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For alternate versions of Arthur Harrow, see Arthur Harrow's Character Hub

"She's out there, waiting, longing to be freed. While the cruel masses deserve to face her judgment. And in the wake of their screams, evil eradicated."
―Arthur Harrow to Steven Grant[src]

Arthur Harrow was a former Avatar of Khonshu and a previous wielder of the Moon Knight title, who fell disillusioned with Khonshu and instead became devoted to Ammit. He formed a cult of disciples dedicated to bringing her back to life and bestowing her judgment on the world. Harrow's mission to locate her tomb and resurrect her was hindered by the present Moon Knight, Marc Spector, who he was forced to kill. Harrow succeeded in liberating Ammit from her imprisonment and became her Avatar, but he was stopped by a resurrected Moon Knight and Scarlet Scarab, who imprisoned Ammit inside his body. Harrow was administrated to a psychiatric hospital, where he was later assassinated by Spector's alter Jake Lockley, killing Ammit as well.


Early Life[]

Avatar for Khonshu[]

"Can I tell you a secret? I enjoyed dealing out pain on your behalf. That is the greatest sin I carry."
―Arthur Harrow to Khonshu[src]

Arthur Harrow was chosen to be Khonshu's Avatar and operated as "Moon Knight". However, due to Khonshu's constant need for him to perform tasks, thus never letting him be free, Harrow lost faith in him and was eventually persuaded by Ammit to betray Khonshu and swear allegiance to her.[1]

Cult Leader[]

Judgement in the Alps[]

Arthur Harrow & his followers

Harrow being worshipped by his followers

"I've been good my entire life."
"I believe you. But the scales see everything. Perhaps it's something that lies ahead. Well... I wish you could live to see the world we make. Yet, Ammit has decided."
Alpine Woman and Arthur Harrow[src]

Harrow took up residence in a penthouse situated in a village in the Alps in Austria, amassed a following of disciples, crushed glass into his shoes before putting them on each morning, and using the power of Ammit that was given to him in a cane to judge people's morality and kill people whom his ability deemed unworthy.

Call me Arthur

Harrow asks for people to come forward

At one judgment ceremony, a man approached Harrow to be judged, and Harrow placed his cane in the man's hands. Harrow watched his tattoo turn green and announced to the public that the man was a good person.

Harrow with old woman

Harrow judging a woman's fate

An elderly woman then approached Harrow and asked to be judged, so Harrow repeated the process for her. Harrow's tattoo turned red, despite the woman's insistence that she had been good her entire life. Harrow said that while he believed her, his tattoo was never wrong. He suggested that the woman was destined to do something bad in the future and expressed sorrow that woman would not see Harrow's future before using his power to kill her.

Arthur Harrow meets Steven Grant

Harrow first encountering Steven Grant

While the woman's body was being carried away, two of Harrow's disciples told him that someone had stolen the Scarab of Ammit, and that the thief was likely at the ceremony. Harrow chanted in ancient Egyptian for the group to kneel, and everyone did so except Steven Grant, who hesitated before following suit. Harrow recognized Grant as a mercenary named Marc Spector and demanded that the scarab be returned to him.

Arthur Harrow and Steven Grant

Harrow demanding the return of the scarab

Grant attempted to give Harrow the scarab, but could not release the grip he had. Grant began walking away and insisting that he was not responsible for his actions, so Harrow had his disciples grab Grant and retrieve the scarab. However, Harrow watched as Grant changed into Spector and killed the men grabbing him, before Grant resumed control and ran away hopping into a cupcake van, with Harrow's disciples in pursuit.[2]

Heading into London[]


Harrow pursues Steven Grant in London

"It's maddening, isn't it? The voice in your head. Relentless, forever unsatisfied. No matter how hard you try to please, it devours you until there's nothing left but a hollow shell."
―Arthur Harrow to Steven Grant[src]

After learning that his followers had been defeated, Harrow went to London, England, to find Steven Grant and followed him onto a bus. When Grant got off the bus, Harrow watched and then sent his disciples to the National Art Gallery, Grant's place of work.

Arthur Harrow (Museum)

Harrow greets Steven Grant at the Gallery

He then made his own way to the museum and approached Grant there himself. Grant attempted to ask a security guard, Ronnie, to escort Harrow out of the museum, but Ronnie revealed to Grant that he was secretly one of Harrow's disciples.

