

Unlocking the Potential of AI Marketing in 2023

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In 2023, the AI revolution is in full swing, reshaping the business landscape as we know it. This shift isn’t confined to tech-forward giants; it’s opening doors for businesses of all scales to reach their objectives. Our May 2023 Currents report, surveying startups and small-to-medium businesses, revealed that 69% of respondents had used ChatGPT for personal and/or business purposes. Among them, 62% indicated they are in the testing phase with the solution, 23% are beginning to incorporate it into their regular tasks, and 13% of respondents have already seamlessly integrated it into their routine tasks.

Marketers across companies, even without a tech-savvy background, are discovering the impact AI can have across various marketing channels—from fine-tuning email marketing strategies and bolstering content marketing to honing social media engagement. For small businesses and startups, where resources might be tight, AI is an accelerant, allowing teams to do more with less.

In this article, we’ll explore the ways AI marketing is leveling the playing field for both emerging and established organizations. Beyond a trendy buzzword, AI marketing is breaking down traditional hurdles of resource constraints and technical expertise, making innovative marketing strategies accessible to a broader spectrum of marketers.

What is AI marketing?

AI marketing is the application of artificial intelligence to drive better marketing outcomes by creating personalized and optimized content. It includes the use of AI in crafting targeted advertising, deploying chatbots for improved customer engagement, and automating content generation to ensure relevance and consistency across various marketing channels. Generative AI business tools can play a crucial role in the entire marketing process—from brainstorming fresh, engaging ideas, and executing tailored campaigns to measuring and analyzing their impact.

AI marketing also uses machine learning, data analytics, and generative AI to predict consumer behavior and automate routine tasks. But AI marketing isn’t just about automation; it’s about augmenting the marketing process at every step, making it smarter, more insightful, and more effective. Through AI marketing, the potential to engage and acquire customers is expanded, offering modern marketers an upgraded toolkit.

General AI marketing guidelines to follow

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Based on a 2023 study among U.S. marketers, 73% of respondents indicated the use of generative artificial intelligence tools like chatbots in their company’s operations. Despite their growing popularity, venturing into AI marketing requires a well-thought-out approach to harness its potential while navigating its intricacies fully. Below are some guidelines for both managers and professionals intertwining AI within their marketing domain.

Get leadership buy-in

Securing the endorsement of leadership is a critical step. This will be crucial for getting the necessary budget for any marketing tools and also aligns the organizations toward embracing AI in marketing endeavors. Providing a clear roadmap of how AI can amplify marketing outcomes, coupled with compelling use cases, can aid in obtaining approval from the leadership. Additionally, initiating a dialogue with the legal team is crucial to ensure all AI marketing activities comply with existing laws and regulations.

Understand the limits and drawbacks

AI marketing is powerful but comes with its set of limitations. For example, data integrity is crucial, as erroneous or biased data can misguide insights and strategies. Additionally, there’s a risk of plagiarism and hallucination (generating false or misleading information) with generative AI tools, which can tarnish a brand’s reputation. Continuous monitoring and adjustment of AI systems are necessary to keep them effective and aligned with evolving marketing objectives.

Respect customer privacy

In the quest for personalized marketing, upholding customer privacy is crucial. Adhere to legal and ethical standards like GDPR during data collection and usage. Transparency with customers regarding how their data is used, and offering easy opt-out choices, cultivates trust.

Don’t put AI on auto-pilot

Although AI can automate numerous marketing tasks, maintaining human oversight is essential to identify potential issues promptly. For instance, supervising automated ad campaigns to ensure effective messaging and targeting remain relevant and appropriate is crucial. Additionally, human intervention is needed to respond to unforeseen changes in market dynamics or customer behavior that AI might not rapidly adapt to.

Keep the human touch

Having access to an AI marketing tool doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hire a marketer. Despite AI’s automation and efficiency, the human element in marketing is indispensable. Ensuring customer interactions retain a personal touch, mirroring your brand’s ethos and values, is crucial. Using AI for routine tasks can free time for marketing teams to concentrate on cultivating meaningful relationships and crafting compelling narratives that resonate on a human level.

AI marketing use cases

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Navigating AI marketing unveils a treasure trove of opportunities for companies to elevate their startup marketing plan. Here’s a dive into some use cases and actionable prompts to leverage AI in various marketing functions.

