The Dictator

Bande-annonce 2


L'histoire héroïque d'un dictateur qui va jusqu'à risquer sa vie pour s'assurer que son cher pays oppressé ne devienne jamais une démocratie. (Paramount Pictures FR)

Vidéo (10)

Bande-annonce 2

Critiques (11)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

français J’ai longtemps résisté à Sacha Baron Cohen, un peu moins avec avec Borat et à ce stade, je n’ai plus de résistance du tout. J'aime le fait qu'il traite tout le monde de manière égale et équitable, qu'il n'épargne personne et qu'il a la chance de pouvoir se permettre de le faire même avec Israël, là où un autre réalisateur ou écrivain aurait facilement pu, pour des blagues similaires, perdre sa carrière ou la voir interrompue pendant plusieurs années. The Dictator mêle tous les dictateurs célèbres auxquels on peut penser et n’est clairement pas ennuyeux. La courte durée du film se prête à un rythme soutenu et à un cocktail délirant d'humour absolument éhonté. Les visages familiers sont au rendez-vous, ne fût-ce que pour quelques secondes, et Anna Faris change même de coupe et de couleur de cheveux. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I don't often reach for crazy stuff like this, but I'm glad I made an exception this time. I had a good time watching an American comedy for the first time in a while. Of course, we all have different senses of humor, which is why our opinions on comedy are often very contradictory. I have only one yardstick – the amount of quality and sincere laughter. And Aladdin made me giggle several times. The ideal running time spared us unnecessary dead spots that have no place in a comedy. Even though I'm not at all a fan of S.B. Cohen, he was quite tolerable here. 4 stars. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The transition to full fiction doesn’t fit Cohen at all. Where Borat and Bruno were sharply satirical thanks to their documentary format, which allowed average Americans to make complete fools of themselves, The Dictator is only eager and a little vapid. Cohen barks and bites in every direction again, but this time it feels as if instead of proper fangs, he had fake teeth. Some of the scenes are incredibly funny (birth! head! onanism!), but I was struck by a great deal of slag (so-so jokes) and many scenes that spend minutes lazily bordering the cringe, only to fizzle out without producing anything very funny (the scene on the helicopter that looked good in the trailer is ruined in the film). There are some good moments, but I expected (and wanted) something much sharper. 6+ ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If you’re a fan of Ali G, Borat, or (in my opinion, the weakest) Bruno, you’ll probably enjoy this satirical take on The Dictator. Sure, some might say the humor is a bit on the nose, but honestly, I had a good time. It’s not top-tier, but a few of the jokes were absolute gold. Sacha Baron Cohen goes all-in as General Aladeen, as he always does with his characters. I mean, this is the guy who spilled Kim Jong Il’s “ashes” on a reporter at the Oscars—it’s all part of the chaotic charm. The marketing and overall concept were just so over-the-top that it worked for me. If the story had been a little more original, I might’ve given it five stars, but it’s pretty standard plot-wise. Still, the pop culture references and digs at dictatorship are spot-on. I laughed out loud more than a few times. Easily one of the funniest comedies of the year. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A dictatorial charge of incorrectness, terrorism against good taste. This is goes beyond Borat and Bruno. It's a carnival of unrestrained villainy, trampled taboos and desecrated models. In a messed up world, The Dictator reminds me of an island of common sense, where democracy = the opportunity to laugh freely at everyone and everything (from phobias through the genre clichés of romantic comedy to the absurdity of the time). It has weaknesses, but I let them go. To the question of whether it was more aladeen or aladeen, I answer clearly: it was absolutely ALADEEN. The craziest mainstream satire in recent years, which makes Zohan just another shaved activist... (btw, finally someone adequately expressed the romance of samohana) ()

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