Arthur Harrow (National Art Gallery)

Harrow explaining Ammit to Steven Grant

Harrow explained to Grant that the Egyptian goddess, Ammit, owned the scarab that his alter had stolen and talked about her ability to see the morality of people's past, present, and future actions. Harrow explained that Ammit could have prevented historical atrocities had her fellow gods and her own Avatar not betrayed her.

Moon Knight Big Game TV Spot (3)

Harrow explains Steven Grant's inner chaos

Harrow placed his cane in Grant's hand and judged him, realizing that there was chaos within him. Grant ran away, and Harrow instructed his disciples not to follow him.


Harrow watches Steven Grant run away

That night, Harrow had a jackal appear in the National Art Gallery, attracting Steven Grant's attention. Harrow demanded that Grant hand over the scarab in exchange for his life. Believing that Grant would be killed by the jackal, Harrow left the museum.[2]

Speaking with Steven Grant[]

Arthur Harrow & Bobbi Kennedy

Harrow looking down upon Steven Grant

"Ammit will light the path to good by eradicating the choice of evil, which brings us to the scarab. That scarab functions as a kind of compass, leading us to Ammit's tomb."
―Arthur Harrow to Steven Grant[src]

The next day, Harrow learned that Steven Grant was alive, and sent two of his disciples, Bobbi Kennedy and Billy Fitzgerald, to bring Grant to him. He met them at a village that he had populated with his disciples. When Grant was let out of the car, Harrow looked down at him and told Kennedy to remove his handcuffs.

Arthur Harrow & Steven Grant

Harrow walks and speaks with Steven Grant

Harrow then led Grant through the village, greeting people, such as Jamila, as they passed, and explaining to Grant what his disciples believed. As they walked, Harrow realized that Khonshu was nearby and told Grant to ignore him. Harrow then brought Grant to a dining area and told him that Victor had prepared a soup for them.

Arthur Harrow (MK)

Harrow gets questioned by Steven Grant

As they ate, Harrow told Grant that he used to be Khonshu's Avatar and that he had become Ammit’s as she was real justice. Grant disagreed and questioned him on whether that was fair. When he pressed him on the case of child murder, Harrow became upset and threatened Grant with his cane.

Arthur Harrow (Cult Leader)

Harrow asking Steven Grant for the scarab

Harrow then asked Grant repeatedly about the whereabouts of the scarab. Grant couldn't answer, and the disciples present began to crowd closer to interrogate him. When Harrow asked one more time, Layla El-Faouly appeared and showed him that she had it. He told her she didn't understand what the importance of holding such an object was. He then asked for it, but she instead went to Grant and told him to summon the suit, before running away.

Arthur summons a jackal

Harrow summons a jackal from his portal

Frustrated, Harrow pressed his cane into the ground and used Ammit's powers to open up an entry way to another dimension. A jackal then crawled out from it and Harrow sent it after Grant and El-Faouly.[1]

Receiving the Scarab[]

Arthur Harrow kills a man without judging

Harrow receives the scarab and kills a man

Harrow made his way outside and found the scarab in an older man's possession. He asked the man for the scarab and then used his cane to ruthlessly murder him. Afterwards, he looked down an alleyway and saw that he had been watched by Layla El-Faouly.[1]

Egypt Mission[]

Finding Ammit's Tomb[]

Arthur Harrow (Cairo)

Harrow beginning his search out in Cairo

Harrow and his disciples then left England and travelled to Cairo, Egypt. They trekked their way into the desert towards the Pyramids with the scarab pointing them in the direction to go. As they were walking, Bobbi Kennedy alerted Harrow to the fact that Marc Spector was also in Cairo.

Harrow witnesses the eclipse

Harrow sees Khonshu sending his signal

As they continued to work, Harrow saw the eclipse in the sky and understood it as Khonshu’s signal to the Ennead, musing that Khonshu was growing desperate. He then told his disciples that he was going to be put on trial soon.[4]

Trial with the Gods[]

Arthur Harrow on trial

Harrow being put on trial with the Ennead

"It brings me no pleasure to tell you that this is a deeply troubled man. Khonshu is taking advantage of him, the same way that he abused me, the way he aspires to abuse this court. Take action now."
―Arthur Harrow to Ennead Council[src]

Shortly, Harrow was summoned by the Ennead Council into the Great Pyramid of Giza to be put on trial. Osiris told him that Khonshu had accused him of wanting to resurrect Ammit, and asked if that was true. Harrow denied the accusation and stated he had simply been touring the pyramids. He then told them that Khonshu's Avatar, Marc Spector, was a deeply unwell man who suffered from dissociative identity disorder. When Spector, as Khonshu, attempted to punch Harrow, Osiris had then stopped him and told him they would not allow violence there. They then concluded that Harrow was innocent and dismissed the trial. Harrow looked at Spector and then left quietly.[4]

Meeting Anton Mogart[]

Arthur Harrow

Harrow confronts Marc Spector again

Harrow had his disciples keep watch on Marc Spector and was notified by some that Spector and Layla El-Faouly went to find Senfu’s sarcophagus. Harrow then made his way to their location at Anton Mogart’s estate and attempted to turn Mogart against Spector and El-Faouly.

