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Die Arbeit im einstigen Haus eines berüchtigten Diebs aus der Gegend ruft Erinnerungen wach. Außerdem findet Alex die Ursache von Maddys besorgniserregendem Husten. (Netflix)

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Englisch Well, last Thanksgiving is now a distant memory, much like the calmer plotlines of this series. This time, Alex finds herself once again taking blows from life, one after another. If I were a believer in a higher power, I'd say the main character must have seriously angered it even as an embryo, or she's somehow inspired boundless hatred from this all-powerful entity with her mere existence. But since I'm not a believer in such things, I have to conclude that Alex just has a relentless streak of bad luck. / Lesson learned: Always lock up thoroughly. ()