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    The European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the EU’s third-largest trading partner, consists of four members: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

    We have been active in the EFTA countries since the 70s, mainly supporting technology, renewable energy and green transport projects that reduce the carbon footprint. For example, In Norway, we financed the NordLink interconnector for a more climate friendly and integrated energy system; in Iceland, among others, we invested in a new geothermal power station and in Switzerland, we invested in world leading research infrastructures such as the large hadron collider.

    Country overview

    Find an overview of our impact by country. Additional country pages will follow.

    Our stories in the region

    We support projects that improve lives all over the world. Watch our videos and read our stories on how our work improves the quality of life in the region.

    What we offer

    We offer a broad range of financial products and advisory services for public and private projects to enhance growth and development in the region.

    Our projects

    We have financed projects that have had a positive impact on the lives of people in the region.

    Projects to be financed

    Financed projects

    Contact us

    Local authority or large corporate

    Contact us
    Tel.  +352 4379-22000

    Small businesses

    For small projects (generally less than € 25m)

    Contact our local partners


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    General enquiries

    Contact the Information Desk for enquiries regarding the financing facilities, activity, organisation and objectives of the EIB.

    Contact us
    Tel.  +352 4379-22000
    Frequently asked questions