Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Bek, see Bek's Character Hub

"He's looking forward to seeing you. After Madripoor I'm sure you two will have a lot to talk about."
―Bek to Layla El-Faouly[src]

Bek is the head of security for Anton Mogart.


Layla El-Faouly's Visit[]

Bek was a security man for Anton Mogart. He was friends with Layla El-Faouly, who also knew Mogart. She arrived with her husband, Marc Spector, to look at a sarcophagus that Mogart had bought. Bek greeted the two and shook hands with El-Faouly. As Spector examined the sarcophagus, Bek noticed he was acting weird, seeming to be talking to himself. Confused, Bek tried to approach, but El-Faouly stopped him, this made Bek annoyed.[1]

Battle at Anton Mogart's Estate[]

Suddenly, Arthur Harrow arrived, putting an even more tense Bek more worried. When Harrow talked to Anton Mogart, purple smoke started coming up from the sarcophagus. Moon Knight then arrived and started attacking. Bek, who was already pointing a gun at Layla El-Faouly, tried to fight her. El-Faouly quickly got the upper hand, dodging Bek's knife, making him stab the sarcophagus. El-Faouly then took her necklace, bringing out a sharper edge. She then stabbed Bek in the chest with it.[1]


  • Expert Combatant:
    Bek tries to stab Layla

    Bek fighting against Layla El-Faouly

    To be added
  • Knife Mastery: To be added
  • Multilingualism: Bek is fluent in English, French, and Arabic.



  • Knife: Bek used a knife to try to kill Layla El-Faouly, but was eventually defeated by her.





  • In the comics, Kareesh-Bek is one of the Slayers Elite who fought and was killed by Moon Knight when he was knocked over onto his own bandoleer.

Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Bek.

External Links[]
