-application dependencies
  • App-to-app dependencies
  • Fine-grain, single search across the entire application
  • Explanation of algorithms inside objects via ChatGPT


  • Data access and API call graphs
  • Data flows between objects
  • Calls between objects
  • Indirect paths between objects
  • Impact of changes
  • Framework dependencies
  • Database dependencies
  • Candidates for decoupling
  • Candidates for microservices
  • Architecture design adherence
  • Cloud optimization blockers
  • OSS risks and structural flaws


  • Tag objects against business function
  • Annotate and group objects
  • Place documents in context
  • Create, annotate and share custom views and functional maps

Managed Beta Program

Request access to the Beta program and receive confirmation email with instructions on how to:


Create your user account, then use the credentials to log into CAST Imaging on Cloud.


Download the source code analyzer, select the right folders and run the analysis.


Start navigating the auto-generated knowledge base of your application’s inner workings.

The source code never leaves your premises.
You get most of the CAST Imaging capabilities with the convenience of cloud.

If you need help during the source code analysis, CAST specialists are available 24/5 to assist you.

Request access to the Managed Beta program

Typical use of
CAST Imaging on Cloud Beta

CAST Imaging on Cloud Beta Software composition

JEE | Spring | Apache | C# | ASP.NET
HTML | JavaScript | TypeScript | React | Node.js
Cloud Services | AWS | Azure | GCP

  • Internal architecture

  • Documentation and
    knowledge transition

  • Change impact

  • Application

We’ve anchored all our applications on to CAST Imaging. We were able to cut down our transition time by almost 50%

Nachiket Deshpande


What our clients experienced

I can see in minutes what took three months to find before

David Ruggiero
Modernization & Cloud
Advisory Leader

Marsh Mclennan
CAST Imaging minimizes upgrade and testing efforts.

Alan Capper
Global Leader Application

A far better productivity of 10 to 15% additional on top of what we are getting today.

Naresh Choudhary
Associate Vice President

Accelerating Application Modernization - A Practical Guide
Accelerating Application Modernization - A Practical Guide

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Monoliths, microservices & modernization – practical strategies & guidance
Monoliths, microservices & modernization – practical strategies & guidance

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What’s wrong with the onboarding of developers?
What’s wrong with the onboarding of developers?

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