Arthur Harrow & Anton Mogart

Harrow shows the Staff to Anton Mogart

He then told El-Faouly that Spector was hiding something from her. He showed Mogart his cane and used Ammit’s powers to destroy the sarcophagus. He then made his exit as a fight broke out.[4]

Speaking to Khonshu[]

Harrow looks at the sky

Harrow sees the sky

"Had you not broken me so completely, I might never have known the value of healing. I'm going to do what you could not. And when it's finished, I want you to remember one thing. Your torment forged me. I owe my victory to you."
―Arthur Harrow to Khonshu[src]

On his way out of the estate, Harrow saw the sky dramatically change. The stars moved around as if the sky was changing to a new night. Knowing this was Khonshu's doing, Harrow visited the pyramid as he figured Khonshu would get imprisoned for his acts. Harrow saw Khonshu's Ushabti and talked to it. He admitted the Khonshu that he had a secret. He liked dealing pain and death on behalf of Khonshu. He then told him that he owed his victory to Khonshu as he was the one that broke Harrow, allowing him to feel the value of healing.[4]

Confronting Layla El-Faouly[]

The Tomb (51)

Harrow speaks to Layla El-Faouly

"Your father was murdered by mercenaries. No one knows who they were, do they?"
"You're saying that Marc was one of them?"
―Arthur Harrow and Layla El-Faouly[src]

The group found the tomb holding Ammit's Ushabti. Harrow entered and walked around until he hit a room that had a giant cliff. He watched from a distance as Layla El-Faouly battled a Heka Priest. She was eventually able to defeat it, throwing the priest over the ledge. Harrow spoke up, saying she handled it beautifully.

Arthur Harrow (The Tomb)

Harrow manipulates Layla

El-Faouly called Harrow condescending and walked away. However, Harrow caught her attention by calling her a little scarab, just as her father called her. When she walked back, Harrow explained to her his purpose and how Ammit revealed the sins to him. Harrow then sat down, right on the edge as if he was oblivious to the danger. He talked about how Marc Spector was in agony. He further explained that Spector was in agony because of a secret. Harrow alluded to Spector's involvement in Abdallah's death.[5]

Killing Marc Spector[]

Arthur Harrow (Ammit's Tomb)

Harrow finds the tomb

"I can't save anyone who won't save themselves."
―Arthur Harrow[src]

Harrow was then able to find the tomb of Alexander the Great and saw Marc Spector there. Spector took an ax, holding it high. Harrow talked to him about the first day he felt that Khonshu was gone and the freeing feeling he felt. He related this to Spector now that Khonshu was gone. Since Spector was now free, Harrow gave him a choice.

Arthur Harrow shoots Marc Spector

Harrow shoots Spector

Spector did not choose what Harrow liked and slashed at Harrow's men with his ax, throwing it at the man in front of Harrow. Harrow then took a gun and shot Spector, who looked at Harrow in shock. Harrow then shot again, the second bullet to the chest. Spector collapsed into the water below, dying.[5] Harrow then talked to the corpse of Spector as he was lifted from the water. He placed the Scarab of Ammit on Spector's chest, referring to him as Spector, Grant, and whoever else was in there.[6]

Unleashing Ammit[]

Judging Guards[]

Arthur Harrow vs

Harrow judges the Egyptian Patrol Agency officers

Now in possession of Ammit's Ushabti, Harrow the disciples drove away. While driving on the road, they were stopped by officers from the Egyptian Patrol Agency. Harrow stepped out of the car, causing a confrontation. Harrow then proceeded to stomp the Staff of Ammit onto the ground, which checked all of the officers' souls. Every officer but one fell to the ground dead. Harrow congratulated the one officer and thanked him for being a good person.[6]

Ammit's Avatar[]

Arthur Harrow and Disciples

Harrow speaks to Ammit

The disciples got to the Great Pyramid of Giza and walked up a fair distance. Harrow then used the Staff of Ammit to open the gateway. Arriving inside, Harrow immediately overwhelmed and killed Selim, Yatzil, Horus' Avatar, Tefnut's Avatar, and Isis' Avatar. He then smashed Ammit's Ushabti onto the ground, releasing her. Ammit asked who released her and Harrow humbly said it was him. She then judged him, saying he was broken. Harrow understood, saying that he hoped his crusade would change that, but was okay with being killed.

