Wikidata:WikiProject LGBT

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WikiProject LGBT is the community project for improving LGBT-related content on Wikidata. The community here develops recommendations for modeling LGBT+ content, presents queries for showcasing LGBT content, and is the center for discussion of challenging issues in LGBT+ data curation.

Regular participants in this project are Wikidata community members, but everyone is welcome here! Anyone with questions about accessing Wikidata content, or who has LGBT+ data to share, or who wishes to discuss or propose policy may do so on the discussion page.

How to participate


Anyone can participate in WikiProject LGBT by developing content and participating in discussions.

WikiProject LGBT encourages new users to try editing Wikidata as soon as possible because the only way to understand the social and technical issues around modeling structured data is to have some experience and conversation about doing so. Try creating and editing Wikidata items for biographies, organizations, events, and other sorts of topics for which there are examples in the models page. For new users, browse the tabs at the top of this page. Consider the data models to learn what sorts of content to contribute to Wikidata, look at queries to see how to generate interesting data sets, sign up to join the group, then consider the overall goal this project has to advocate for the LGBT+ community and access to information useful to LGBT+ culture.

Anyone with questions about the intersection of LGBT topics and structured data can ask questions on the talk page.

How can I help?
  1. Add sexual orientation (P91) and sex or gender (P21) to items about LGBT people, long reference.
  2. Add back sexual orientation (P91) from the removal in May 2020, from the list on Wikidata:WikiProject_LGBT/Unsourced_sexual_orientation
  3. Create items about LGBT associations, national or local (LGBTQ+ rights organization (Q6458277))
  4. Create items about Pride parades (pride parade (Q51404))
  5. Create items about LGBT choruses (LGBT chorus (Q1820625))
  6. Create items about LGBT bars (gay bar (Q1043639))
  7. Create items about LGBT film festival (LGBT film festival (Q62018250)). Looking on with "queer" as keyword yield still lots of results
  8. Add and complete characters with properties such as LGBTFansDB character ID (P6780), or properties linked to LezWatch.TV (Q65659302)
  9. Create items about LGBT podcasts (LGBT podcast (Q104822202)). (Listen Notes)
  10. Create items about fictional LGBT characters (LGBTFansDB)
  11. Create items about video games (Represent Me)
  12. Discuss with us about the project!
  13. Talk about Wikidata and WikiProject LGBT in your LGBT organization
  14. Help us maintain existing items by patrolling
Join the conversation in Telegram

There is also a Telegram chat to discuss LGBT topics in Wikidata, maintained by users from Wikimedia LGBT+ which anyone that collaborates with the WikiProject LGBT can join:

noborder Wikidata LGBT+'s Telegram reception lobby



Content curation

  • Wiki Loves Pride
  • Biographies
  • Pride marches

Community and advocacy

  • Appropriate data modeling
  • Friendly spaces
  • Nondiscrimination
  • Affiliation with Wikimedia LGBT



There are certain topics which repeatedly come up in discussion in different places. To advance the discussion and to eventually reach consensus on best practices, WikiProject LGBT+ seeks to collect list of conversations. Anyone who identifies a recurring conversation topic can list it here. When there are enough examples, post them on a subpage modeled after the gender subpage.

Modeling gender


Under what circumstances do we report people's sexual orientation?

  • (pull discussions from archive)

managing vandalism


How do we respond to requests to change sex, gender, orientation, and similar?

  • (pull discussions from archive)