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74 개의 무료 coming soon page 스톡 PSD 템플릿 및 모크업

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Coming Soon Page PSD Set
Coming soon page designed in two creative styles. We assure you that these PSD templates are a great way to inform your visitors that your website is under construction. Download the whole set for free! Coming soon page PSD templates designed with close attention to every detail. We have made clean and clear under construction templates that will surely help you a lot. Do not hesitate and download our set now. It comes completely free of charge! Coming soon pages have become a must have for every website. After all, when your website is down for maintenance, it’s a good idea to inform your visitors that you’re working on it. Moreover, people will want to know how much time it will take to bring your website up and running. So, it would be better to have a counter or progress bar that shows the estimated time left. There are also scheduled updates planned for every website. And that’s a small period of time when your website is not running. So, you should prepare with a proper under construction template for these updates. And with our free coming soon pages, you have all you need to build a good looking template. Just head to the download section and grab the free PSD file now! Note that we have not used any commercial fonts here, so you will not have any extra editing fees. Moreover, we have properly named and grouped the PSD file, so you won’t have any troubles at all. Resolution: 1280x1295 pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 1.860 MBFonts: Lobster, Roboto Number of Items in Set: 2Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.
건설 중인 웹사이트
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2173" alt="website under construction 1 Website Under Construction" src="" width="670" height="700" title="Website Under Construction"/></p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2174" alt="website under construction 2 Website Under Construction" src="" width="670" height="700" title="Website Under Construction"/></p> <p>I’m sure you know what , u"’": uWebsite under construction’ or , u"’": uWebsite launching soon’ signs are used for. So, I’ll spare you the lecture today.</p> <p>I’m sharing two , u"’": uwebsite under construction’ design PSDs in this post. The main difference between the two design ideas is their color scheme and the <a title="Backgrounds" href="">background</a>.</p> <p>You can download and modify these PSDs. Let’s see if you can build upon them to give them a new look and feel.</p> <p>You may also be interested in these previously-posted related freebies: <a title="Coming Soon (PSD)" href="" rel="bookmark">Coming Soon (PSD)</a>, <a title="Coming Soon Landing Page" href="" rel="bookmark">Coming Soon Landing Page</a>, <a title="Website Under Construction Template" href="" rel="bookmark">Website Under Construction Template</a>, and <a title="Coming Soon Page Template" href="" rel="bookmark">Coming Soon Page Template</a>.</p>

건설 중인 웹사이트

건설 템플릿에서 무료
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4411" alt="free under construction template Free Under Construction Template" src="" width="1000" height="500" title="Free Under Construction Template"/></p> <p>Today we are bringing you an amazing looking under construction template free for download. 이 공짜 모든 멋진 것 당신의 건설 웹사이트 아래에 현재 작업 중인 사용자에 게는 좋은 경험을 완료 하 고 업로드를 귀하의 웹사이트를 기다리는 동안. 이 무료 건설 서식 파일에서 회색 및 검정 유일한 색상 멋진 모노톤에 만들어집니다. 부드러운 <a href=""> 배경 흐리게</a> 하는 것에 대 한 설정, 건축 템플릿에서이 알려줍니다 사용자와 뷰어 웹사이트는 아직 공사중 및 작업 진행 사람들 마무리 시간으로 견적 할 것 이다 그래서 채우고 깔끔한 작은 백분율 표시줄에 진행의 수준을 표시 합니다.</p> <p>6 <a href=""> 소셜 미디어 아이콘</a> 하단에 설정, 페이 스 북, 트위터, 구글 플러스 등 사용자를 포함 하 여 수 있습니다 여러 소셜 미디어 사이트를 따라와 귀하의 작업에 관한 뉴스에 최신 상태로 유지 합니다. 다운로드가 우수한 건설 템플릿에서 오늘!</p> <p>행복 무료 다운로드!</p> <p>자원: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> 소개 인라인</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> Proxima 노바</a>, <a href=""> 소셜 미디어 아이콘</a></p>

건설 템플릿에서 무료

곧 페이지 PSD 설정
<h3>Coming soon page designed in two creative styles. We assure you that these PSD templates are a great way to inform your visitors that your website is under construction. Download the whole set for free!</h3> <p>Coming soon page PSD templates designed with close attention to every detail. We have made clean and clear under construction templates that will surely help you a lot. Do not hesitate and download our set now. It comes completely free of charge!</p> <p>Coming soon pages have become a must have for every website. After all, when your website is down for maintenance, it’s a good idea to inform your visitors that you’re working on it. Moreover, people will want to know how much time it will take to bring your website up and running. So, it would be better to have a counter or progress bar that shows the estimated time left.</p> <p>There are also scheduled updates planned for every website. And that’s a small period of time when your website is not running. So, you should prepare with a proper under construction template for these updates. And with our free coming soon pages, you have all you need to build a good looking template. Just head to the download section and grab the free PSD file now!</p> <p>Note that we have not used any commercial fonts here, so you will not have any extra editing fees. Moreover, we have properly named and grouped the PSD file, so you won’t have any troubles at all.</p> <p><strong>Resolution:</strong> 1280x1295 px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 1.860 MB<br/><strong>Fonts:</strong> <a title="Lobster Font" href="" target="_blank">Lobster</a>, <a title="Roboto Font" href="" target="_blank">Roboto</a><a title="Raleway Font" href="" target="_blank"><br/></a> <strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 2<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong></p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6809" title="Coming Soon Page PSD Templates Preview" src="" alt="Coming Soon Page PSD Templates Preview" width="594" height="2218"/></p>
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