Purple Eyes (Arthur Harrow)

Harrow possessed by Ammit

Ammit then said that since he freed her, she would spare him. She then commanded Harrow to be her Avatar, which he graciously accepted. Suddenly, Khonshu arrived. Harrow told his disciples to find whoever freed him. Khonshu and Ammit talked while Harrow warned her not to give in to Khonshu's words. Khonshu and Ammit fought until Khonshu finally left.[6]

Fighting Moon Knight[]

Harrow over Cairo

Harrow on the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza

Everyone went outside to cleanse Cairo of their souls. Harrow went to the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza and stomped the ground, letting out a wave of energy to people's souls. Moon Knight then arrived, being healed by Khonshu. Harrow ran at Moon Knight and jumped, clashing with him. Harrow held onto Spector as he flew into the sky. Suddenly, Spector changed to Mr. Knight, which did not have a cape, allowing him to fall. When Spector returned, Harrow grabbed onto him once again. crashing into the street.

Arthur Harrow vs

Harrow plunges the Staff of Ammit into Spector's chest

Harrow and Moon Knight fought on the street. Harrow gained the upper hand and was about to blast Spector when he was suddenly tackled by the Scarlet Scarab. Now in a three way fight, Harrow did his best, fighting very well. He then blasted a van full of people, distracting Scarlet Scarab. Moon Knight got Harrow to stop by tackling him. The fight went on until Harrow got the upperhand again, deflecting the Crescent Blades into El-Faouly. He plunged the Staff of Ammit into Spector's chest, nearly killing him.

Suddenly, Spector blacked out. When he got up, he seemed to be a different person, more violent. He crusaded through everyone, not being able to be defeated. Harrow was then taken down by Moon Knight, who changed into a hidden altar, Jake Lockley. Harrow was near dead as Lockley was about to chop Harrow's skull with his own staff. Suddenly, Lockley changed back into Spector, leaving Harrow on the ground.[6]

Trapping Ammit[]

Moon Knight and Scarlet Scarab trap Ammit in Arthur Harrow's body

Harrow transforms into Ammit's cell

The injured and unconscious form of Harrow was taken into the Great Pyramid of Giza, and placed upon an alter. Scarlet Scarab and Moon Knight then started a chant, creating a purple band around Harrow. This chant was a spell that forced Ammit into Harrow's body, which would make her mortal. When the spell was done, Harrow was bound with Ammit and in front of Moon Knight. Khonshu ordered Spector to kill Harrow, but Spector refused, instead making Khonshu free Spector from Moon Knight.[6]

Capture and Demise[]

Arthur Harrow (Sienkiewicz Psychiatric Hospital)

Harrow at Sienkiewicz Psychiatric Hospital

"Khonshu. You can't hurt us"
―Arthur Harrow to Khonshu[src]

Harrow soon ended up as a patient in the Sienkiewicz Psychiatric Hospital, seated in a wheelchair. Under the influence of a sedative, he attempted to reach for a drink, which he thought was sand, only to clumsily knock it over due to the sedatives effects. A nurse noticed his difficulty and approached, but was stopped by a man, who instead took Harrow's wheelchair away with a reassuring pat.

Jake Finds Harrow

Harrow is taken by Jake Lockley

The man wheeled a dazed Harrow through the hospital, and Harrow grew increasingly concerned as they passed dead bodies in the hall. Harrow was wheeled outside, and roughly loaded into the back of a white limousine outside the hospital. Seated inside, Harrow noticed his old master and foe, Khonshu, sat opposite in a white suit. Harrow remarked that Khonshu could not hurt them, referring both to himself and the trapped Ammit within him.

