<p class="excerpt">Dropdown menus are useful when you need to save some space. Will look great in web apps dashboards.</p> <p>Two color schemes for both light and dark backgrounds. You can change the color of the menu with just a few clicks. Icons are from <a title="Glyphish icons" href="http://glyphish.com">glyphish.com</a> . Enjoy! Oh, if you have any freebies requests, <a title="Freebies Booth on twitter" href="http://twitter.com/freebiesbooth">let us know on twitter</a>!</p>

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  • 파일 ID #5100931
  • 다운로드 5 다운로드
  • 파일 형식 증권 시세 표시기
  • 파일 확장자 .psd
  • 크기 260.0 KB
  • 라이센스 Freeimages.com Content License