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News video games 14 January 2021, 18:40

author: Milosz Szubert

New Cryptic Live-action Trailer of The Medium by Baginski

We received another trailer for The Medium, an upcoming survival horror game from Polish studio Bloober Team. It is unique in that it features real actors. The script for the trailer was written by accomplished CGI artist Tomasz Baginski.

The Medium by Bloober Team, the studio responsible for the recent Blair Witch and both parts of Layers of Fear, has already received a few trailers. However, the latest one, which appeared online today, is a bit different from the previous ones. All because it features real actors, not their digital versions. We invite you to watch it:

The above clip was directed by Pawel Maslona. Tomasz Baginski himself was responsible for the script and production. He is the creator of the Oscar-nominated The Cathedral, currently known mostly for his work on Netflix's The Witcher. Special effects seen on the trailer were created by his Platige Image.

The Medium's launch is set for January 28, 2021. The title will be available on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

  1. Bloober Team - official website
  2. The Medium Preview - Bloober Team Brings "Silent Hill in Poland"

Milosz Szubert

Milosz Szubert

A film expert by education. Has been working at since January 2017. A fan of tennis, basketball, comics, good books, history, and strategic games by Paradox. Recently a self-taught Game Master (apparently he's quite good at it). For several years, he edited films on the Notatnik Kinomana channel on YouTube.
