Magic Guard

Details Pok�mon

Name Jp. Name
Magic Guard Magic Guard
Game's Text:
The Pokémon only takes damage from attacks.
In-Depth Effect:
Prevents all no damage except from direct-attack moves, excluding damage self inflicted from Substitute, Belly Drum, Curse & Pain Split.
Blocks Role Play & Doodle Blocks Receive & Power of Alchemy Blocks Entrainment Blocks Trace
No No No No
Blocks Skill Swap & Wandering Spirit Blocks Gastro Acid & Neutralizing Gas Removed by Mold Breaker / Turboblaze / Teravolt Not used if user is Transformed
No No No No
Effect & Unaffected Moves

Magic Guard will prevent all damage except from direct attacks. This includes the damage from the Life Orb, without removing the boost, weather, entry hazards, status ailments and moves that hurt over multiple turns like Leech Seed.

Name Type Cat. PP Att. Acc. Effect
Belly Drum 10 -- -- The user maximizes its Attack stat in exchange for HP equal to half its max HP.
Curse 10 -- -- A move that works differently for the Ghost type than for all other types.
Pain Split 20 -- -- The user adds its HP to the target's HP, then equally shares the combined HP with the target.
Struggle 1 50 -- An attack that is used in desperation only if the user has no PP. It also hurts the user slightly.
Substitute 10 -- -- The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user's decoy.

Pokémon that can have the Magic Guard ability:

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd
Clefairy Cute Charm
Magic Guard
70 45 48 60 65 35
Clefable Cute Charm
Magic Guard
95 70 73 95 90 60
Cleffa Cute Charm
Magic Guard
50 25 28 45 55 15
Sigilyph Wonder Skin
Magic Guard
72 58 80 103 80 97
Solosis Overcoat
Magic Guard
45 30 40 105 50 20
Duosion Overcoat
Magic Guard
65 40 50 125 60 30
Reuniclus Overcoat
Magic Guard
110 65 75 125 85 30

Pokémon that can have the Magic Guard ability as their Hidden Ability:

No. Pic Name Type Abilities Base Stats
HP Att Def S.Att S.Def Spd
Abra Magic Guard 25 20 15 105 55 90
Kadabra Magic Guard 40 35 30 120 70 105
Alakazam Magic Guard 55 50 45 135 95 120