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Iimpawu zokudibanisa nokuthabatha


Iimpawu zokudibanisa (+) kunye no kuthabatha() ziimpawu zakwamathematika ezisetyenziselwa ukubonisa ukuba-positive nokuba-negative kwakunye nokwenzekayo xa kudityaniswa naxa kuthatyathwa. Umsebenzi wazo ezimpawu wandiselwe nakwezinye iintsingiselo ezininzi, ezifanayo nezibufana. Uphawu lokukudibanisa ngesiNgesi kuthiwa ngu-Plus kanti lona olokuthabatha kuthiwa ngu-minus. U-Plus no-Minus ke ngamagama antsingiselo yawo iyeyesi-Latin athetha "ukongeza" "kuphungula" ngokulandelelana kwawo. 

Nangona ezi mpawu zibonakala ngokungathi ngoonobumba okanye amanani amaArabhu aseHindu, azi mpawu zakudala-dala. Uphawu lokudibanisa noluyindlela ethile ekubhalwa ngayo ekuthiwa yi-Egyptian hieroglyphic, umzekelo, efana nemilenze emibini ehamba ngomkhondo walapho kwakubhalwe khona lo mbhalo  (ngokwesi-Egyptian ungabhalwa macalana omabini ukusuka ngasekunene  ukuya ngasekhohlo okanye ukusuka ngasekhohlo ukuya ngasekunene), kodwa xa uphawu lubuyela ngasemva lubonisa okokuba luphawu lokuthabatha




Iphepha likaNicole Oresmeukusuka kwiminyaka wenkulungwane ye-14 libonisa omnye wemisebenzi yokuqala ebalulekileyo yephawu i-plus "+" .[3]

Ekuqaleni kwenkulungwane yeminyaka ye-15 oonobumba u-"P" no "M" babesetyenziswa ngumntu wonke.[4] Iimpawu u-(P onomgca u omele u-più, oko kuthetha ukudibanisa plus, kunye no-M onomgca u- omele u-meno, oko kuthetha ukuthabatha minus) zavela okokuqala kulwazi-lwe-mathematika ye-Luca Pacioli, iSumma de arithmetica, i-geometria, i-proportioni i-et proportionalità, nombhalo wayo owakhutshwa wapapashwa okokuqala e-Venice ngo-1494.[5] The + is a simplification of the Latin "et" (comparable to the ampersand &).[6] The may be derived from a tilde written over m when used to indicate subtraction; or it may come from a shorthand version of the letter m itself.[7] In his 1489 treatise Johannes Widmann referred to the symbols − and + as minus and mer (Modern German mehr; "more"): "was − ist, das ist minus, und das + ist das mer".[8]

Incwadi epapashwe nguHenricus Grammateus ngo-1518 yazithatha ezi mpawu yazisebenzisela olunye uhlobo lomsebenzi wokuqala wokudibanisa + nokuthabatha − .[9]

Robert Recorde, the designer of the equals sign, introduced plus and minus to Britain in 1557 in The Whetstone of Witte:[10] "There be other 2 signes in often use of which the first is made thus + and betokeneth more: the other is thus made – and betokeneth lesse."

  1. Karpinski, Louis C. (1917) "Algebraical Developments Among the Egyptians and Babylonians" The American Mathematical Monthly 24 (6): 257–265 MR 1518824 doi:10.2307/2973180 
  2. Karpinski, Louis C. (1917) "Algebraical Developments Among the Egyptians and Babylonians" The American Mathematical Monthly 24 (6): 257–265 MR 1518824 doi:10.2307/2973180 
  3. "The birth of symbols – Zdena Lustigova, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University, Prague" archived from the original on 2013-07-08 retrieved 2015-10-05 
  4. Stallings, Lynn (May 2000) "A brief history of algebraic notation" School Science and Mathematics archived from the original on 6 January 2010 retrieved 13 April 2009 
  5. Sangster, Alan; Stoner, Greg; McCarthy, Patricia (2008) "The market for Luca Pacioli’s Summa Arithmetica" Accounting Historians Journal 35 (1): 111–134 [p. 115] archived from the original on 2018-01-26 retrieved 2015-10-05 
  6. Cajori, Florian (1928) "Origin and meanings of the signs + and -" A History of Mathematical Notations, Vol. 1 The Open Court Company, Publishers 
  7. Wright, D. Franklin; New, Bill D. (2000) Intermediate Algebra (4th ed.) Thomson Learning p. 1 "The minus sign or bar, — , is thought to be derived from the habit of early scribes of using a bar to represent the letter m" 
  8. iThemplethi:OED
  9. Earliest Uses of Various Mathematical Symbols
  10. iThemplethi:Citation.