Unfortunately, generating arcs is quite difficult to animate using standard SVG methods, so I fell back to javascript for this (the benefit of that is that it's synchronised to the system clock). I was inspired by the loopy thingies that are floating around imgur at the moment, and decided to make something that looks similar, but answers the question "what happens if they all advance at the same speed?" If you're wondering about the connection between this and the other Concentric Loops SVG, just look at the inner 6 dots. This version "ticks", has a time/date display, and has fixed an annoying bug due to how SVG displays arcs

추가 정보

  • 파일 ID #4800010
  • 다운로드 N/A 다운로드
  • 파일 형식 벡터이미지
  • 파일 확장자 .svg
  • 크기 2.7 KB
  • 라이센스 Freeimages.com Content License