
The film follows Detective Lewis (Grillo), a Louisiana police officer, as he is tasked with investigating a multiple murder case at a secluded house in the countryside. With only one survivor left to tell the tale, Detective Lewis and police psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Klein (Bello) try their best to uncover what went on at the house. (Icon Film Distribution)


Reviews (2)


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English Oh, this was again such a strange paranormal-criminal matter that brought to my mind the much better 2013 Evidence with a similar theme and execution throughout. When it comes to the execution, the storytelling method bothered me the most. Due to the constant jumping between the investigation and flashbacks from the house, it was almost impossible to get involved in the plot and be scared in any significant way. That was another drawback - the atmosphere was almost non-existent, the characters were unsympathetic, the originality tried to be present, but I did not understand its language. The fake smart twist put the icing on the cake of this film, which I completely didn't get, and I am very generous to give it two stars. At least for the effort and not entirely crappy craftsmanship; otherwise, I will probably forget Demonic in a week. ()


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English Wow, Demonic absolutely exceeded all my expectations and put me on my ass. The film features a fine cast, especially Frank Grillo and Maria Bello, but the other teen actors are also very decent. The film is split into two storylines and is told in flashback which suited me, both storylines have something to offer. The first one from the present has an interesting crime investigation with a perfect final twist and explanation like in Saw. The second one is a classic rip-off, but be warned, incredibly functional. The film features a lot of scares and really sneaky, evil ones that will make you twitch in bed and wish it was over. Luckily I escaped without any major injuries, but I have bruised arm from falling out of bed. Headphones are a must! I enjoyed it. 75%. ()


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