Idea generation and brainstorming

AI tools serve as a springboard for idea generation, ensuring your team never stares at a blank page or an empty Google Doc. They can provide many creative concepts at the click of a button, significantly expediting the brainstorming process. This is particularly beneficial when the creative juices are running low or when you’re pressed for time but need a fresh, innovative campaign idea to move forward.

Example prompt:

I’m a marketer at TechFlow, a tech company developing a productivity app designed to help users break down life’s biggest projects into manageable tasks. We are gearing up for a campaign to highlight how our task manager tool can empower individuals to tackle large-scale projects effortlessly.

Can you help with generating a few potential taglines for this campaign to kick us off?

Here’s what I am looking for:

  • A total of 10 taglines.
  • Each tagline should not exceed 50 characters.
  • The tone should be inspiring and empowering, conveying the ease and effectiveness of managing big projects with our app.
  • The taglines should be catchy, memorable, and elicit a sense of achievement and control.
  • Don’t include the name of the app in the tagline.

Persona development

Persona development is fundamental as it lays the groundwork for targeted marketing efforts by creating detailed profiles of ideal customers. By having a precise understanding of who your target audience is, you can tailor your marketing messages to resonate well, ensuring a higher likelihood of engagement and conversion. Coupled with customer research, AI can help streamline this process by analyzing data to extract critical characteristics and behaviors of your target market, thus enabling more accurate and effective persona development.

Example prompt:

I am an Account-Based Marketing Manager at TechAdvance, a company specializing in innovative cybersecurity solutions. As we are gearing up for a targeted marketing campaign, persona development is crucial to ensure our messaging resonates well with our diverse customers. Can you help with creating some potential personas?

Here’s what I am looking for:

A total of five distinct personas representing a range of our target customers within the cybersecurity domain.

Each persona should include:

  • Name
  • Job Title
  • Company Size (small, medium, large enterprise)
  • Pain Points regarding cybersecurity
  • Goals they aim to achieve with a cybersecurity solution
  • Preferred communication channels
  • Any other relevant demographic or psychographic information
  • The personas should be well-rounded, realistic, and based on typical characteristics and challenges faced by professionals needing cybersecurity solutions.

Additionally, please provide insights on how these personas can guide our messaging and content strategies in engaging these specific customer segments effectively.

Content generation

A 2023 Superpath report on content marketing trends revealed that 91.5% of respondents used AI in some stage of their content creation process over the past 12 months. AI tools can churn out first drafts, draft copy for landing pages, and generate email headlines, thus bridging the gap from drafting to editing much faster. This accelerates the content creation process, allowing marketers to focus more on refining messages to align with brand voice and objectives. Over time, this can lead to a more efficient content marketing operation, with quicker turnaround times and consistent output.

Example prompt:

I am a Content Marketer at CreateConnect, a software company that has developed a community platform for creators and their fans akin to Discord. We are gearing up to publish an article on how to set up community guidelines to foster a positive and engaging environment on our platform. Can you help me craft an introduction that’s around 150 words? The introduction should:

  • Engage the reader immediately by underscoring the importance of community guidelines.
  • Briefly explain the significance of a positive community for both creators and fans.
  • Set the stage for the reader on what to expect in the subsequent sections of the article regarding setting up community guidelines.
  • The tone should be informative yet inviting, ensuring the readers are intrigued to learn more about establishing community guidelines on our platform.

Graphics and design

Generative AI design tools like Midjourney, DALL·E 2, and DALL-E Mini can create illustrations, logos, and other graphic elements, which can be particularly helpful for startups or smaller tech companies with limited design resources. These tools can produce basic graphics based on set parameters, which can then be refined further by human designers. This not only saves time but also ensures a level of consistency and professionalism in the design elements used across different marketing materials.

Example Midjourney prompt:

/imagine hyper-realistic illustration of a diverse group of team members working together to solve a problem in front of a whiteboard in an office with green and blue colors

Customer engagement

AI can automate and personalize customer engagement, making interactions more convenient and timely. Whether responding to queries or providing personalized recommendations, AI can significantly enhance the customer experience. This, in turn, fosters stronger relationships and brand loyalty, which are crucial for sustainable business growth.

Customer personalization

By analyzing customer data, AI can help create personalized marketing experiences, making your brand more relevant to individual customers. This goes beyond just addressing the customer by their first name—it’s about providing tailored solutions, recommendations, and content that resonate personally. Over time, this personalized approach can lead to better customer retention and a stronger brand affinity.