Harrow Demise

Harrow asks for mercy

Khonshu instead spoke to Harrow about Marc Spector, and how he was the only Avatar he would ever need. Tapping the glass, Khonshu had Harrow's kidnapper revealed to him, an alter of Spector he had not yet met, Jake Lockley. Lockley wasted no time in aiming his gun at Harrow, who panicked and tried to protest. Lockley shot Harrow four times, killing him and by extension killing Ammit, ensuring neither would be a threat again, and fulfilling Khonshu's justice. The limousine then drove away, taking Harrow's body with it.[6]


Arthur Harrow appeared as a benevolent preacher, his kindly demeanor having earned him respect and devotion from his followers. Harrow soke in a reassuring soothing tone, and wholeheartedly believed in his cause. Harrow was utterly devoted to Ammit, and with that devotion came a willingness to carry out her will. Harrow was willing to kill anyone, even children, should Ammit decree them as evil, though the killings brought him sorrow to do, feeling saddened at the wasted life of a sinner. In this, he was something of a hypocrite, as he secretly hoped freeing Ammit would redeem him of his own sins, an opportunity he denied to others, though he was willing to die after he freed Ammit from imprisonment, as he was a sinner himself. Due to his sinned past as the Avatar of Khonshu, he put cracked pieces of glass in his shoes and inflicted pain on himself by walking on them as penance and to constantly remind himself of his cause. He was also willing to ruthlessly kill an innocent old man who came across the Scarab of Ammit, showing his utter devotion to Ammit and the success of his mission, to free Ammit from captivity and create a “better” world devoid of any past, present or future evil acts. Harrow spoke spiteful of society at large, seeing it as complacent in sin. Due to his faith in Ammit and her goal to cleanse the world of all evil, Harrow believed that a utopia could be built with everyone living in peace, without potential sinners, as shown in his small community in London where all of his followers lived in happiness and satisfaction.

Harrow was extremely manipulative, appearing friendly to Steven Grant to lure him into handing over the Scarab of Ammit. He was also able to lure Anton Mogart into becoming his ally and preventing Marc Spector from taking what he needed from him. Harrow was also manipulative towards Marc Spector in the hospital. However, Harrow saw this as all necessary for the goals of Ammit and would take all means required to do what he thought had to be done.

Harrow despised Khonshu and blamed the god for the way he was. He admitted he once enjoyed inflicting pain as Khonshu's Avatar, as he believed these acts were done out of justice that was deserved by those who committed sins. Harrow came to see those days as the biggest sin he carried, showing that he hated that part of himself, to the point that he even saw himself as a sinner, as shown when he lived the life of a penitent. He saw the way of Ammit as far more effective in bringing about justice against evil, as it could erase all evil once and for all, while Khonshu’s ways couldn't eradicate sins forever. Seeing Spector’s deeply conflicted mind being manipulated by Khonshu, Harrow appeared to empathize with Spector, as the two of them shared the same troubled life as the Moon Knight. Hence, Harrow still offered Spector the choice of standing down even when he was close to Ammit, showing his belief in being able to change how people see the world. Although he offered his enemies another chance and tried to change their views, Harrow didn't hesitate to resort to killing when they didn't accept it. Despite his grudge against Khonshu, Harrow seemed at least a little saddened as watched Khonshu manipulate the sky, knowing it would result in the god being sealed away.

Powers and Abilities[]

Former Powers[]

"I was his former Avatar. Before you. I was the Fist of Vengeance."
―Arthur Harrow to Steven Grant[src]
  • Divine Empowerment: As the former Avatar of Khonshu, Harrow was able to achieve many superhuman feats during his time as Moon Knight. He regained many of these abilities upon becoming the Avatar of Ammit, as well as gaining several new ones.
    • Superhuman Strength:
      Harrow sends Moon Knight flying in the air

      Harrow sends Moon Knight flying in the air

      Harrow possessed superhuman strength that far exceeded an ordinary human. He was able to fight against Moon Knight and Scarlet Scarab with superhuman strength, holding his own against two other Avatars, even pulling off attacks with ease.
    • Superhuman Durability: To be added
    • Superhuman Speed: To be added
    • Superhuman Agility: To be added
    • Superhuman Stamina: To be added
    • Superhuman Reflexes: To be added
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: To be added
    • Life-Force Absorption/Extraction: Even before he became Ammit's Avatar, Harrow has the ability to extract the life-force from people, and uses it on people deemed bad by the Staff of Ammit. He used it on an old woman in a town full of his followers, and later on a homeless man who had picked up the Scarab. Although when he tried to use it on Steven Grant it failed to work properly on Steven because having multiple people in one body confuses the ritual. His right arm is shown to bear a strange tattoo of the Scales of Justice that shifts underneath his skin when he measures the purity of other people's souls, turning green when they are deemed "balanced", and red when they are not.
    • Power Augmentation: With the aid of Ammit, Harrow was able to increase his own power to grant the Disciples of Ammit the ability to judge people and drain their life-force while not physically present there.
"I judge you in Ammit's name with but a fraction of her power."
―Arthur Harrow[src]
  • Staff of Ammit Capabilities: To be added
    • Judgement Inducement: The Staff of Ammit serves as an extension of Ammit's will, inflicting judgement on those it is placed on. The Staff can determine whether a person will be evil by peering into their past and future. Should they be deemed guilty, the Staff will take their life force. Harrow sees this judgement as absolute.
      • Life-Force Extraction:
        Arthur Harrow vs

