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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Marc Spector was part of a team of mercenaries that hit a dig site in Egypt. Here's what they did to the archaeologists. Zip-tied and shot in the back of the head, execution-style."
Bobbi Kennedy to Billy Fitzgerald[src]

The Raid of Khonshu's Temple was an attack on an Khonshu's Temple executed by Raul Bushman and Marc Spector.


"Turns out going AWOL in a fugue state gets you discharged from the military. Didn't have a ton of options after that, so I went work-for-hire for my old CO Bushman."
Marc Spector[src]

Leaving his family home, Marc Spector joined the United States Marine Corps and served with Raul Bushman as his commanding officer. Due to his dissociative identity disorder, Spector went AWOL in a fugue state, which resulted in him being discharged from the military. With no other place to go, Spector was offered by Bushman to join his mercenary crew, which he accepted.[2]


"My partner got greedy and he executed everyone at the dig site. I tried to save your father, but I couldn't save him. And I..."
"No. But you brought a killer right to him."
Marc Spector and Layla El-Faouly[src]

Raul Bushman and Marc Spector raided a dig site with archeologists who discovered Khonshu's Temple in Egypt. Despite their initial plan, Bushman got greedy and claimed that no witness should be left alive. Bushman executed every single archeologist at the dig site, including Abdallah El-Faouly, and although Spector tried to prevent it, Bushman shot him too.[3]


Moon Knight & Khonshu

Marc Spector accepts Khonshu's offer

"To be my hands, my eyes, my vengeance. To be my final word against the evildoers. To bind your very being to me and eradicate only the worst, those who deserve it. Do you want death or do you want life?"
Khonshu to Marc Spector[src]

Mortally wounded by Raul Bushman, dying Marc Spector crawled inside Khonshu's Temple, where he considered shooting himself to get a painless death. However, he heard the voice of Khonshu who remarked that Spector's death would be just a waste and told Spector that he needs a warrior to punish the evildoers. Spector was rather skeptical but Khonshu offered him a life, in exchange for becoming his warrior, which he eventually accepted. Khonshu granted Spector his ceremonial armor that healed Spector's wounds and turned him into the Moon Knight. Under Khonshu's orders, Moon Knight would kill numerous criminals around the globe to fulfill his part of a deal.[2]

Feeling guilty for what happened with Abdallah El-Faouly, Spector approached his daughter, Layla El-Faouly, and tried to tell her the truth about her father. Spector could not bring himself to confession but he and El-Faouly got close, and eventually got married. However, Spector made a decision to distance himself from El-Faouly, as Khonshu expressed his interest in her as the next Moon Knight, once Spector finishes his mission.[3]