Data analysis

Data analysis is crucial for understanding campaign effectiveness and customer behavior. AI can handle vast amounts of data, providing insights that help make informed decisions swiftly. This way, marketers can continually optimize their strategies for better engagement and ROI, making data analysis a cornerstone of successful AI marketing.

Ideas for implementing AI marketing across different functions

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Embarking on the AI marketing journey involves blending technology with creativity to enhance your marketing efforts. This section delves into how generative AI, like ChatGPT and Claude II, and other AI tools, can be used within different areas of marketing to accelerate and refine your growth efforts.

Brand marketing

  • Generate creative taglines and slogans that align with brand messaging.
  • Produce initial drafts of brand mission and vision statements.
  • Suggest ideas for brand storytelling across various platforms.
  • Offer insights for brand differentiation based on inputted competitive analysis.
  • Generate ideas for brand-centric campaigns and promotional events.


  • Produce initial drafts of marketing copy for various platforms.
  • Generate SEO-friendly headlines and subheadings.
  • Offer variations of calls to action for testing purposes.
  • Create engaging product descriptions based on provided specifications.
  • Draft email marketing copy personalized to different customer segments.

Lead generation

  • Craft personalized outreach messages to engage potential leads.
  • Generate follow-up email sequences to nurture leads through the sales funnel.
  • Draft scripts for chatbots to engage and qualify leads on websites.
  • Create informative content pieces to attract and educate potential leads.
  • Generate ideas for lead magnet content to attract prospective customers.

Content marketing

  • Generate topic ideas for blog posts, whitepapers, and ebooks.
  • Produce initial drafts for long-form and short-form content pieces.
  • Suggest headlines and subheadings that are engaging and SEO-friendly.
  • Create outlines for content pieces to provide a structured approach for writers.
  • Draft compelling calls to action to drive engagement and conversions.

Social media marketing

  • Generate engaging post captions and hashtags.
  • Draft responses to common customer inquiries or comments.
  • Create content for social media advertising campaigns.
  • Suggest ideas for social media contests or engagement campaigns.
  • Produce initial drafts for social media crisis management responses.


  • Generate SEO-friendly meta titles and descriptions for web pages.
  • Suggest keyword optimizations within content.
  • Draft SEO-focused content around specific keywords or topics.
  • Create outlines for keyword-rich content pieces.
  • Generate SEO-friendly headings and subheadings for web pages.

Sales enablement

  • Generate scripts or messaging guides for sales teams.
  • Draft responses to common objections or questions prospects might have.
  • Create initial drafts of sales presentations or proposal documents.
  • Suggest ideas for sales training materials or resources.
  • Draft informative content pieces to help nurture leads through the sales process.

Email marketing

  • Generate engaging subject lines and preview text.
  • Draft personalized email copy for different segments of your audience.
  • Create content for automated email sequences such as welcome series or abandoned cart emails.
  • Suggest ideas for email campaigns around specific promotions or events.
  • Draft copy for transactional emails like order confirmations or shipping notifications.

Conversion rate optimization

  • Suggest headline and subheadline variations for A/B testing.
  • Draft copy for different versions of call to actions.
  • Create content for landing page variations to test messaging effectiveness.
  • Suggest ideas for different promotional offers or incentives to test.
  • Draft scripts for exit-intent pop-ups or other lead capture mechanisms.

AI marketing tools

AI marketing is powered by a plethora of tools designed to augment various facets of marketing—from your video marketing to your podcast production. Here’s a curated list of AI marketing tools, each with a unique offering, aimed at optimizing different marketing functions for tech companies.

General marketing tools

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  • ChatGPT: A language model by OpenAI useful for a range of digital marketing tasks including drafting, editing, and brainstorming, thereby accelerating the creative process.
  • Claude 2: Developed by Anthropic, Claude 2 facilitates a variety of tasks through natural language instructions, acting as a helpful tool for brainstorming, analysis, and content creation over extensive inputs.
  • Bard: A conversational AI tool by Google designed to ignite creativity, foster idea generation, and boost productivity.
  • Zapier: This application automates repetitive tasks between different web apps, enhancing workflow efficiency and freeing up time for more strategic activities.

Content generation tools

  • Jasper: An AI marketing tool for drafting and editing content, helping marketers quickly generate copy and streamline the editing process.
  • Writer: An AI-powered writing assistant that ensures clear and consistent marketing content, aiding in maintaining a coherent brand voice across various platforms.
  • CopyAI: A tool that helps in generating creative copy for various marketing platforms, facilitating swift content creation.
  • Surfer: An SEO tool that provides data-driven content analysis and guidelines, aiding in optimizing content for search engines.
  • Grammarly: An AI-powered writing assistant that ensures error-free and effective communication, enhancing the professionalism of marketing copy.
  • Clearscope: A content optimization platform that helps in improving content relevance, aiding in better engagement and SEO performance.

