David LoweryOperatőr:
Bojan BazelliZeneszerző:
Daniel HartSzereplők:
Bryce Dallas Howard, Robert Redford, Oakes Fegley, Oona Laurence, Wes Bentley, Karl Urban, Isiah Whitlock Jr., Craig Hall, Jade Healy, Bart the Bear (több)Streaming (3)
Az öreg fafaragó művész, Mr. Meacham (Robert Redford) rengeteget mesélt a helyi gyerekeknek a veszedelmes sárkányról, amelyik az erdő sűrűjében él. Vadőrként dolgozó lánya, Grace (Bryce Dallas Howard) számára ezek a történetek tényleg csupán mesék, amíg nem találkozik Pete-tel (Oakes Fegley). Pete egy titokzatos tízéves fiú, akinek nincs családja, sem otthona, s aki azt állítja, hogy az erdőben él hatalmas zöld sárkányával, Elliott-tal. Pete elmondása alapján Elliott rendkívüli módon hasonlít Mr. Meacham történeteinek főszereplőjére. Grace ezért a 11 éves Natalie és édesapja, Jack segítségét kéri, hogy kiderítsék, honnan jött Pete, hol lakik és mi az igazság a sárkánnyal kapcsolatban. (Fórum Hungary)
(több)Recenziók (3)
A beautiful family movie. If I had to choose from the recent Disney movies, Pete's Dragon would clearly win over The Jungle Book. It doesn't need to be full of special effects and be epic from start to finish to be impressive. It does the opposite, and in my opinion much better, relying mainly on well-chosen actors and beautiful shots of magical deep forests in addition to the (great) digital dragon. ()
I quite like these magical stories about the connection of small children with other living entities. Pete's Dragon is literally saturated with stereotypes from similar films. Throughout the obviously predictable story, it reminded me of movies like The NeverEnding Story, Free Willy or more recent ones like Spielberg's BFG. And even though it doesn't have the emotional impact of older classics, for me My Friend the Dragon had more impact than last year's Big "Fucking" Giant. Initially, I was intrigued by the rich cast, especially Karl Urban who embodies a proper lumberjack with higher ambitions, but a heart in the right place. When he jumps on the car to prevent it from falling into the ravine, he looks incredibly cool, and I'm glad that instead of well-known names, there aren't just random guys from some B movies appearing here. Combined with sufficient CGI of the green monster (the association with Trico from The Last Guardian is spot on!), it's a nice feel-good movie, especially with a very successful soundtrack..7/10 ()
Simply Mowgli, but in a slightly different setting and with more people entering Mowgli's life. Oh, and Mowgli's name is Pete, and his protector is a dragon. Visually beautiful and seemingly flawless, but with an incredibly clichéd story. There's absolutely nothing surprising here. A job well done, which is expected of Disney, but nothing excellent. ()