Evan SpiliotopoulosDrehbuch:
Evan SpiliotopoulosKamera:
Craig WrobleskiBesetzung:
Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cricket Brown, Cary Elwes, William Sadler, Katie Aselton, Christine Adams, Diogo Morgado, Celeste Oliva, Kiara Pichardo (mehr)Streaming (5)
Alice (Cricket Brown) - ein junges schwerhöriges Mädchen - kann, nachdem ihr angeblich die Jungfrau Maria erschienen ist, auf unerklärliche Weise wieder hören, sprechen und sogar Kranke heilen. Als sich diese Nachricht verbreitet und Menschen von überall herbeiströmen, um die Wunder, die sie vollbringt, mit eigenen Augen zu sehen, besucht ein in Ungnade gefallener Journalist (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) die Kleinstadt New England in der Hoffnung, mit seinen Nachforschungen über Alice seiner Karriere einen neuen Schub zu geben. Als beängstigende Ereignisse um ihn herum geschehen, fragt er sich, ob die Phänomene das Werk der Jungfrau Maria sind oder etwas Teuflisches dahintersteckt. (Sony Pictures DE)
(mehr)Kritiken (5)
Mary, I don’t understand how anyone can believe in the success of a horror film with such unconvincing special effects, a predictable plot, several dull moments, and jump scares as cheap as gasoline in Kuwait. Relying solely on the trio of veterans Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cary Elwes, and William Sadler isn’t enough, and even the briefly ignited idea, quickly extinguished, that disbelief might counter dark forces didn’t save it. The producers probably thought that doubts lead to damnation. ()
The Unholy erinnerte mich an die Atmosphäre, aber auch an die technische Ausführung von Der Fluch von Darkness Falls, in dem statt der "verfluchten Maria" die "Zahnfee" ihr Unwesen trieb. Das ursprüngliche Thema ist gar nicht so schlecht, und die anfängliche Geschichte aus dem 19. Jahrhundert hatte etwas für sich, aber ich fand den Film trotzdem ein bisschen kitschig, manchmal fast wie im Fernsehen - ob es nun an den schlechten visuellen Effekten, dem seltsamen Drehbuch oder der seltsamen Kameraführung lag. Es gibt eine ganze Reihe von Trailern, aber der Film ist größtenteils erstklassig, ohne jeden Versuch, Spannung aufzubauen. P. S. Ein Lob für das Plakat! ()
To have such ugly special effects in a movie that will be shown in cinemas should be a crime against the laws of aesthetics. Otherwise, The Unholy is a completely futile horror novelty that absolutely squanders what is, at its core, quite a solid idea. ()
The new mainstream horror fil Unholy, produced by Sam Raimi, unfortunately isn't worth much. it's nothing but a consumerist mainstream film, relatively nicely shot, but boring. The film was released in cinemas in the USA, so it's nice to know that it's not a completely cheap affair and a few people might enjoy Jeffrey Dean Morgan, though his character doesn't particularly stand out. The music didn't interest me much, there was maybe only one good jump scare, the atmosphere doesn't really grab you (unfortunately, most of the time it doesn't even happen in the dark), so probably nobody will be scared. The appearance of the Virgin Mary's ghost, especially towards the end, is slightly creepy, so at least there's that if nothing else. It's a shame it didn't push the envelope more (the body count is low), there are not enough scares and they not very effective, and at times it drags on quite a bit. An hour after it ended, I don't even remember what it was about, so I'm lowering my rating. 4/10. ()
Overall, a pretty good concept, as if it came out of an Enigma article, and therefore I believe that this originality will be appreciated the most in this film. Otherwise, it's quite a tragedy and paradoxically it mostly spoils the key scenes for this genre, the horror ones. There was a futile effort when it comes to effects here, and even Czech graphic designers did a better job on the recent fairy tale The Princess Enchanted in Time. There was no tension at all, and I'm glad I saved money on the cinema. These concepts call for more capable directors. ()