Graphic development tools

  • Midjourney: A tool for graphic design and visual content creation, aiding in producing appealing visuals for marketing campaigns.
  • DALL·E: A version of GPT-3 trained to generate images from textual descriptions, enabling marketers to create custom visuals.
  • Canva AI: Canva’s suite of AI tools helps in creating visually appealing graphics effortlessly, enhancing the visual aspect of marketing campaigns.
  • Photoshop AI: Adobe’s AI-powered features in Photoshop enhance photo editing and graphic design, enabling the creation of professional-quality visuals.

Social media AI tools

  • Flick: An AI tool for finding and analyzing hashtags for Instagram, aiding in improving visibility on the platform.
  • FeedHive: An AI tool for scheduling and optimizing social media posts, streamlining social media management and engagement.

Video and editing tools

  • Descript: An AI-powered tool for editing audio and video through text, simplifying the editing process and saving time.
  • DeepBrain: An AI video generator, aiding in producing engaging video content for marketing campaigns.
  • StableVideo: StableVideo uses Stable Diffusion and a pre-set video frame baseline to edit images, allowing for significant variations with minimal impact on subject movement and background noise.

Ad buying

  • Smartly.io: An automated platform for optimizing ad campaigns, helping marketers achieve better ROI on ad spend.
  • Albert.ai: An autonomous advertising platform for driving conversions, aiding in optimizing ad performance and spending.

Customer chatbots

  • Userbot.ai: An AI chatbot for engaging customers and handling inquiries, enhancing customer service and engagement.

Data analysis tools

  • Google Analytics AI: Provides AI-powered insights to understand customer behavior and website performance, aiding in data-driven decision-making.
  • Tableau: A data visualization tool that incorporates AI for deeper insights, enabling better understanding and communication of data.

How to develop an AI marketing strategy

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With more and more marketers embracing AI marketing, crafting a strategy is pivotal for driving meaningful results. Here are a few steps to develop a tailored strategy for your marketing team:

1. Establish or assess your marketing goals

Start with clearly delineating what you intend to achieve with AI technology within your marketing programs. Whether your focus is on optimizing Google ads or deriving valuable insights from your customer data platform, having concrete goals and OKRs is foundational. For instance, you might aim to achieve a 20% reduction in customer churn rate through AI-powered personalized marketing programs within six months.

Delve into historical data to understand past performances, as this analysis can offer a rich perspective on potential improvements. Ensuring that your goals are quantifiable will pave the way for tracking the impact of AI implementations accurately.

2. Partner with internal and external AI experts

While marketers can navigate AI tools alone, having engineering expertise can significantly enhance the implementation and management of AI marketing strategies. Harness the knowledge of internal AI experts or forge partnerships with external AI practitioners to deepen your understanding of the AI terrain. Engage with business leaders to understand the legal and ethical facets of leveraging AI technology.

3. Select your AI tool of choice

Based on your goals, select an AI tool that aligns with your objectives. The market is bursting with AI tools, each with unique offerings—from automating email marketing campaigns to analyzing consumer data for actionable insights. Engage with vendors, partake in demos, and compare features to make an informed decision.

4. Develop and run marketing experiments

With your AI tool in place, craft and execute marketing experiments to test the waters. This could range from testing automated PPC campaigns to evaluating different AI-driven consumer engagement strategies. Be meticulous in documenting all setups and results, as this data will be invaluable for analysis. Running controlled experiments will provide a pragmatic understanding of how AI can be harnessed to meet your marketing goals.

5. Measure your results

Rigorous analysis of the outcomes from your marketing experiments is key. Sift through all that data, deriving actionable insights that can help refine your strategies. Compare the results against the goals set initially to gauge the success of your AI marketing initiatives. Accurate measurement will also provide a solid foundation for articulating the value and impact of AI to business leaders.

6. Iterate on your strategy

The AI marketing domain is quickly changing; this means continuous learning and evolution. Use the insights garnered from your analysis to iterate and improve your marketing strategy. Encourage a culture of feedback within your AI marketing teams to foster ongoing improvement. As you amass insights and learnings, adapting your strategy to the evolving landscape will keep your marketing programs agile and effective.

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