        Harrow extracting life-force

        Harrow can also use the Staff to drain the life-force from other people. Harrow used this when judges people. The staff is able to absorb multiple souls at once.
    • Conjuration:
      Arthur Harrow summons a jackal

      Harrow summoning a jackal

      Harrow can use the Staff of Ammit to open a portal of purple energy to another dimension and summons Jackals to Earth. He used this ability once to summon Jackals to attack Steven Grant in the National Art Gallery and later again in his base in London to retrieve the Scarab of Ammit.
    • Energy Manipulation: Harrow was also able to use the Staff of Ammit to emit energy and direct them towards objects or opponents.
      • Energy Blast: The staff can fire purple energy blasts from its head. These blasts can quickly destroy a sarcophagus in the collection of Anton Mogart as well as hold back Moon Knight during their final confrontation in Cairo. When slammed into the ground, it can release a pulse of energy capable of knocking back a bunch of opponents.
    • Power Bestowal: When Harrow was on the pyramid, he conducted a ritual spell to unleash Ammit's full power and grant the Disciples of Ammit the ability to judge people and drain the life force out of potential sinners. His followers could then hold the hands of the citizens of Cairo and judge them.


  • Master Combatant:
    Moon Knight and Arthur Harrow

    Harrow fighting against Moon Knight

    Harrow was a master combatant, being able to hold his own against both Moon Knight and Scarlet Scarab.
  • Staff Mastery: Harrow was extremely skilled in wielding the Staff of Ammit, using it in battle against Moon Knight and Layla.
  • Axe Mastery: Harrow is also capable of transforming the Staff of Ammit into a battle axe for melee purposes.
  • Master Tactician: As a cult leader, Harrow can command multiple of his Disciples into following and worshiping him.
  • Marksman: Harrow precisely shot Marc Spector twice in the torso with a revolver.
  • Multilingualism: Harrow is fluent in his native English and can speak Ancient Egyptian, Coptic, and Arabic, as well as possessing a very rudimentary knowledge of Mandarin.



"It contains in it a tiny sliver of her power."
―Arthur Harrow to Steven Grant[src]
  • Staff of Ammit: Harrow uses the Staff of Ammit to judge people's morality. He places the staff in the hands of a person and holds their hand as the judgement occurs. The staff then weighs their morality and communicates to a tattoo on Harrow's arm, which changes color depending on the person's morality. If the tattoo turns green, they are deemed good, but are deemed bad if the tattoo turns red. However, it will not change color if the person's morality cannot be determined, such as Steven Grant. Harrow is also capable of transforming the staff into a battle axe for melee purposes.
  • Webley .455 Mk VI: Harrow used a revolver to shoot Marc Spector twice in the chest.

Other Equipment[]

This section requires expansion






In chronological order:


  • In the comics, Arthur Harrow was a Nobel prize nominated scientist working for O.M.N.I.U.M. who was suffering from trigeminal neuralgia and whose engagement in illegal human experimentation led to conflict with Moon Knight.
    • The Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Harrow is similar to the Sun King, a psychotic cultist and Avatar of the sun god Amon Ra, who founded a community for the renegades of the society.
    • Harrow also borrows from the character of Dr. Emmet, a female psychiatrist who ran a hospital for the mentally ill where Marc Spector was housed alongside his friends, subjecting him to torture methods such as constant sedation and shock therapy. She was also an Avatar for the goddess Ammit.
  • Harrow puts broken glass in his shoes is a sign of his commitment to his righteous cause and his fundamental belief in the spirit beyond the body. This shows a reason for the Staff of Ammit besides for judgment as he seemingly requires it to walk due to instability. Harrow is still capable of walking short distances without the Staff though, as shown when he was summoned before the Ennead.
  • Harrow claims to be a vegetarian.

Behind the Scenes[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Arthur Harrow.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Arthur Harrow.

External Links[]
